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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Very nice indeed! Love that stroll back down memory lane!
  2. Pretty damn special year ..... https://www.midcosn.com/videos/?v=kq1pIj_VbCA
  3. I think that makes sense. Really lends itself to the historical aspect of it all, too. So, we would have 5 with the old Blackhawk logo, 2 with the geometric logo and 1 with just North Dakota, so far, and when the Fighting Hawks sweater is developed we could go with that some day. I like the historical vibe it conveys.
  4. It's one yuuge advantage that our regional rivals and peers have over us: No fractured fan bases, No substantial divisiveness and very little in-fighting beyond disagreements about on-the-field strategies or coaching moves/decisions. There's plenty of blame to go around dating back a long ways. Unfortunately, we have become far too comfortable in recent years in hating ourselves (nickname debacle, AD decisions, UND Presidential actions, campus politics, hockey vs. everyone else). We're just now getting used to the feeling of what it feels like to be good again. I'm not saying anyone needs to change their opinions on anything --God, knows I've made my piece with my opinions on this subject ---but the longer we persist as a disjointed fan base, the slower it will be before we can all truly feel good about "us" again. We have seen the enemy and it is us. It's up to us to decide how long it will take to make peace with ourselves. Only then will we really get moving forward again.
  5. Who took SRT's money or was he a walk-on and that's why it was made it easier to leave the program?
  6. Do we still have an open scholly to give after the mid-year departure of Rolls-Tyson? Would be nice to pull a Jim Hayford move and find a JUCO or grad transfer big who can shoot and defend to fill that spot for next year. (IF IT'S AVAILABLE) Our resume as an NCAA tourney team might help entice someone like that.
  7. It's such a fragile psychological part of the game. Guys that shoot 42% plus from 3-pt range ... can't buy a basket at the line.
  8. I think Bob would know I'm there to watch basketball first and foremost.
  9. What's the difference?? You watching a concert tonight or hoops?
  10. we're not doing ourselves any favors.
  11. Rather have no coverage than let those dorks do it for us. Gross.
  12. You might not have to worry about it much longer if this keeps up. Uggh. Not worth writing about if you ask me, right now.
  13. Portland State coach is done. Sorry if already posted elsewhere. http://goviks.com/news/2017/3/15/tyler-geving-will-not-return-as-portland-state-mens-basketball-coach-in-2017-18.aspx#.WMmo78Yn3l0.facebook
  14. Band is on spring break and they were already gone on their separate ways before we knew we were going to be in the Dance, so kind of hard to plan for that. How do you even do that? Band director: "Ok, I know we are all going on spring break back to our hometowns, Cancun, Daytona, etc. etc. etc. but there is a chance that our Basketball Team might make it to the NCAAs for the first time ever, so if you can stick around until we know more -- that would be greeaat, or if you must go, please consider getting back here early so we can take a bus to wherever we are scheduled to play, if we can get hotel rooms and all that logistical nonsense. Sound good... great!" You might get a handful to do it.... but it would look even lamer to have a small number than none at all IMHO. That said, thanks for making the trip and showing your support... now go Hawks!
  15. Part of me does not want this game to happen so fast so we can bask in this good feeling a bit longer.... oh well, here's to shocking the world!
  16. Not many and they petered out very quickly as they realized they were greatly outnumbered. Usually one dude that yells it out out of the blue and then looks around for reactions. But, like someone said earlier, who the hell cares? It's about UND not the University of the Fighting Hawks or whatever else you want to put int there. Now let's shock the world tomorrow night!
  17. I hope you're right. I think it might be slower than you think.... not that I agree with that approach. Let's just say ...they're not enthusiastic about changes right now.
  18. You're very very warm. REA is not interested in doing much of anything in the Raph or Betty for the time being when it comes to new logos, as I understand it.
  19. It's a fan message board. What do you expect? Comments tend to live on the extreme edges. We are either world beaters or worst in the world... not much room for level headed benefit of the doubt pragmatism. No fun in that, I guess. That's what other fan bases do (or sugar coat everything, er, yeah, that's you Bville). Not us...we eat our own -- in the middle of the most successful athletic era in recent memory (1 Natty, 5 conference championships and a trip to The Dance and the NIT) I did get a kick out of your post, though. I've never seen a fan base that hates itself (University, athletics program as a whole) as much as we do. LOL! Some will argue they're just being honest and calling a spade a spade. Maybe. It's hard to tell sometimes. But, man, the armchair opinions sure can get harsh. I guess we feel owed or something. Fight on Hawks!
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