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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. If UND basketball started winning and started playing games in the Ralph, there's no reason it couldn't be just as popular in Grand Forks.
  2. But the hockey fans claim that the nickname and "80 years of tradition" are being thrown away just so that basketball can get into the Summit. It's a worthless, emotionally based argument, but it's what's being parroted at the hockey watercoolers.
  3. And until you've experienced your team being a part of march madness, you'll never be able to figure it out.
  4. If they can't get Notre Dame, the next logical thing would be to expand the BTN to as many cable systems in the NYC metro area as well as New York state and New Jersey. To me that puts Rutgers and Syracuse at the top of the list with possibly UConn there as well.
  5. That's the only way their vote becomes relevant. If nothing happens before June the nickname is as good as retired.
  6. When is the next election scheduled at SR? Or would they hold a special election just for this issue?
  7. Don't pretend to be so innocently naive, you're not. It's as simple as being clever and benign versus being spiteful and hurtful. Try to have some class. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  8. Don't pretend to be so innocently naive, you're not. You know full well that your examples don't impart near the personally degrading connotations that 'Whiskey Joe' does.
  9. I personally don't hold Chapman in that high of status anymore, but I assume 'you' refers to NDSU fans. But it's not nearly like you say. Even still....I repeat, two wrongs make a right? Why can't UND fans take the high road? Show us the way?
  10. Obviously they weren't playing as well as they could, but was it on purpose? Just smells, is all.
  11. I always wonder if some of these one-bid league tournaments aren't rigged to try to get 2 teams dancing? Gonzaga is obviously head and shoulders above anyone in the WCC. Oh but wait, Saint Mary's destroys them in the championship game? How convenient... Wouldn't surprise me a bit if Wright State "somehow" pulls it out against Butler, another team that would likely get an at-large bid.
  12. Where does "Whiskey Joe" come from? There's a colloquial usage of the disparaging phrase on this board, but I've never read anything about Chapman having any alcohol related problems. Maybe he does and I just didn't read those articles. But if not, then the continued usage of it is very childish and discredits anyone who is pretending to be an unbiased, factual source of information about Chapman's unethical actions.
  13. You're entitled to think that way but I think it only validates what I've been saying, that those who want to punish the SBoHE looking backwards have an ulterior agenda.
  14. I was correct back when I wrote that, there was no credible evidence that Chapman had done anything wrong. Now there is. There is no evidence that anyone in the SBoHE knew what was going on and intentionally mislead the people of ND. You are the one who is guessing and reaching.
  15. How do you oversight something that is being hidden from you? Hello? So maybe the SBoHE should be commissioning audits of each NDUS institution's finances every semester? Or what? Maybe that will be something that comes out of this, some protocol or procedure will get updated, no doubt. But that is going forward. How can you possible fault the SBoHE looking back? Nonsense. Don't try "someone has to pay for it" either, Chapman and now Adams are out. Good enough.
  16. Good! They should take all of it for the damage that fossil fuel combustion does to the environment.
  17. Bloom boxes are nothing radically new. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_oxide_fuel_cell I don't think they're a solution to fossil fuels, but they may change the dynamic in how energy is distributed from a central generation station that transmitts energy via lines to customers to the customers generating their own energy locally.
  18. I corrected myself. It is a state issue, but the SBoHE is at no fault for Chapman's unethical actions. How could they be if he was hiding his actions from them? What a joke of a witch hunt, motivated by the nickname.
  19. And North Dakota is a member of the United States of America. Is it a federal problem too? You're badly reaching, Sic. You want SBoHE heads to roll for the nickname and you don't care what excuse is used to do it.
  20. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2...ne-bottle-water Pie in the sky, sure. But who knows, anything that gets us off oil is only a positive. The pessimist in me says that oil companies are so perversely rich and powerful that they'd just buy any upstart, new technology and burn it or keep it on hold the next 50-100 years until they squeeze every last drop of profit out of fossil fuels for themselves.
  21. I say that Joe does look like he did some unethical things while at NDSU. He also, obviously, did some very positive things for the school. Not a whole lot else to say about that, other than the SBoHE has nothing to do with the situation.
  22. Even if Boise leaves, there are better, west-coast market schools that would be more attractive to the WAC members. And as you point out Montana would have to add sports.
  23. Sorry, it's not the SBoHE's problem. You will use any excuse to fire them to get revenge over the nickname. Be a man and admit that and I'll shut up.
  24. FCS may have to cut scholarship maximums. For most FCS teams, they're giving away 63 scholarships at DII revenue levels and they're going out-of-state to get skill position players. I don't see how going FBS makes it any better, assuming there is an FBS conference that even wants Montana. WAC is a stretch, unless something drastic changes.
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