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Everything posted by tnt

  1. So if someone comes and slaps you upside the head you will do nothing? Good to know!
  2. Thanks for the examples. It definitely makes Gwoz look like the ultimate hypocrite. His guy looked like Ralphie in the Christmas Story throwing down with a bully, except Gwoz would have you believe that everyone else is the bully except for his saintly players.
  3. If there is, then it better involve the officials as well as any players.
  4. Although I don't agree with those who don't believe fighting can serve a purpose in hockey, I can respect their point of view. What makes me sick are those that decry fighting, then when their guy fights and wins, stand up and cheer wildly. Seems to me there are a lot of Minnesota and Denver fans that live by that premise, yet there are few people left in their seats when their guy comes out on top. Gwoz conveniently forgets the biggest unwritten code in hockey, don't check someone into the boards when they are helpless, especially when it is known that the whistle is about to be blown anyway.
  5. ... and people went crazy over some minor altercations in the Sioux vs. gopher series. I would bet that Wisconsin and Mankato have a few altercations that surpass what went on the other weekend.
  6. What did I tell you about Puffy. Now two weeks later, he says Denver is awful and the Sioux will mop the floor with Denver. Just 2 weeks ago only 2 WCHA teams had a chance at the Frozen Four according to him, Denver & CC.
  7. The phrase "one of the most overrated players in the WCHA" is where I take issue. I certainly would take those goals on my team. If you measure him in light of being a #5 overall pick, then maybe expectations are higher. I'll tell you one thing, he is the player I worry about the most on Minnesota when the Sioux play them.
  8. Can we be a little objective and put the incident last weekend in perspective? Wheeler does have more goals than either Duncan or Oshie. Not saying he is better, but he obviously has a good deal of talent.
  9. What Hakstol did was wrong, but what you say is correct, the gopher fans will and do say "dirty Canadian". Fill in any ethnic group after dirty, and tell me then how many gopher fans have class.
  10. Mike McNamara was just talking about this. I tend to agree with him that FSN is just asking for it by showing heated arguments like this, and they indeed might even want this to get on TV. Let's face it, everything on TV now is about conflict, and FSN is just trying to take advantage of that. If they were like Denny Green, they would take the high road and not show it. Hakstol screwed up, but it kind of echoed the sentiments of Sioux fans that can't believe that Duncan's check from behind get's him booted and whoever checked Trupp from behind is allowed to get off, while the gophers got a powerplay out of the deal. Obviously Hakstol is held to a higher standard than the fans, and should be, but Adam needs to be judged on his poor checking from behind judgement in the past and present.
  11. I just think coming from a guy who doesn't believe Holy Cross was that big of a upset, that he would not be "shocked" if a Top 3 team from the best league in the county makes it to the Frozen Four.
  12. I say if they are having second thoughts it might be best not to have them stay and be unhappy and possibly create a less than desirable lockerroom presence. Not saying this kid would have done that, but he has a right to go where he will be happy. Remember, many of us had no problem with Jason Gregoire changing his committment to Denver in hockey. What does bother me is recruiting a player after he has verballed. But you know the old saying, what goes around comes around. Don't know the specifics on the Cavil case, so I won't comment on that situation.
  13. I find it interesting that this series is almost the exact opposite of the series in Minneapolis last year. Last year the Sioux were the desperate team that needed points to stay in the hunt for home ice. This year the gophers really need points badly. Last year not many people gave the Sioux much chance on winning one, much less two. Let's not make the same mistake and keep the gophers square in our sights. Hopefully the Sioux will match the gophers desperation with the hope to put the gophers deeper in the hole, while elevating their chance to possibly move up in the standings, and give Puffy another chance to change his mind about how good the Sioux actually can be.
  14. You know it's possible the same kinds of things were said about our coach during his playing days before he came to UND. Not very flashy, but will do anything for his team. Gotta love those kind of players.
  15. Didn't get a chance to read through all of this, so I don't know if someone touched on this. How can someone who professes to know so much about college hockey say that they would be shocked if the Sioux made the Frozen Four. As a Sioux fan, having watched a ton of WCHA hockey over the years, I would not be shocked to see any top 5 WCHA team make the Frozen Four. So how can he in good conscience say that a top 3 WCHA team that according to him before the season had the most talent in the league, and has played the toughest schedule in the country would be a shock to make the Frozen Four? He changes opinions more than the wind and then passes himself off as an expert. First the Vikings were going to win 9 or 10, then they would only win 4 or 5, then he thought they would make the playoffs. I hate to tell him, anyone could be an expert by changing with the wind.
  16. I don't know how many fans are saying it will happen, but personally, if it came down to who I would want in the WCHA, it would be Bemidji State because it would mean more away games I could attend. Alaska isn't a big draw and Bemidji has produced some very exciting games with the Sioux in the past few years. I know the reason the WCHA accepted Anchorage was to expand hockey, but I think it was short-sighted in retrospect.
  17. I think Gregg Sheppard doesn't want to reset the precedent for suspending officials too harshly for poor officiating because goodness knows that it wouldn't be too long before both of his kids would be looking for work. Then again, most of their mistakes don't cost a game in and of themselves, but a series of bad calls basically achieves the same end result. Of course Brad is only a linesman at this point, but I'm sure that is only temporary.
  18. Who wouldn't want to play more home games if you can get away with it. I certainly would like to see the Sioux at home more. I don't know if Minnesota offered to play Bemidji in Minneapolis or not, but I would find it hard to believe that Bemidji would turn that opportunity down if it was given to them.
  19. I guess my main point was more to the point of Mazzocco and Woog making it look like the gophers would be doing Bemidji a big favor by playing them, when in fact they haven't bent over backwards to this point. Schedule who you want, but don't make it seem like a noble gesture, when in fact you will be benefitting just as much by scheduling them at that point.
  20. So in other words ... we don't have room in our schedule, but if we can get a free game we will make sure we play you. Seems to me at the very least they could be invited to the Mariucci classic every year rather than Rochester Tech and Air Force.
  21. I heard Mazzocco and Woog talk about how Lucia would like to play Bemidji State in the opening of their new arena and that it is nice to be able to help out a program. From what I have heard, Minnesota will not play Bemidji State in Bemidji now, nor have they played them for some time. It bothers me that they think they would somehow be doing them a giant favor by playing them in the first game in a new arena. Yes, it would be a nice draw, but so would North Dakota, a team that has been helping them out every year.
  22. tnt


    Miller didn't make the trip because he is really sick. Tim Hennessey said that Evan Trupp will be on the top line.
  23. Sioux fans above all people should know the value of players that might not be necessarily as skilled as others, but will go through a wall for the team. Erik Fabian being the most recent in a long line of players with grit and heart. Ironically, he was also a Roseau boy. Not saying Landman isn't talented, nor am I saying the Sioux should recruit him, only that I totally understand taking players to fit certain roles that need to be filled for a team to have a good all-around chemistry. Robbie Bina might be the perfect example on this years team.
  24. I knew Novotny committed to Denver, but where is he playing this year? His name wasn't on the Shattuck roster.
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