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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I don't know, from the games I've watched, physicality wasn't an issue, but I guess I would defer that question to Sagard or other gopher fans as to how they think this team plays physically compared to prior teams. Regardless, I think they will try come out and hit to establish that they won't be pushed around on a smaller rink.
  2. Obviously, we know that you can throw stats out the window in this series. I think that Minnesota is going to come out trying to avenge the Regional loss and come at us hard, as well as be a little physical with Wheeler, Bickel, etc. The Sioux will need to match or exceed their passion and let them know that the Ralph is our barn, not Mariucci West. I think it's going to be some intense hockey, because both teams need the points to not fall too far off the pace.
  3. Dang right, now they are even getting 5 minute powerplays without getting checked from behind. Who do we get this weekend Sheppard?
  4. Does St. Cloud plan on him playing a year of Jr. hockey or coming straight from high school?
  5. Cary Eades said today on McNamara that Chay wants to play against Minnesota, but they will have to wait and see. If that's the case, then Blackheart's source needs to be discarded.
  6. I wouldn't mind Nordics or something to that effect, but you know the opponent's fans will take out the "R" in their chants towards our teams. I'm not sure any name would be free from that kind of scrutiny, much like they call us "Sue" now, but if they want to keep the gutter stuff away, I'm not sure this would be the best. Nordiques would be better for that reason.
  7. If you think we have troubles being confused with NDSU now, don't give people a nickname to differentiate between the two. I think people will be confusing the two from here to eternity then. I for one don't want NDSU getting credit for our accomplishments. "Oh, North Dakota won the national championship. Aren't they the Bison?", is a scenario I don't want to see.
  8. tnt

    Brother Combos

    Not sure if Dave and Mel Donnelly were brothers. Were Adrian Hasbargan and Amber Hasbargan brother and sister?
  9. Actually, hasn't it gone down?
  10. Much like the NCAA has a ten minute cooling off period before players talk to the media, I give myself a one day cooling off period coming off a disappointing loss. After that, it is easier to put a hard loss into perspective, and it never seems to be as bad as first thought. That may be the case on Saturday's loss. On the positive side, the Sioux only have 2 subpar games to this point, compared to many at this time last year. That said, the next 4 games will tell a lot about this team.
  11. Maybe coaches just keep it a bit more under wraps about the WCHA title than they did in the past. I guess I just expect to hear things like "we can't afford to fall anymore points behind CC if we want to win a WCHA title". Maybe it is said to the players, not the media. If it was said last weekend, the urgency certainly didn't seem to be there. With Denver pulling out the win on Saturday, it kept the possibilities alive. I believe both Minnesota and UND are done with CC for the year, so head to head isn't a possibility. After the second half records of Minnesota and Wisconsin the past 2 years, it may be a bit early to be conceding anything at this point. Every team will have a lull, it's just a matter of when, and how bad.
  12. Actually, it was Lucia that kind of diminished the WCHA title with his statements about just finishing in the top 3 to make a run in the NCAA tourney. From what I recall, he didn't even want to celebrate on the ice a couple years ago, then heard it from some people. I understand his philosophy that the whole job wasn't done, but it still was an accomplishment that deserves to be put on a pedestal. Last year he kind of changed his tune, probably because he saw what happened the year before and realized that this is an accomplishment that can't be taken away from you, regardless of how you fare in the NCAA tourney.
  13. I look at the Broadmoor Cup as I would a Holiday tournament championship, a trophy that anyone can win with a few good games. I suppose it's nice to have, but not really something one would use as fuel in an argument. I don't hear St. Cloud fans touting beating us years back as a milestone. I think they realize the WCHA and NCAA titles are more respected, although once again I think the WCHA has lost a bit of sheen.
