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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Defense is pouring it on
  2. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Butler with a sack on Mollberg
  3. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Chris Brown followed up with a pick 6 on Mollberg
  4. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    William James with a safety pick on Bartles
  5. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    DB's are getting off the corners. Dayo with a sack on Bartels. Left ends are struggling a bit.
  6. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Distrerhaupt with 2 sacks and a goalline stand on the day
  7. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Mollberg with a beautiful run and throw to his right to find TE Ruhe in corner of the end zone. Put it low where only Ruhe could get it. Ruhe made a diving sliding cTch.
  8. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    B. Carr with a touchdown saving pick.
  9. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Reyes is helping me forget about Kuksa more and more. The guy can flat out crush you across the middle. At least 2 today alone and a near INT. He had two hits that elicited a vocal "oooh" from the crowd.
  10. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Defense has the edge so far.
  11. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Pecosky with a 25 yd pitch and run from Mollberg for a TD
  12. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Check that. Might have been Studsrud At QB
  13. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Walker with a nice out pattern reception of about 30 yds from Hanson.
  14. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Instead of praising the Hogs after Shaugs nice run, Coach Knauf groups them up on the sidelines and gives them a stern talking to, challenging them to compete at an even higher level. I like his style!
  15. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    The O-line and the running game get in sync finally with Shaugaby reeling off about a 50 yd td run.
  16. Story on Blackwell from the Dickinson Press: http://www.thedickinsonpress.com/content/blackwell-commits-und-football
  17. Thanks for he recruiting updates, Hambone! Much appreciated.
  18. For being such big rivals, you guys sure come to each other's defense a lot. Some vicious rivalry you have there.
  19. Wonder if he's following in his parents' footsteps and wants to go to a school with a great Petroleum Engineering Program. I heard that program was expecting around 300 students this fall, but now it's looking closer to 400.
  20. At 6'3", he's no "Midget" -- yet he is. Go DHS and welcome to the UND family! (from a proud a DHS alum )
  21. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    I'm not a doctor and I don't pretend to play one on TV and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I think your're right. It appears most of the issues are the result of young players learning how to practice at this level.
  22. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Add Simmons, Ferguson and Blackmon to the list of players on the sidelines in shorts. Join Cerriteno and Tank Harris. None seem to have serious injuries.
  23. Teeder11

    Fall Camp

    Tauberheim: I was worried when we finally had to say good-bye to Zeb. However, after watching Tauberheim kick FGs, I think we'll be in good hands -- or feet, if you will. I have not seen enough of him on kick-offs, so I can't comment there. Bakker: I'm always worried when a guy's football origins are out of Europe. I don't care if it's on an American Air Base in Germany; the fact of the matter is that the true American football culture is not engrained over there at all. American football here in the USA is second nature to most of us, like hockey in Canada and soccer everywhere else outside of North America. All that said: Bakker has got it. I don't know where he got it or how, but he plays smart and with great intensity. He looks big on the field -- bigger than I thought he'd be -- and he plays even bigger. Sound tackler, who wraps up and plays to the whistle. Carrothers: he's holding his own quite nicely against the other big boys in the trenches. He flies around and plays on the edge. He gives up a bit in the size department, comparatively speaking, but plays bigger; he plays the way we would want all of our DLs to play.
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