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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I think a lot of it has to do with the tone of the posts and poster and if they are indicative of that person or an abberation. Everyone flys off the handle at some point, but if most of the posts are respectful, then that person gets the benefit of the doubt.
  2. It's fun to know little tidbits about UND sports, but I guess I part company when it becomes an insatiable demand by people to know every detail about relationships that should be between two people. I know I was the one asking for proof, but that wasn't from an inherent need to know, just to say don't throw hurtful information out there if you can't in good conscience expand on it. That demand for information is what makes people like Paris Hilton and Anna Nicole Smith become newsworthy when there are a lot more important things going on around us. I don't want to sound like a saint in this regard, but I think not putting out both sides on an issue as important as someone's livlihood can be devastating not only to that person, but their family as well.
  3. The one against Bemidji State must be due to the High School hockey tournament.
  4. Perhaps asking for proof is a bit of a knee-jerk response, but if I have a pet peeve it is people that use the old "I've got a secret" mentality then leave it at that. This site isn't nearly as bad as another that uses the tired "another recruit has chosen to wear the treasured 'M'"! That phrase is used and then there becomes a guessing game. In other words, don't say it unless you want to play a game of 20 questions. I realize this is a message board and speculation will reign, but certain things shouldn't be put out there to fester. I certainly am no moderator, but that is where I come from and why I may have seemed a bit irritated.
  5. If you espouse this, then you must certainly say that these people are betraying trusts to make themselves look better by being in the loop. Oh, and by the way, there are plenty of times when I have information from a source well ahead of time, but in order to keep getting that information and to avoid a betrayal of trust, I let it come out in its own time. So you see, I don't have to be the one that says that Dale Lennon dislikes Tom Buning. Just by saying that, I feel dirty, because while I don't know Dale Lennon personally, I don't think he would want that on a message board for public consumption. I know there are people I have major problems with, but I wouldn't want it to be fodder for the masses.
  6. You don't think that saying that Dale Lennon has a major dislike of Buning is a betrayal of trust? Dale has to work for him unless something is done. And if Dale is o.k. with letting out that sentiment, he should want people to know his side of the story. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge Lennon and Hakstol fan, and I would obviously want to see Buning leave before them, but being in a company in which people have problems with the slightest perception that they are being shortchanged, I can see how expressing those sentiments doesn't always measure accurately a persons happiness all the time. Like I said, someone has to make the tough decisions, and they are seldom popular.
  7. Don't forget that Dale interviewed when there was another athletic director here too. If there is that much sentiment against Buning, then bring it to the forefront and start a mutiny, If it is for the betterment of the program, all the coaches that have a problem with him should get together and tell the powers that be that they would feel more comfortable staying at UND if Buning was gone. If nobody is willing to do that, then deal with Buning.
  8. If you're going to go as far as saying there is a problem, give the proof. I want to know if these are specifically examples of whining you hear in every single company in America about management, or if there is some beef to them. So here is your chance to cite the numerous examples of why there is a problem. If they are just that he scheduled a football game without consultation, then I would consider that to be an oversight and correctable communication "problem", that again happens at every company. I have heard this same thing about every athletic director except Gino, and at that time, nobody would be caught dead taking issue with him. Based on Dale Lennon's interview with WDAZ, he thinks the Athletic Department is going in the right direction. Someone has to be the bad guy and make the tough decisions, but if there is more beyond that, get it out in the open.
  9. Well, do we know if Coach Lennon is foolish or not? Was he offered the job at Montana State?
  10. I don't know if I would say that Lennon would be foolish not to take it. I really don't look at Montana State as a program that is better than UND's. I think fan support at UND is comparable if not better than most DIAA programs, and we all know how well Sioux fans travel. The one thing I could see is that it would be a faster stepping stone for Dale if that is what he is aiming to do. Montana State doesn't have to go through the aches and pains of the transition period, but as far as their program being on a higher tier, I am not too sure of that, especially if the Sioux were led by Lennon through the transition period.
  11. Wish they woud have saved about $30,000 on the hiring of the women's hockey coach and used it to sweeten the pot a bit for Dale, although I am sure that money isn't the main thing that's enticing Lennon, although it couldn't hurt.
  12. If they lost Lennon it could hurt the Sioux in more than one way. I have no doubt that Lennon would recruit North Dakota's high-end talent more than Montana State does now, and I have no doubt he would convince more than his fair share of talent that Bozeman would be a nice place to play football.
  13. tnt

