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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Me too, me too. After all, I'm his number one fan!!!! (So say we all.! )
  2. ebay> total rip off. StubHub>a little less but still ridiculous Scalpers>who knows???
  3. They're staying at the Sheraton Four Point near the airport. No rooms available. I'm very sad because even though I put my name on the list Sunday, my club status isn't high enough for me to be secured a package. I was told it's unlikely I'll get on the charter.
  4. Dirty, well you are a pretty vocal (typer) guy when it comes to what you think and believe and it may have gotten you into a wee bit of trouble here and there. But I believe you have morals and ethics which guide you in your life path which prevent you from doing to another person what GK did to me.
  5. Thanks Coach Pearl. So nice to hear that from another coach. I'm tired of certain WCHA coaches who call us dirty and cheap! They can't beat us on the ice so they beat us up in the press.
  6. I guess Merry was standing a few blocks away from GK.
  7. I know this is suppose to be quotes from the regionals but ..... From the Final Five, a middle aged female Gopher fan grabbed the arm of my son's girl friend as she was cheering loudly after St. Cloud's OT goal, "You won't be cheering when they beat your sucky team's a$$."
  8. Go to post # 16 and send him a pm and give him your email address.
  9. Thanks PCM for posting the pic. I am technologically impaired! This photo makes me weepy every time I look at it. As you know he's my favorite player. I love his spunk, sassy attitude, and blue collar work ethic. Other players will come and go, I'll have other favorites but Mike, you are and always will be number one with me. You're gonna be missed by the fans and your teammates. I hope all your future dreams come true.
  10. You're right, I was stupid to use an easily guessed password. I never thought that someone would do what you did on a sports forum. Here's the 'physically threatening' Personal Message I sent to another SS.com member that you are referring to, the she is your wife. I don't want the readers left hanging not knowing what the physical threat to you was. And please no more lies. You stole this PM when you illegally accessed my account and did all the things I posted in #13 of this thread. You can't intercept PMs not addressed to you or forwarded to you. Oh, and thanks for the post, just more fodder for the fire.
  11. I couldn't wear another team's jersey to any game the Sioux played in but I will definitely consider wearing one of their hats or helmuts.
  12. I took a picture of his salute to the fans. I was and still am very weepy. I'm happy that I will get to see play in Milwaukee.
  13. I believe they meant when they play against the most talented team in the nation. The Fighting Sioux who happen to be going to the Frozen Four. 'Cuz there's no way they can be referring to the Golden (smirk) Gophers who are the losers of the Final Five and the Regionals this year.
  14. And that means what? The Sioux are going to the Frozen Four and the Gophers are not. Wanna talk stats? How about comparing Sioux Final Five stats with the Gophers for the past two years. And what happened to the Gophers last year at the FF. You can have your team. I'll put the Sioux talent up against ANY team in the country, now and next year. too. Thanks for the tip.
  15. Dont wanna get into a pissing contest with you because we are on the same side but much of the money that funds these programs come from federal grants not state money so of course they need NA's in the programs. The grants written for the money would stipulate that. What I find so interesting is that the people who wrote the grants for the programs at UND are opponents of the Sioux name and logo. If there is such a hostile and abusive environment at UND, why not write those grants and take that money to another institution, i.e South Dakota, St. Cloud, etc.
  16. See my edited post. I don't disagree that there are a lot of Native American programs on the University of North Dakota. Hardly a 'hostile and abusive' atmosphere. But you are not paying for GK's education anymore than you are paying tuition for students who get Pell grants, scholarships, etc. For example, my step-dad worked for US Steel and they used to offer lots of grants and scholarships to employees and their families, our church did as well.
  17. Ditto. Sorry but I'm right on this one. Old information but it can't be too far off. http://www.UND.nodak.edu/news/NEW_SCRIPTS/...ease.jsp?id=680 "Indian students, like most others at UND, typically pay for their educations from multiple sources that include scholarships and grants, loans, part-time jobs, and savings. The estimated cost of attending UND last year, including room and board but excluding personal costs such as clothing, ranged from $7,000 to $11,600 for undergraduates, and higher for graduate and professional students. Other highlights from the report:
  18. The difference between Sioux fans and other fans, is that Sioux fans go to ALL the games on the dance card; regardless of who plays, who lost. Gopher fans flee a sinking ship before 'abandon ship' has even been announced.
  19. Much as I dislike many of GK's recent acts, I have to agree with dakotadan on this one. It's my understanding that Native Americans don't get a free ride at the U just because they're Native American.
  20. What I said in my previous post happened to me. Post 13 , I think
  21. Myles will be receiving 'real' evidence FedX'd to him come Monday. Dam@, I do love technology. Oh and I love those folk who understand it and can pull out all kinds of 'evidence' from computers without even having your computer. I love the Internet.
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