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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Right...and thus why regulation/oversight is a necessary evil.
  2. I guess what you understand to be commonly true is different based on your bias? Feel free to list the actual evidence you have to back up your hypothesis. Until then, it's slander.
  3. What proof do you have of that? Didn't think so.
  4. What proof do you have that Chapman intentionally tried to break the rules versus just making a mistake due to the lack of oversight? The only thing you have factually is that more money was spent than what was approved and the SBoHE's cover their butts claim that it was intentional.
  5. I love it when the old-timers try to lament how "things've changed!". No...no they haven't. People are basically the same. They've always tried to bend the rules. That's why you have law enforcement. Simply having a law on the books doesn't do any good.
  6. Of course. Chapman has faced the consequences, he no longer gets to be president of NDSU. Consequences faced. Point is, if the SBoHE thinks that just having a policy is enough to stop anyone from breaking it...well they know better. It's hogwash. They've got to be out there enforcing it (read:oversight) if they expect people to follow the policy to the T.
  7. It's called CYA -- cover your a$$. He's doing nothing more than using Chapman as a scapegoat for the board's lack of oversight. Trying not to share in the blame. The policy itself is useless if you have no one enforcing it! Duh!! You can't just throw out a policy on paper and say "yep, we documented that policy!" and expect people to abide by every letter on their own.
  8. Disagree. A good leader will push the envelope, within reason, until the proper authorities tell you you have pushed too far. Analogy: you know there is a governor on the truck but you don't know what the cut-off is, so you go as fast as you can until it cuts off. The within reason part comes into play when you're going 75 mph and no cut-off yet, you probably don't keep pushing to 90. Unfortunately, the governor (SBoHE) was completely broken in this case and Chapman pushed it too far. But to say it's 100% Chapman's fault for pushing at all? Bulllllsh*t. Everyone pushes the envelope.
  9. Again, false analogy. The SBoHE is like a governor on the speed of your company's truck. The engine cuts out at 55 mph. But if the governor is broken, you might get away with going faster than the limit...or you might get caught and be fired from the job. Point is, with a correctly functioning governor it's a non-issue.
  10. Your analogy only works if members of the SBoHE knew about the condition of the project at NDSU and purposefully looked the other way to allow it to happen. That didn't happen and thus your analogy fails.
  11. The cause was lack of oversight, plain and simple. When people don't have oversight, they make decisions that they feel are acceptable when they may in fact not be acceptable to the governing body. It's the SBoHE's fault for not keeping a watch on the project.
  12. As I've said all along, it was an oversight issue. That will be corrected. You can bet this type of thing won't happen for a long time at NDSU or UND, as all new projects will have very close eyes on them from the SBoHE.
  13. Standing Rock has had three YEARS to get a vote done. Fast track it? There is no such thing.
  14. Because "The Tribe" is not necessarily referring to a group of Native-Americans. A tribe can refer to any ethnic group. Note that the old "Tribe" lettering did in fact have an Indian feather and that did have to be removed.
  15. Well did anyone bother to ask the tribes if that date seemed reasonable? I rather doubt it, especially seeing glacial pace that the tribes go about their business. But is anyone on here complaining about how the Nov 2010 should've never been agreed too? No, of course not...not yet anyway. Give it until Dec
  16. We get it star2...you're looking for an excuse to stop donating money to UND student athletes. Just don't complain when the quality of the team goes south.
  17. Thanks for the history, but my point still stands correct: the NCAA had the authority to govern UND's nickname. Most Sioux fans do not respect that authority. But most all respect the deadline that the NCAA arbitrarily picked. Pick and choose for what meets your agenda.
  18. The NCAA governed the use of nicknames via the 'Hostile and Abusive' program. That's a fact.
  19. I found it hilarious because everyone of the ultra-bitter Sioux fans on here predicted doom and gloom for UND athletics once the nickname was retired. Nope, hasn't happened yet. Now go off and be bitter.
  20. And you have direct knowledge of this? On yeah, this is a message board. Bohl is not going anywhere. He did not force the bad apples to steal from Best Buy and has only done the exactly correct thing upon learning of it. Good job coach!
  21. Fetch, whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm guessing you were one of the few ultra-bitter folks who are disavowing UND student-athletes?
  22. The paradox is that not a single Sioux fan respects the NCAA's right to govern the choice of nickname that its member schools use, yet almost all vehemently respect the date that it arbitrarily picked as the deadline to get the tribe's support. Was any real thought given to picking the correct date for the deadline? Did the NCAA have any idea how slow tribal politics work? Maybe, if they did some research and talked to the tribes, they would've concluded that a more thoughtful deadline would've been Nov 2012! But no, no...Nov 30th 2010 isn't now, yet, and so anything that gives the Sioux nickname more time is to be respected without question!
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