  14. Not saying that the league title is out of the picture, but I am disappointed that the McNaughton Cup doesn't seem to be as prestigious as it once was. I still hold it in high regard, because it means that a team was consistent against the toughest competition in the country. The Sioux just haven't been consistent enough to come close to this lately, but hopefully it starts this weekend against Denver. We all know that in the NCAA tourney, a bad bounce similar to what happened to Lamoureux on Saturday, may end your season. Because of this, it would be nice to have a McNaughton Cup in your back pocket. I simply would hate to see Oshie, Chorney, Duncan, etc. leave UND without a single piece of hardware. In order to accomplish this, they can't continue to throw away points early in the year, and with the way CC is playing, they can ill afford to be .500 going into the Christmas break, which would make winning 3 of the next 4 very important. Also, Hak has stated the need to get a high, if not top seed for the NCAA tourney, to avoid playing a Michigan in the 1st game. Winning the WCHA would almost assure you of a top seed. Let's start the second half surge a little early this year and give ourselves a little breathing room.
  15. Don't think even Dale Lennon would classify this as being robbed. You can make a case for Freund, but Miller is an awesome talent, and head to head he led his team to a win.
  16. Heck, I would sell the four upperbowl I have for Friday and Saturday for $65 each, although Friday's tickets are 2 and 2 in two different locations.
  17. Just heard the Finley and Bucky story on the national news on the radio. They kind of made light of it by using the Tonya Harding angle and had Nancy Kerrigan crying "WHY, WHY".
  18. Whatever the new nickname and logo, I hope that someone will still sell retro Sioux items. If it would cause problems for the University to sell it, then I hope Bennett Brien sells it as his artwork. The NCAA can't control an artist selling his work, whether it's on clothes or not.
  19. You can say what you will about Arnason, but he does what he needs to help Red River win. He was the leader in save percentage by far, which is hard to argue with. If anything, Groves percentage should be inflated by playing more western teams. I am not saying Arnason will make it in college anywhere, but I'm not so sure other North Dakota talent is much better.
  20. Of course, after practicing against snipers like Oshie, Duncan and Kozek, the puck must look like a beachball coming at him. Before any OHL people get bent out of shape, I'm only kidding, but it can't hurt to have faced shots from those guys day in and day out.
  21. I never am satisfied with a split at home, and I am sure Hakstol and hopefully the team feel the same way. Saying that, I am not totally disappointed with a split on the road. The way I look at CC is that they have some young "D" they are working into the equation, and if they can beat us on our home ice now, they hypothetically have a greater ways to grow into a better team, although with the way Hak's teams have played in the second half, that might not be true in fact. I think it would prove a point that the Sioux aren't going to leave anything to chance the second half, and are looking at every weekend to achieve a #1 seed to make it a bit easier on themselves to get to Denver. It will be a huge test to be sure, but I hope the Sioux are looking at it like that. Now if we lose on Friday night, then I'll be happy with a split.
  22. Don't think it could have been layed out any better. The publicity and cultural awareness derived from the nickname will slowly fade away, and after a while many Native Americans might wonder how and why their leadership led them down that path. I can only hope that UND leadership would use this approach and realize what a priviledge it is to be aligned with the University of North Dakota.
  23. I have no problem with NDSU fans being excited and giddy about playing and beating high-profile teams, because I would be happy to see the Sioux play and beat the same teams in sports other than hockey. My problem is with the media, trying to turn what is good for North Dakota in general into a popularity contest. Their agenda should be giving us great sports coverage, and letting fans discuss stuff like that on their own.
  24. The best thing to say is that the media in Fargo are trying to make Bison football the fan favorite around the area. It seems like they have led in their sportscasts with Bison football against the gophers since right after the win against Mississippi Valley State. I realize that part of it is they are located in Fargo, but it shows how starved they are to take on big names. After the Sioux football team beat Northern Iowa, who are far better than the gophers as well, WDAZ in Grand Forks led with the story for 2 days at most, and it disappeared after that. I'm sure we can expect to see the Fargo stations begin the hype for the basketball game against Florida any day now. It is nice to be playing those teams, but act like you've been there before and it would add a whole lot more creditability to NDSU's status as big-timer's.
  25. When was the last time you heard Gopher fans in hockey say they were embarrassed to lose to the Sioux. That's all I heard last weekend when the Bison beat an incredibly bad Gopher team, that really could be winless and the worst BCS team. When a team that poor is embarrassed to lose to someone, that is saying something.
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