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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. How many teams make the BSC tourney?
  2. The bleachers are on that side. The other side is SRO right now.
  3. Still 20 minutes to go before game time!
  4. Huge fan turnout at the HPC!!!!! Wow!
  5. I will be there tonight with bells on! I'm ELCA, so yes, basically unholy.
  6. If little girls in our area are good enough and want to play D-1 hockey.... I'd think Scanlan would love to accommodate them just a couple hours east on U.S. 2. The Beavers are pretty damn good, too. They beat us enough. It's not like there's a total void in our region for WH.
  7. President Kennedy held a celebration with the team yesterday to recognize their Conference championship and trip to The Dance. I was not there and don't know if anything was said.. but it would have been an opportune time to let the program know what future plans may be in store for coaching contracts. Yes, I realize this does little for recruits but I am sure that they can be told just as well that there is a quiet offer on the table and that it can't be made official for a while to get farther beyond the program cutting news. I know nothing... just saying. Optics is a b!tCh sometimes.
  8. They started studying the idea in 2009 and concluded they needed closer to $40 million in endowment to make it work.
  9. Kennedy came along and finally had the cajones to do something about it instead of kick the can down the suck hole some more.
  10. Sorry gang.... unless the practices are on Saturdays or Sundays, I'm out of the picture this time of the year. I wish I could be out there, too!
  11. It wasn't publicized well but St. Cloud tried to do the same thing as UND with WH a few years ago but got slapped back with the threat of a Title IX lawsuit. They blinked and have since kept it despite very much not wanting to keep it. This is very much UND wants to avoid.
  12. I grew up in Dickinson (1976-1993) and attended two years at Dickinson State in the late 80s early 90s before coming to UND. Went to hundreds of Blue Hawk football and basketball games in my youth, too. That anyone even mentioned or remembered "Savages" then or now is overstating it just a bit. Can't speak for Stanford... but the old Redskins is pretty much an oscure footnote these days around Forks. I am sure I can find some diehards from Grand Forks Central... but the passion doesn't even register on the give-a-crap scale in comparison to what we have at UND.
  13. Valid point. There were a lot of factors that made it a three-ring circus, the administration being only one. The high intense public and media interest, hyperfueled by Social Media exacerbated things big time. No one could do anything related to the transition without an open-records request inquiring what anyone had for breakfast that morning and what side of the bed they rose from. Then you had the whole dynamic of social media that let everyone with a device and a connection tell everyone their "professional" opinion on what was happening and how much they hated this or that. The irresponsible (meaning no one had to truly own their comments/opinions beyond their pseudonymous screen name) and anonymous scrutiny was white hot. It was a perfect recipe for a gong show regardless. It is what it is.
  14. What's hilarious is there is an entire thread on Bville devoted to this sort of thing, except in reverse, as in too much UND news/sports in the Fargo Forum. They blame it on the fact there is such a UND influence in the ownership, management and editorial leadership. In fact, Today's Fargo Forum sports front has a huge page carrying photo and story about UND. That outta get the sports bros down south riled up! I guess it goes both ways and you notice it more depending on which side your on. Kind of like how libs see conservative bias in every hometown newspaper and local conservatives see only liberal bias in the very same newspapers. Two different takes through the same prism. Oh well!
  15. The new Fetch. And I say that with all affection directed toward Fetchy.
  16. how'd you slip that f-bomb by? Mods must be sleeping!!!!
  17. Good points and thanks for the response! I just try to express my opinion and sometimes razz a few who are easily aroused. I think your assessment is the way things are and will be playing out over time.
  18. No one here is anti hockey. We just love ALL Fighting Hawks sports. Not just one.
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