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  1. Absolutely disgusting performance by the student section last night when Schmidt was dropping the puck. How on earth do we not hear a F*** the Bison chant?! they should be embarrassed. I almost started it myself in 116
  2. Maybe need to track tail numbers into MSP
  3. my choice would be Caruso, keeping fruechte as OC. rebooting defensively. Guarantee Caruso has more in with MSP coaches then any FCS program. He Wins. Absolute reboot on QB position as well and I can continue to be Undefeated Tailgating again next year!!
  4. Interim fruechte
  5. Damn man, you are a nutbag.
  6. Unpopular opinion here from the looks of it. Tailgating spots were stupidly inexpensive. They missed the inflation price adjustment for 5 years at least. Most people who want to tailgate couldn't give 2 rips about cost of the spot. When the weather isn't perfect, and your group only shows 25 minutes to kickoff, you're not tailgating. Nobody will argue a great tailgating atmosphere is a full lot with music, bbq's, beers, kids playing- chaos. driving your buick into the lot at 1215 for a 1 o'clock kick off doesn't add to anything. Im team 2 hours before kickoff lots close. After the Hawk Walk- no traffic!
  7. Sin bin is good, Happy Joes is good. Deeks is sneaky good, probably my favorite. Sometimes you can get the spicy taco option, highly recommend.
  8. If he is ill, it’s weird he was in a suit in the locker room. Picture of berry on twitter shows ludy all smiles in the background
  9. You are fkn obnoxious. Yes, he missed those throws. No, that doesn’t mean you make a switch at QB. I’m also 100% sure you were an absolute pia employee for whomever you worked for. Anywho… looking forward to the weekend. Go hawks.
  10. That press release has been brewing a longtime.
  11. What a !@#!$ thing to post under this topic. Kid was a twin, born with a heart condition. Take the tinfoil off and have some respect.
  12. I can guarantee the Golf Course would sign off on that county road bridge plan in .2 seconds. Why? Doing so would route Cole Creeks flood waters on the south side of the new raised highway, eliminating the destruction caused to the widening creek on the golf course when the water is rushing though. In fact, there is a large contingent of vocal ($)farmers south of town trying to make this very thing happen.
  13. hate noon football, hate double headers, hate 6 pm Saturday hockey before the new year. If you don't tailgate, do you really even support the team?:)
  14. Why on earth is he on PK2? Give me Strinden (Cole Smith 2.0).
  15. I get the hate for 28, but how can you bitch about +/- from some guys and not realize he is one of the rare + forwards.
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