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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I find it interesting that this series is almost the exact opposite of the series in Minneapolis last year. Last year the Sioux were the desperate team that needed points to stay in the hunt for home ice. This year the gophers really need points badly. Last year not many people gave the Sioux much chance on winning one, much less two. Let's not make the same mistake and keep the gophers square in our sights. Hopefully the Sioux will match the gophers desperation with the hope to put the gophers deeper in the hole, while elevating their chance to possibly move up in the standings, and give Puffy another chance to change his mind about how good the Sioux actually can be.
  2. You know it's possible the same kinds of things were said about our coach during his playing days before he came to UND. Not very flashy, but will do anything for his team. Gotta love those kind of players.
  3. Didn't get a chance to read through all of this, so I don't know if someone touched on this. How can someone who professes to know so much about college hockey say that they would be shocked if the Sioux made the Frozen Four. As a Sioux fan, having watched a ton of WCHA hockey over the years, I would not be shocked to see any top 5 WCHA team make the Frozen Four. So how can he in good conscience say that a top 3 WCHA team that according to him before the season had the most talent in the league, and has played the toughest schedule in the country would be a shock to make the Frozen Four? He changes opinions more than the wind and then passes himself off as an expert. First the Vikings were going to win 9 or 10, then they would only win 4 or 5, then he thought they would make the playoffs. I hate to tell him, anyone could be an expert by changing with the wind.
  4. I don't know how many fans are saying it will happen, but personally, if it came down to who I would want in the WCHA, it would be Bemidji State because it would mean more away games I could attend. Alaska isn't a big draw and Bemidji has produced some very exciting games with the Sioux in the past few years. I know the reason the WCHA accepted Anchorage was to expand hockey, but I think it was short-sighted in retrospect.
  5. I think Gregg Sheppard doesn't want to reset the precedent for suspending officials too harshly for poor officiating because goodness knows that it wouldn't be too long before both of his kids would be looking for work. Then again, most of their mistakes don't cost a game in and of themselves, but a series of bad calls basically achieves the same end result. Of course Brad is only a linesman at this point, but I'm sure that is only temporary.
  6. Who wouldn't want to play more home games if you can get away with it. I certainly would like to see the Sioux at home more. I don't know if Minnesota offered to play Bemidji in Minneapolis or not, but I would find it hard to believe that Bemidji would turn that opportunity down if it was given to them.
  7. I guess my main point was more to the point of Mazzocco and Woog making it look like the gophers would be doing Bemidji a big favor by playing them, when in fact they haven't bent over backwards to this point. Schedule who you want, but don't make it seem like a noble gesture, when in fact you will be benefitting just as much by scheduling them at that point.
  8. So in other words ... we don't have room in our schedule, but if we can get a free game we will make sure we play you. Seems to me at the very least they could be invited to the Mariucci classic every year rather than Rochester Tech and Air Force.
  9. I heard Mazzocco and Woog talk about how Lucia would like to play Bemidji State in the opening of their new arena and that it is nice to be able to help out a program. From what I have heard, Minnesota will not play Bemidji State in Bemidji now, nor have they played them for some time. It bothers me that they think they would somehow be doing them a giant favor by playing them in the first game in a new arena. Yes, it would be a nice draw, but so would North Dakota, a team that has been helping them out every year.
  10. tnt


    Miller didn't make the trip because he is really sick. Tim Hennessey said that Evan Trupp will be on the top line.
  11. Sioux fans above all people should know the value of players that might not be necessarily as skilled as others, but will go through a wall for the team. Erik Fabian being the most recent in a long line of players with grit and heart. Ironically, he was also a Roseau boy. Not saying Landman isn't talented, nor am I saying the Sioux should recruit him, only that I totally understand taking players to fit certain roles that need to be filled for a team to have a good all-around chemistry. Robbie Bina might be the perfect example on this years team.
  12. I knew Novotny committed to Denver, but where is he playing this year? His name wasn't on the Shattuck roster.
  13. Who else would be ready for the WCHA in 2008? Kostolansky from Shattuck? Also, does anyone know what happened to Stepan Novotny for Shattuck? Did he go play Junior hockey somewhere?
  14. I'll say! I heard some player beaming to his folks about the arena and how packed it was for the Friday Michigan Tech game. It was also nice to hear his parents say what a nice town Grand Forks is. Of course we didn't have quite as bad of weather as we did last year during the midget tourney. I'm sure that was the talk of the players last year, especially the ones from Los Angeles.
  15. Who was it that Bowen was talking about on the coaches show that was introduced to UND hockey through the midget tourney and will be playing here?
  16. I want to see Toews with Shattuck and Nolan Zajac with Winnipeg. I also want to see that goalie from Winnipeg that people have talked about.
  17. I think Scott Koberinski said he will be playing with one of the Winnipeg teams at the midget tourney here starting tomorrow. Lot of great talent at that tournament. Should be great to watch David Toews and other potential recruits.
  18. Just out of curiousity, when was the last time the Sioux came from behind in the 3rd period to win a game?
  19. I agree, but it is also not in Lucia's best interest to piss off pro teams, no matter what he is thinking. I know there was also a problem with Sutter, although that one Sutter brought on himself with his hatred for college hockey. I don't know how you can be a professional coach and not try to keep your relationships across the board professional, and I think it is probably the same with college coaches today in the new NHL environment. The less said in the media the better, and that probably goes for both sides.
  20. You never know, this might be a come together type situation with the rest of the team or they might respond negatively. It wouldn't surprise me to see the rest of the guys pick it up as sort of a "we don't need you anyway" statement to Okposo. I guess time will tell. There is still plenty of talent on that team as Hakstol said on the coaches show, so it will be a test of Lucia's ability to bring this team together after some negative things have happened. The only thing I will say is that you don't win WCHA Championships by being a bad coach.
  21. Would it not be smart to have inroads to as many places as possible? I remember Lennon talking about having some contacts now in Arizona because of a recruit they got from there. When pickin's are slim in your traditional areas, it isn't necessarily bad to have a backup. Ideally you would like to take recruits away from your competition, but I think Lennon will take the players he feels fits into their system and philosophy, along with taking into consideration the character issue. Why cherry pick? Chris Kuper of the Denver Broncos is why!
  22. Sounds like someone finally took Scott Swygmann's idea.
  23. Isn't he related to former gopher and NHL player Lance Pitlick? If so, I would guess that Minnesota would have the inside track on him, but you never know.
  24. I am glad Hakstol doesn't base who plays on how much scholarship they have. Forney will get his chance again, and when he does, it will be up to him to make the most of it. If you had your way, we would have only had two years of Oshie, so I'll give Hakstol the benefit of the doubt on this one. Besides, is anyone completely sure that there are no lingering nagging side effects to his previous injury?
  25. I can't say I'm a "fan" of Woog, but considering he works for the U of M, what do you expect. If you take a good portion of what he says with a grain of salt, then he becomes much more bearable. Just let the goofy things like "phantom assists" reflect poorly on his envy from his years as coach and lack of ability to win the big one.
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