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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. FWIW, I also saw that Hayden visited FU before he headed up I-29 to Grand Forks... so both are looking at him. Don't know about Timm and Maager.
  2. He's invested. Just free to cheer for or against whomever he wishes.
  3. Me thinks you put too much weight behind likes and dislikes on here.
  4. Murphy has done that every year for as long as I can remember OSU coming to the Ralph. This is nothing new, folks. Just because Brad finally knows who Dr. Murphy is, makes it news to Brad, I guess.
  5. Since we shared something similar on the men's side... thought I would pull out the women's projections.
  6. Youth swimming lessons might be another money maker for them.. .unless you're counting that under camps too.
  7. http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/2017/02/starting-from-the-top/
  8. It's not a new position. It's been there since at least Kupchella. ...and I'm sorry, but it is needed. The position does far more than what's listed in the Herald, which seemed to only highlight the responsibilities that might elicit populist outrage.
  9. This is my read, too. It's common practice in the world of high-profile academic hiring to receive a courtesy tip from "someone in the know" that you are not among the top 2-3 choices.... thus allowing one, if they choose, to bow out gracefully and return to their campus with a limited amount of egg on their face for trying to leave (and not making the final cut). I recall this happening to Kupchella once during in his days as UND prez when he was on a list for the president's job at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. It won't be long before Dr. B is named to another shortlist and the process will start anew.
  10. For the past 5-7 years, being best in the state was the best nationally, and we can certainly continue that trend regardless of which conference we are in for football -- at a lower cost, within driving distance of our traditional rivals and in our geographical footprint/time zone. Thus I'm not buying the utter doom and gloom scenarios.
  11. What's Bull's offer with Fresno? Full, partial, PWO?
  12. I can see that. I might be giving him a little more credit but that's just my nature.
  13. You've gotta look at the body of his work and not just one half of one game. He's been clutch for us more often than not.
  14. Who said Baldwin doesn't look like D1 material? You serious?
  15. If you take it to the end ...there is a link that will let you watch the entire roughly 13 minutes video.
  16. I agree... it chips away at some of the misconceptions that exist between UND's two biggest athletic programs, IMHO.
  17. Kind of a fun video that shows the friendship between Bubs and Bubba in the new issue of UND Today! http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/2017/01/bubs-on-bubba-bubba-on-bubs/
  18. Did Strand even play last year? Pretty sure she sat out the year with injury. Unless you mean last yeAr as in last semester in 2016.
  19. Looks like Arnell has tweeted NCAA ruled no hardship year for him. He's pretty upset and justly so.
  20. You should take a step back and think before you post all half cocked... free country and all, but ...just a thought. Take care and have a great day!
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