    Lee Watch

    To say that both Minnesota and North Dakota both recruited Marto is true. However, when it is said that Minnesota wanted him bad, I don't know if that is a fair statement when I don't believe he ever got an offer from them. That said, I hope he shows them what they missed out on.
  14. Hopefully they don't go too high. You know the range I mean, where GM's feel the pressure to sign a player because of the expectation, even though they might not be fully developed. It didn't seem like either of these guys were in that range, but you never know. Oshie seemed to have gone a lot higher than expected.
  15. Wouldn't want too many recruits to change their mind anyway, because the perception might become negative, even if it isn't warranted. Good to hear that Gregoire is in the same league as highly rated players.
  16. If there was one player I wish would change their mind, it's Colin Wilson, son of former NHL player Cary Wilson. I know they used to live in Winnipeg, but I think he was out east, which gave Boston University an edge. At one point I thought I read that he was possibly a top 5 North American player in his age group. I was told by a salesman that played city hockey with Cary that he would go to UND. Turns out it didn't work out that way, which is why if it isn't coming straight from a family source, I am skeptical about second-hand information.
  17. I'm sure if the coaches thought they were ready and could contribute to getting #8, they would bring one of them in. But, I sure wouldn't want to bring them in if they aren't going to add significantly more than players we already have in the fold. I know hockey is different, but could you imagine if the Sioux football team still had Weston Dressler for two more years. He had an impact his first year, but a lot of the year was just feeling out what he could do, and not until his second year did they fully use his talents. Maybe that isn't a good analogy because hockey doesn't focus on setting up plays for certain individuals, but the strength and adjustment to college is the same. Gregoire had a great year in the USHL, but it was injury-shortened and with another full year under his belt he will be ready to come in and make an immediate impact.
  18. tnt

    2008 Roster

    Genoway could very well play some forward and then play the point on one of the powerplay units, but I just like him as more of an impact player at defense. To see him carrying the puck out of our end in a flash is a luxury not all teams have, and between him and Chorney I think we have two who can move it so quickly while making it seem effortless. I would hate to be throwing him back and forth through his four years and have him not reach his full potential at either position. That said, the coaches will have to do what's best for the team next year and into the future. To me it wouldn't be an easy decision to throw him to forward next year, but it could very well give us a better chance to be successful next year. I am confident the coaches will figure out the best way to utilize his talents. Maybe Marto could possibly play a bit of forward, but either way they need a few to make the transition to defense the following year.
  19. tnt

    2008 Roster

    A lot of people, including myself thought that Robbie Bina wouldn't see much ice time during his career. He seemed to have surpassed expectations.
  20. tnt

    2008 Roster

    In the paper today it says Marto and Hextall are both '07, while Frattin is '07 or '08. Don't know if that is speculation, or if Schlossman knows what up.
  21. You could be right. Bad Karma seemed to follow Nate Hagemo at Minnesota. Is Michael Dorr playing for Minnesota in '07 or '08? He is another one that could have a target on his back, although Duluth lost some talent that would have helped them move up in the WCHA this year. Gotta hurt Duluth even more than it will hurt Denver.
  22. It is great news, but I worry what Donald will say about us. How will we ever get back our integrity? I guess the standard comeback is that Anchorage has ruined more careers in the past 5 years than college hockey as a whole.
  23. Since Chris said it's true, I officially apologize to "Anonymous".
  24. You know the funny part is that UND would have a bad reputation if what Donald says was true, yet top recruits don't seem to be shying away from the Sioux, but continue to avoid Anchorage like the plague.
  25. Exactly! Apparently Fornier couldn't cut it at Anchorage either. Wonder if Donald will apologize if this rumor turns out to be false. Any fan from an opposing team can turn the slightest perceived problem into a sinister deed, without the inside knowledge of each situation. It's like a Sioux fan spouting off that they think Gwoz sent Paukovich out to hurt Bina and someone else to hurt Brady Murray. It's absurd, but who would be able to refute it but Gwoz and the player themselves, which makes it a he said, she said scenario. The same can be said of in-house problems with players. But of course Donald has all the facts. He must, because he is taking this circumstance as fact.
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