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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Sorry, I thought you meant the other two guys on his line.
  2. That's your standard for a freshman? Make as many plays as Oshie and Duncan. Don't you think your expectations need to be tempered a bit. Hak and Hennessey both thought he played really well, I'll go with that.
  3. Were you watching the same game as me. Hennessey had Frattin as one of the stars of the game because of how he fit in on that line, and I would have to agree.
  4. Interesting to see in Brad's blog that Hakstol thinks both Marto and Lapoint are ready to step into the lineup. If that's the case, then there are going to be some hard, but nice decisions to make from game to game. Competition can only make them better. Looking forward to seeing Lapoint, Frattin, Malone, etc. for the first time.
  5. I'm only saying that given the outrage over these rankings by some who have seen Lapoint play, it would lead some people, including myself to have high expectations of Lapoint coming in. I can understand if he doesn't perform to those expectations, but as we all know, there will be those that think if he doesn't reach 20-30 points based on the hype, it may be considered a disappointing rookie season. Personally, I prefer to save my indignation until the end of the year for not giving recognition when it is due. If Lapoint lives up to expectations, and is not given the recognition by the league, etc. then I will have a gripe. I know this is a message board and it is fun to be disgusted by polls/rankings that aren't kind to the Sioux, but like so many of us say, the only poll that really matters is at the end of the year.
  6. You're free to post yours here. How many points do you put Lapoint on this year? Seems to me you wouldn't want the high expectations for Lapoint after how some Sioux fans treated Lee with his high expectations.
  7. I don't always agree with their selections either, but I hardly put much stock in them, especially considering last year's hobey winner didn't show up on a list when he was a freshman. Of course we would lean toward Sioux players, knowing how they will be brought along by the coaches. I think Trupp will be an omission that might not look good at the end of the year, but I challenge anyone complaining to post a list on here and then see how they did at the end of the year. Like I said, it is fun to open up debate, but I hardly put much stock in it, just like they wouldn't put much stock in a list I would create, because outside of many of the WCHA players, I wouldn't be able to make informative picks.
  8. Don't know if this has been brought up or not, but Tech recruit Pierro-Zabotel is playing in the BCHL. I thought he was going to play the second half with Tech. Is that still possible?
  9. Yes, it probably should have, but when they were discussing elite league stats, I thought I would slip it in.
  10. I see that Ladouceur and Meland are more than holding their own in the Elite league. Nice to see the local boys do well.
  11. So you don't believe in Hakstol's ability to judge talent? Or do you think he is just bringing him in for a year to fill a void, and then will dispose of him? Either way, doesn't sound like you give Hakstol much credit. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but when you make a statement like that, there are only so many conclusions to draw. The same things were said of Scott Foyt from people on this board for a couple of years, and that didn't turn out to be the case at all. If you work hard and pull your weight in practice you will be around if you wish to, unless there are off-ice situations.
  12. This UC-Davis team of which you speak wouldn't be the same UC-Davis that got beat by Western Washington, a bottom tier NCC team from last year, during the opening of their new stadium nonetheless. Your arguments just went out the window.
  13. What is the purpose of this post other than to troll?
  14. So just to clarify... Does this mean you dislike Rylan Kaip? So just to clarify... if there is a team that never got in a fight last year, that would be your new favorite team?
  15. Now Hak has the stability to tell the recruits he will be here for a while. Now we should be able to get some top recruits. Wait...
  16. Simonson might have some potential, but he hasn't really even done anything in high school. Until I see some of that potential, I would say Ladouceur, Galbreath or Meland would be the best Grand Forks has to offer, none of which are probably Sioux material at this point.
  17. Maybe on the powerplay and the start of the game, but I don't think he went out of his way to make sure they were on the ice at the same time. How would he manage it when they roll four lines and 3 sets of "D". Somehow I don't think he held off the DOT line until that set of defense could rest.
  18. Let's see, you're the one that started a thread about them.
  19. Yeah, I just read in the paper he isn't related. I always just assumed since they were on the same line. ... and yes I know what they say about assuming.
  20. Isn't Taylor Mattson, the gopher recruit, his brother? Kind of funny he didn't want to play with his brother. Then again, maybe he wanted to make his own name. Whatever, I'm glad the Sioux got him. Like someone said, you win some, you lose some. Who would have though Ness would go to Minnesota out of Roseau, especially after his dad played for the Sioux.
  21. I agree totally. The problem I have was with the idiots that were harping on UND when it would hurt their standing for the DII playoffs. Remember the idiot legislator from Fargo that wanted the state to force them to play? You don't hear much from him now. I will say if the Bison don't want to play the Sioux after it wouldn't hurt their standing, that would show something of a vindictive nature, because no matter what NDSU says about SDSU being a great rival, they actually don't have one, and the Sioux don't either, except for in hockey.
  22. Let's not take too much from the game last night. Yes, if Freund is for real and can perform in adverse situations, I believe the Sioux would give the Bison a run because I believe their skilled players are as good, if not better than those on the Bison. However, in the trenches, I believe the Bison would have the advantage, especially in depth. Let's remember that the skilled players on Humbolt State didn't even have a chance because their lines couldn't match up. I'm not saying the Sioux lines would be at a major disadvantage, just that they might not have the depth on the defensive line to rotate like they usually do against a very good offensive line. Were the Sioux afraid to play the Bison a few years back? No. So don't be making the same lame argument that some Bison fans were making back then.
  23. tnt

    New Logo

    A little off topic, but did anyone notice that the poll they have asking which opponent will be the Sioux's toughest has the Sioux playing Omaha away. That would make a big difference in my vote, but since they play them at home and South Dakota away, I picked South Dakota.
  24. A little off topic, but I see NDSU is playing Rutgers in mens basketball. How good is the Rutger's men's basketball team?
  25. tnt

    True freshmen playing

    http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=47673 Looks like Lennon was just extending professional courtesy because he knew a story was coming out.
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