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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Geeze!!! Prpich has a role on this team that helps the team score goals and stops the opponents from scoring goals. After the Gopher series, a couple of Goof's were asked how a 'soft' Sioux goal happened> their response? "We were distracted by Prpich". The team knows his value and showed it by 'awarding' him the "A". REAL Sioux fans recognize his value to the team as well! When he scored a goal during the last regulation home game, he got a standing O from hundreds/thousands of Sioux fans. Last week end one of his game worn jerseys went for TWO GRAND!!! Jordy's went for $1025. the week end before. I was lucky and got my two game worn Prp jerseys for less. I want to insert an insult here but will refrain. My Ma would have been proud.
  2. Wear your shirt and tie under your jersey. Save time!
  3. Rather than crossed hatchets, they could be crossed hockey sticks! As a Chicago native, I, of course, am biased but I too love the old logo.
  4. Add me! And my younger son. Saturday 11:00 am
  5. I read this editorial and became to feel really sad all over again. I had to be out of state and missed the series. From what I discerned from the letter, I missed a great time!!
  6. Damn!! I'm sitting in the wrong section!! No wonder those stupid Goof fans keep throwing things at me!
  7. My seats are in front of Runninwiththedogs, 1-8. Thursday I'll be wearing a sweatshirt that says, 'This Sioux for you' with a picture of a Bulldog underneath. Stop down and I'll buy you a beer, Runnin'. I'll also be the only Latina in that row, easy to find.
  8. I got the chills seeing this, AZSIOUX. Gawd, I which it were Thursday already! This Sioux will be cheering for the Dawgs!!!
  9. Get sick at noon and go home early.
  10. I'm sitting in the Mpls airport waiting for a plane to GF. The plane I was suppose to take has 'maintance' problems. Caught the last few minutes of the DU / UMD game!! YEAH BABY!!! Gotta love those Dawgs!!!!
  11. A neutral stance? The membership must be 20% bleeding heart liberal white folk, 40% 'Hang around the fort Indians'*, 39% 'plantation negro mentality'* Indians and 1% 'real Indians'*. *quotes made by 'real Indians'.
  12. Sorry, my bad. I know that regular season tickets can be turned in to the box office if the season ticket holder isn't going to attend the games. I thought it would apply to the Regionals as well. I've never done it but was told about this 'perk' (ha) by someone who did.
  13. Season ticket holders can turn in tickets for games they won't be attending rather than trying to sell them themselves.
  14. Quit calling yourself Sioux! You're not Sioux. Your Lakota/Dakota/Nakota. Quit holding Pow Wows off the reservation and charging admission! You're disgracing your ancesters by making traditional dance a capitalistic venture. Quit selling jewelry/cravings/etc. You're disgracing your ancesters by using sacred symbols to make a buck. That's pretty damned cheeky of me to make those demands isn't it. How dare I dictate to you how to live your life, maintain your culture, and make a living. No way would you or should you consent to those demands. The use of the name Sioux is not restricted by law, trademark, etc. The NC$$ has no right to dictate to UND its use . The NC$$ is going to lose this fight in court in part because out of one side of its' mouth it says the use of American Indian nicknames, logos and mascots is hostile and abusive, yet out of the other side of its' mouth it says if you're a big school that generates big revenues for the NC$$ its' not hostile and abusive. Having a 'namesake' triibe ok the use doesn't make it any less hostile and abusive. But then again if it's not hostile and abusive for some it isn't for others. Confusing, right? It will be settled in a court of law. I have always enjoy watching Native American dance and listening to their music. The South Dakota Lakota Sioux who performed at Friday night's hockey game were exceptional!!!
  15. Your seats are behind the players bench, more behind the Sioux bench than the visitors. Good seats. AND your high enough so the 'sweet smell of hockey boy' won't knock you out!!
  16. Don't waste your time hoping, the plan to proceed to court when the appeal is denied is in place and the players are set to win. Set aside the treaties and resolutions you keep quoting and read UNDs recent responses to the NC$$. Makes for interesting reading. Spending resources on freedom of speech and overturning dictatorships has never been considered nor is a 'waste of resources'.
  17. Ok, I'll quit whinning. BIG congrats to your son!!! Glad you were home to see that win. When are you coming home anyway?
  18. Friggin' job! I could quit and get another one but I'm getting so damn old I have to protect my retirement fund.
  19. Our boys have shown how hungry they are by handily sweeping Tech! I have confidence that they will continue to 'smell the blood' and go for a win, win, win this coming week end. Man, I am so depressed! I'll be in Lala land, California during this series. Only another Sioux hockey fan would understand!
  20. I initially thought Duncan made the goal but on the replay it sure looked like a pass to Lee who tipped it into the net. Could have been the camera angle made it look like Lee's goal but....
  21. Thanks for the updates PCM. I knew an elderly gentleman, 80yrs old, who was in an accident who ended up under a tractor for several hours. He went into multi-system shut down. His wife refused to let the docs pull the plug. He came to visit us on his way back from vacationing in Florida six months later, wearing a super smile, a three piece suit and a great tan. While there is still life, there is hope! She is in my prayers everyday.
  22. I thought maybe he got an on the ice promotion. You know, kinda like the Purple Heart.
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