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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. It's a commodity that's traded in markets and when burned it kills the environment. I don't see politics in that either.
  2. The only major sports are Men's Hockey and Men's BBall. I think both GF and Fargo can support that at a DI level (I realize NDSU does not yet have hockey)
  3. While I agree that FB and BB coaches at NDSU and UND will always be picked by the bigger schools, I do not agree that both UND and NDSU can have good attendance and financial support of both hockey and bball. Especially when the teams could be out of town/in town on alternating weekends.
  4. And as I predicted: a rationalization for "cheaping out" on the tribes. That's fine, just don't expect them to approve UND using the nickname.
  5. How much does Butler's head MBB coach make? How long will it take NDSU and UND to get up to $250k for MBB head coach's salary?
  6. I suppose it is nice that someone is willing to do that for free. One thing that bugs me about all of this: if the Sioux nickname is such a fundamental part of UND's history and existence, why wouldn't the school just buy the tribes off like Florida State, etc.? It appears like UND has not really offered anything of significance to "change their minds". What I mean is, why wouldn't UND do something like offer each tribe a 30 year contract with each tribe getting 20% of all UND Fightion Sioux merchandise sales, in exchange for usage of the nickname, from the very beginning? Why not treat each tribe like a business partner, each with vested interest in the 'program'? Maybe Ron HHIS et al were really just holding out for a better deal? I can already see the responses "why should we have to pay?! Blah blah blah!!". I suppose it's typical thinking for the region, try to be as modest and practical as possible...why pay for water from a creek that runs through your farm? Nothing in the world is free. And trying to get something for free will eventually burn a bridge, at least.
  7. It would depend on how willing or scared into expansion the Summit would be without UND as a candidate. If something major happens and the Summit has to move, it may move into a position where it must expand quickly and UND is not available. Then it may be locked in that position and unable to take UND for a few more years. Eventually UND will get in the Summit League. It might be 5 years from now at the latest, but they will get in eventually. But why risk it? Why not have a guaranteed spot for 2012?
  8. This is also the biggest potential area where the tribes each stand to take a substantial dollar cut from any Sioux merchandise sales. Why they wouldn't have already negotiated a deal, in exchange for the use of the nickname is dumbfounding and brainless, IMO. But, I suppose there may be an overarching sense of "don't make deals with the white man", that type of attitude that prevents that from happening. Not sure, just a guess.
  9. This is a dream, utopian scenario. Certainly one aspect is already false, SR is being pushed, probably already faster than they wanted. But that won't and can't stop, if the nickname has any chance in you know where of being saved. SR has only a couple more months to do something substantial.
  10. That would be fine. But I want UND in the Summit in 2011, not 2012 or later and I don't see how saving the Sioux nickname is worth the year or more delay, sorry.
  11. Why can't the Dakota 4 help make the Summit into our own version of the Horizon, rivaling them in quality? I think given time and with the resources we have being the flagship public, research universities of 2 states, one of us can build our programs to the level of Butler in MBB.
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/27/opinion/27blow.html A bit "in your face", but pretty much dead on accurate.
  13. It's not about the car itself. As long as you have a decent design and you're good at manufacturing, you can make a car economically. It's not about the engine. Electric motors have been superior to internal combustion for 100 years. It's always been about the energy supply. You can store 15 gallons of gasoline at a cost of only ~90 pounds, get 300 miles out of it and refuel in ~5-10 minutes. Battery packs weigh many hundreds of pounds, only give ~40 miles on a charge and take hours to recharge. But we will figure out how to bring the numbers close enough to be acceptable where people will buy. I think people will live with giving up a thousand pounds from the car to lug around the battery pack, so long as the charge will go far and you can recharge or swap the pack in a reasonable amount of time. Home/work/street charging is fine and probably will be utilized to some extent, but I don't see the paradigm of refueling/recharging at a station going away. Too much investment in that infrastructure and business.
  14. The SBoHE will and should retire the nickname if the referendum isn't before June. SR has had its chance and they will probably blow it for good.
  15. In my view it would be 100% the Standing Rock's fault. They've had forever to get their butts in gear. You snooze you lose.
  16. Yeah but you know exactly what's going to happen. The SBoHE is going to retire the nickname in April or May so that UND can officially apply to the Summit by the June deadline. Then sometime later this year the SR will finally get off their slow bums and have a vote where 50-60% will approve of the nickname. The whole ordeal is such a joke. Put it out of its misery!
  17. Good point. UND should join the WCHA for all sports! fail
  18. People are doing that now. Give it time. Passenger cars are already moving towards electric engines for their obvious advantages over internal combustion.
  19. I have serious doubts that anyone of you would still be such zealots for democracy if the vote were rendered meaningless. You care now because it's convenient for your agenda.
  20. The Volt is not a game changer, no one was claiming that. I said in my lifetime. Give it 20 years. Sheesh.
  21. The reason Bisonville did not approve of him was because it was not his goal to expand NDSU as big and as fast as possible. Nor was he our in the ND higher ed court "throwing elbows", if you will, as Chapman had, in order to achieve that growth. That put him in their dog house. Luckily for NDSU, the selection committee doesn't even know what Bisonville is and the opinions on that board have zero sway with the committee. I'm hopeful they'll select someone closer to Hanson than Chapman, when it comes to growth.
  22. "...it might not happen soon..." The only thing capitalism guarantees is that oil companies will try to squeeze as much profit out of oil as they can, for as long as they're allowed. It doesn't matter a cow pie to them if they hold us back another 50-100 years in progress, so long as they get their money.
  23. http://www.fastcompany.com/1593916/better-...-by-the-numbers One thing I am convinced of: internal combustion engines in passenger vehicles have one foot in the grave. It might not happen soon, but in my lifetime we will see 100% passenger vehicles operating on total battery power.
  24. All Bisonville cares/cared about is growth. Growth = success. Growth = NDSU wins. The bigger and faster NDSU grows = the bigger and better NDSU is and therefore the better NDSU leadership must have been. Anyone who dares to slow down or refine the growth = a piss-poor leader who need to be fired immediately.
  25. Of all the board, Goon is the one I would be most likely to buy a beer.
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