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Everything posted by tnt

  1. So shouldn’t the shots have been reversed if they outworked us so much? 39-24 hardly proves your eyes right.
  2. But those people are told that the standard is .900, so it shouldn’t matter if some of those are impossible to save. UND was winning consistently when denying the cross ice pass and at least giving Persson a chance to save it.
  3. Got a point out of it, and within 3 of St. Cloud, so not all is lost. We haven’t lost in regulation since BU and people are nothing but negative. Same people, as always.
  4. That was obviously a misjudgment, but as we have seen, bringing guys early can hurt their development as well. But the bottom line is where you are drafted doesn’t mean you should or shouldn’t come to campus. We all saw Brent Johnson, a third round pick wasn’t ready. We also have seen a guy in Michael Emerson, who put up big numbers in the USHL not even put a shot on goal with limited action, and leave this week. I happen to really appreciate guys like Andrew Strathmann, who does the right thing for their own development. If you make it a race to get to the next level and not do the right thing, it might end up slowing or ruining your development completely. Wonder where Tyson Jost would be with a little more patience.
  5. Collin Adams had patience and he really had a nice career here.
  6. Panzer and Littler will probably be coming in as well. What if there was another Berg or Johannes in the portal?
  7. Tomorrow is really CC’s chance to become a huge threat when it comes to tournament talk.
  8. If you would have said Minnesota scores 4, I would have said no way CC wins. Hopefully CC doesn’t give up much tomorrow.
  9. We are also not as much of a hitting team as we have been in the past, which leads to less infractions. How many five minute majors have we had this year, compared to how many did Tyler Kleven have alone!
  10. Any way to watch it around here. It shows Fox 9+, but not sure if that is available in local market, or another way to access it.
  11. For what they have lost to the portal and where they have finished, I would think he isn’t going anywhere soon. Remember everyone thought they would be bottom feeders last year when they lost a ton, and we were supposed to be one of the league favorites, and we had to play in their barn for the playoffs. True, no postseason success, but I don’t think Omaha has illusions of grandeur. At some point I would imagine losing players yearly, and no playoffs will warrant change, but don’t think that is imminent.
  12. So if someone has an egregious slashing or checking from behind penalty, and their team gets a lucky bounce or breakout that leads to a short handed goal, they get out of the box early? What if they had pulled their goalie near the end of the game to try get back in it to go along with the power play and the team scores short handed into an empty net. Seems to me, you do the crime, you pay the time. Seems like a gimmick to me.
  13. Biggest concern for sure is puck management. Rather than eat the puck and have a 50/50 chance, they blindly throw the puck into dangerous places. UND has always been great at living to play another day, especially when you have the lead. If they don’t get better at puck management, winning four games in a row in tight tournament games could be quite a chore unless your goalie is stealing games, or you are shooting lights out. On the positive side, they are in every game, and 3 on 3 isn’t a thing in the playoffs, unless you have some weird non coincidental penalty situations. Turnovers are going to happen against pressure, but they need to for sure tighten up on unforced turnovers.
  14. That, and did BU get other players that rarely play into the lineup as well?
  15. They certainly can’t count on Alaska’s goalie to be off again tomorrow, so they better be able to win a game scoring 3 or 4. How about proving Schlossman wrong for picking a split.
  16. I can see the school board in Grand Forks going back and saying now that people are being credited taxes, there should be enough money to upgrade the new school to get more things they really "need"!
  17. How about carrying that over to Mariucci and helping our league in the pairwise versus other leagues!
  18. That probably can be said of 90% of the teams in the country. Remember when people thought Minnesota was going to be a wrecking ball, well they are scoring a quarter less goal a game than us, and we are basically top ten. Other than Denver and a few others, most teams are going to put up between 2.5-3.5 goals a game. The key for us is to make sure we are doing the right things so that we can keep holding teams down and giving Persson the ability to make the first save and deal with any rebounds if there are any. Alaska would be fired up to play us regardless of their pairwise standing, but UND will have to match their effort because this may be the last chance for Alaska to move up dramatically by having a good weekend. Will be really disappointed if UND comes out standing around and watching Alaska, so let's get after them from the start and don't let up.
  19. Turns out it was between CC and UND.
  20. How do you know if you qualify?
  21. Keeping a demand. With the last two games there were empty seats and I think it would have been better for some to just hold off on purchasing tickets from those who ordered too many and they could probably have better seats as well. I know I considered just waiting to purchase seats from those who overbought, but with the smaller arena that might be risky. Hopefully we would have already had a destination game earlier in 2026, if they could manage to make the Frozen Four in Las Vegas at TMobile.
  22. I don't think either one is gloating. I think best scenario for both of them would have been that he was actually ready a year ago to go to UND, but unfortunately they didn't see eye to eye on that.
  23. If he couldn't wait the first time around, will he do so now. Time will tell, but hopefully he learned that there is no reason to be in such a big hurry for someone who has to develop anyway.
  24. He is a sophomore, but yeah still would be relatively easy coursework.
  25. Being he is playing top line minutes, he shouldn’t have to worry about academics too. No doubt he is being told he is good enough for the next level, so schooling isn’t a priority. Hope those that have been advising him are happy how they screwed up his development.
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