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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. When we were waiting for our bus last night, a guy came around asking if anyone had an extra ticket for tonights game. My friend yelled, 'Ask a Gopher fan'
  2. If that's true, I agree. We are gonna need him in Milwaukee. Damn our guys are the BEST. They go out and give their all even when it hurts.
  3. No but I did see Drew limp off the ice, slightly bend over and that made my heart stutter!! He was back as strong as ever soon after.
  4. The authentic game worn jerseys,either color, are appropriate for weddings, baptisms and Bar (Bat)Mitzvahs, etc. My friend and I are considering wearing ours as brides maids.... if anyone asks us to be brides maids. I SO LOVE BEING A FIGHTING SIOUX FAN!!!!!!!
  5. Yeah baby!!!!! AND the magic will continue tonight and all the way to Milwaukee!!!!!
  6. Jesus is and always will be a Sioux fan.
  7. So ya can't be caught.....
  8. Nope, more like one WOMAN wrecking crew.
  9. Where are you? (She innocently asks.)
  10. No, he's not that guy, my older son is! I didn't realize it until this past week end. Really, you will have to meet him this week end!! He's one good looking kid man.
  11. Do you know what is 'intelligent'? Knowing that whatever I post on this forum leaves my address. What I post on this forum can be traced directly to my home and my computer. Isn't that intelligent! Wow. So when I post a message, send a PM, change my password and contact email address, that information can be traced directly back to me. So if I'm going to post something, I make damn sure that it's not something I would be ashamed of. It's no secret who I am and what I do to anyone on this forum who wants to know. So again, I'm not going to deliberately or knowingly post something degrogatory or demeaning to anyone. So know full well, GK, that I DID NOT compare 'your' people to animals. I know the definitions for libel and defamation and their context within the court system and how to defend myself within that same court system!!
  12. Show me where in my post I compared the Sioux to animals. PLEASE, show me!!
  13. I have it on good authority that GK will be taking his own wild ride through the court system very soon!!!
  14. Is that Little MafiaMan??? Ooops, I mean younger MafiaMan.
  15. I wear my emerald and diamond ring (thanks, Ma!), a pink tee shirt, pink panties, and (at the Sioux games at the Final Five) my game worn green Prp jersey. I stopped wearing my emeral earrings (thanks, Ma) and we started winning. I do wear other clothes too but nothing special. My friend wore my white game worn Prp jersey at the Final Five Sioux gameS and WILL wear it this week end. There's not a superstituos bone in me.
  16. Oh gawd, if I keep reading this board, I'm gonna pee my pants!!!
  17. Be sure your ticket is scanned before you go out, otherwise, no you won't get back in.
  18. Just a little trivia about the helmuts. It seems that a coach of years gone by had the stripes painted on the helmuts as a coaching tool. He could tell where the players were looking during plays and could correct errors as needed. The stripes just ended up as part of the uniform.
  19. I think PETA has petitioned the NC$$ to stop those commercials because they are demeaning to the monkeys. Or was it the Federation of Actual People who complained because the monkeys made they look stupid?
  20. 1. Why is is so difficult for you to post a response without insulting someone? It is so totally not necessary. 2. There may not be an Illini tribe but there are certainly descendants of the Illini. Just as there are descendents of the Aztec who by the way speak the Aztec language. I believe the number of Aztec speaking descendants numbers around 2 million. 3. Wearing a Sioux jersey does not a Sioux Lakota/Nakota/Dakota make the wearer of said jersey. Just as wearing an Oakland Raiders, Minnesota Viking, Dallas Cowboy, etc. jersey doesn't make you a Raider, Viking, Cowboy, etc. The jersey is worn by fans of those athletes who are known by their nickname/logo.
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