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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Shoot! It's not working! Someone who knows how to post pictures PM me your email address and I'll send the pictures that way.
  2. C:\Documents and Settings\Jo\My Documents\My Pictures\SS.com vs POI OK, I think I did this right. I took a poop load of pictures of the team as the lady next to me was waiting for her camera to do something. I figure one or more will have a certain players eyes crossed or something. Each player can pick the one most flattering for him/her. I didn't know I would be posting any pictures so most of the pictures I took were of my kid. Sorry. Next year I'll do better. I threw in a couple of shots of Goldie committing suicide as a bonus.
  3. I intend to make BIG BUCKS selling mine to NDSU fans who live in their own little fantasy world. The poster will make it seem a little more real to them.
  4. The place will be packed and there will be a LOOOONG waiting time. If there weren't a deadline, game time, or if a person didn't plan on attending the game, it would be a great place to meet.
  5. I am so jealous I didn't get to the breakfast. My Mpls son had a special breakfast planned for us and I, fool that I am, opted for that instead. I met RWTD and found her great fun; a wee bit drunk and great fun!! My row won Tony the Tiger stuff and I was on the Jumbotron for a brief time as well. My younger son wore a Goldie with a noose around his neck during the Gopher games and now has future plans for the stuffed tiger that came with the packs. The week end was fantastic!! I still haven't gotten my voice completely back. It should be in fine working order by Friday night!! See you all there, I hope.
  6. Hak was great at the Alum affair after the championship game. I have a great picture of him taking a shot of tequila with some friends of mine. He's not the old stick in the mud so many of you were grousing about these past two years.
  7. I think they tried but the ice cream kept dripping onto the ice.
  8. I took several pictures of the team with the trophy hoping one will be decent. I'll post them tomorrow, my son took with my camera by accident. He was anxious to get dropped off at his apartment/car so he could get to the arena. He plays four hours of hockey Sunday nights with 'the old guys'. We missed lunch with the team so he could get a couple of hours of playing time tonight. My older son, his girlfriend and I really enjoyed watching the game. It put the exclamation point on the end of a fantastic week end of hockey. Oh, not to brag or anything, Phats (SS.com user name), my son, did score a goal tonight. I don't know the other players to post who else scored goals. There was this blond dynamo who was all over the ice. He kinda looked like a 15 year old Gretsky.
  9. I met Runninwiththedogs and UMDDogs, nice people. I went to the meeting place and no one was there yesterday and today. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.
  10. I don't want the Sioux to lose but if they win won't that mean 5 WCHA teams in the finals? I'm hoping that three games in a row for SCSU with this last one being a hard fight down to the wire will give us a bit of an advantage tomorrow night.
  11. Ok, see you Saturday am for sure! You should come down and say HI Thursday. Section 119, Row 21; we have seats 1-8. Three of us will be wearing made to special order sweat shirts that I know you will love.
  12. I was gonna buy you a beer Thursday but since your driving, I can't.
  13. I'm leaving at 10 and there's room in the car. You can stay in our room. I have a blow up mattress you can use. I'll buy your beer all week end (I'm getting a second mortgage on the house). OK?
  14. So, I'm gonna save 5 bucks tomorrow. I thought you were gonna be with your dad tomorrow. He's a responsible adult, make him drive. Who drives Friday? Saturday? Where are you going Sunday? God, I sound like an annoying three year old!!
  15. Yes. That is true. And your point....
  16. No. Both men and women athletes are University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux! Using your rational, the men's BB team is constantly in the women's shadow. I believe having different uniforms may label one team successful and the other less than that. Just my opinion.
  17. We know you'll be there in spirit. I'll be extra loud when I cheer, yell and whoop it up!!! You should be able to hear me in Michigan and Arizona. See you at the next one!
  18. Is that why you kept taking your shirt off when we were in Columbus? We had to keep telling you, "NO, you are NOT a Platinum Fox employee!!! Put your clothes back on!"
  19. I seem to remember a pic of rock hard abds that a few fella's took offense at when I had that 6, or was it 8, pack as my avatar. I'd love to get one of rippling ab's. You know, just to off set the jingly boobies.
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