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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Don't forget. Even the slightest hint of a compliment toward a team that is not performing well is usually met on here with a chorus of accusations that you're content with the product on the ice, field, court, pitch, etc., even if it is not the case. It's more fun, I guess.
  2. What does any of this have to do with the thread topic?
  3. Have you proven whose is bigger yet?
  4. I have no idea. I have never visited, or even commented on, any of their message boards. Is it the same over there -- anyone who knows? Are there a lot of UND fans that troll their site? I've just never had the interest. I guess I get enough of them over here.
  5. Thought so. And it most likely holds true for your debate-mate,as well.
  6. Who cares? What is the point of this back and forth?
  7. Sheesh.... both are impressive.
  8. They're both pretty darn impressive given the differences in the magnitude of the games and size of the venues involved. Both schools should be proud.
  9. Since we are guessing: I'd highly doubt it.
  10. Color me impressed. The majority on here are impressed, too. Some folks like to focus and fixate on those who say they're not impressed. More fun, I guess.
  11. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys did awesome!!!!!!! Thanks for doing North Dakota proud!!!!!!!!!
  12. For a bit of perspective, the tall EERC building to the right of the HPC in the image is just over 70 feet tall.
  13. No argument there from me. Although, Korrie Wenzel, the relatively new Herald publisher and the editorial writer in this case, represents new blood on the board compared to the old board that made those past decisions. Jacobs and Yellow Bird are gone from the Herald leadership now. Hopefully, this is a step in a different direction.
  14. In the spirit of fairness, this line was in the same editorial but did not make your initial post. Emphasis mine. As for us, we (The Herald editorial board) feel the university was bullied by the NCAA to retire the nickname. We (The Herald editorial board) still proudly wear Sioux gear to games and probably will for a while. There is a difference between racial insensitivity and supporting the university’s proud past.
  15. I love them all! Go UND!!!!!
  16. That's not weird. ( I know you didn't say it was.)
  17. Bigs have to get more active and dare I say violent under the hoop
  18. UND has left 6 easy points on the court in the first 10 minutes due to missed lay ups.
  19. Fetchy, did you even read Jdub's post at 11:33 a.m., or did you just feel the need to re-post the exact same link for emphasis sake?
  20. Folks say recruits embellish their attributes on their Hudl tapes, so it's probably more likely he only benches single plates and the bar! Ouch.
  21. I don't know if he's any good or what kind of competition he plays against in JUCO, but a 40-time under 4.4 is pretty dang fast, even for a running back, right?
  22. Is it or is it not the players' decision whether they red shirt or not, or is a combination of both coaches' decisions and players'? Thanks in advance if anyone has insight on this.
  23. He fully understands it and appreciates it. I spent a good deal of time chatting with Dr. Kelley and Marcia at Saturday's women's basketball game against Montana , just as I've done at many other games before that. He gets it. But despite what I say here, we are all going to read something different into his actions and decisions as president based on our relative biases about the man -- good or bad. He will continue to make decisions about athetics based on its impact on the institution as a whole. That's his responsibility as president of the entire University .... Not just the athetics department. I am sure there are some in the arts and sciences and fine arts at UND that believe his administration is hostile to them, too, based on what they perceive as true or not. That doesn't make it so, though.
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