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  1. I choose to defer to Vikings Head Coach Mike Zimmer when it comes to Petrino.
  2. From watching a lot of both programs this season, UND should win and win easily, but crazy things happen in rivalry games. They may not know it yet in Fargo but their run is finally over.
  3. I have to disagree, the year round play is probably my biggest beef with the club teams. Specializing in one sport at the middle school and high school level is extremely detrimental to the athlete and has little to no benefits for their development in the sport their specializing. We don't need these kids playing 100 basketball and hockey games a year. They should be competing in different sports during the offseason and developing different muscle groups. If they don't have a fall, spring, or winter sport then they should be in the weight room getting their bodies stronger. Study after study has shown this but collectively youth and high school basketball and hockey coaches have decided to just disregard that information. I have to admit I do not have any experience regarding youth hockey but it's frustrating watching kids who play 100 basketball games a year that are unable to make or even create a mid-range jumpshot for themselves.
  4. Hockey and basketball and most other youth sports in general would be much better off if the club and AAU teams went by the wayside and were brought back into the schools. The intense specialization ruins kids athleticism and has led to a significant increase in injuries while contributing to horrible behavior by players and parents.
  5. Perhaps those legislators need to be named since cutting funding for the states two largest universities because players on their sporting teams kneeled for the anthem would be a ridiculous overreaction.
  6. So what did Hayduke post that isn't true? Do you have any specifics? Just because you're willing to ignore his BS doesn't mean the rest of us need to.
  7. Biden hasn't been locked in a basement despite what Fox News and Breitbart would tell you. He's been doing events almost daily. They aren't huge rallies like Trump since those are irresponsible given Covid and he doesn't need those types of events to satisfy his wounded, fragile ego like Trump does. Perhaps Trump will turn his electoral chances around but I really don't see how purposefully ignoring the largest public health crisis in a 100 years and allowing Russia to put bounties on the heads of US soldiers are going to help endear him to the 60% of Americans who can't stand the man.
  8. How do you know people are wearing masks in their own homes just by driving around in Fargo?
  9. That story certainly isn't "BS by the media"..... it's been confirmed by multiple news outlets both foreign and domestic. I'd be curious what source you have that makes it BS other than Trump tweeting that he wasn't briefed about it.
  10. Any comment on Traitor Trump selling out our soldiers to Putin? He's an absolute disgrace for a human being and the worst president in our history.
  11. Most didn't.... the Confederate Army had an extremely high desertion rate which is why it spent most of the war losing battles on it's own territory. They also had frequent food shortages because southern plantation owners couldn't be persuaded to grow food crops to feed the troops that were leading the war effort instead of cotton and tobacco.
  12. It's absolutely shocking that they let you practice medicine
  13. You vastly overestimate the amount of time required for activism. There are plenty of people with productive jobs, kids, etc. who have time to participate in activist activities. It's actually much more productive then anonymously complaining on a message board but I digress. Also just as an aside, you really can't spend 2 days lambasting "losers" and "participation trophies" and then defend statues to Confederate generals. Those statues are the ultimate in participation trophies.
  14. Sigh... he's the best player on his team and one of the best players in all of college football and he called out his coach for supporting an openly racist organization (OAN). He's certainly not a "soft kid" by any stretch of the imagination.
  15. Please spare me your sanctimony. Just in the last two weeks, Trump has falsely accused a media correspondent who was critical of him of murdering a woman and falsely accused a 75 year old man of being a member of Antifa and using his cell phone to jam police equipment. In the case of the 75 year old, the man is currently recovering from a nearly fatal head injury and is now experiencing significant harassment and death threats because the President of the United States used his considerable platform to slander the man. Let's not forget that Trump's rise in political prominence began with him slandering the previous president with the racist smear that he wasn't a U.S. citizen despite all evidence to the contrary. If you voted for him then you're obviously OK with all of this and you certainly don't find dishonesty despicable.
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