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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. UND will not come to the dome without a return game - get it!
  2. Your right forgot about that last one.
  3. Plague? What world are you in - Did you see the vote 90-3.... You forgot we gain NOTHING by playing you. That's why it won't happen for awhile. Last time I looked you only had 3 home games. You only had 4 last year with a 10 game schedule. Had to hurt the bottom line.
  4. Your equating fighting to spanking?
  5. Lets put it this way they're be light years ahead of anything you'll put on the floor....
  6. Never said that we could replace them just we won't be as bad as most of you are hoping for.
  7. Fact is you don't know which Summit teams will be good next year and you don't know the quality of NDSU's red shirting class. Coach Saul was in on recruiting all the senior kids. Who do you think was in on the Wis. kids? Sure it hurts to lose 4 great starters but we'll reload and give it a run.
  8. NDSU has proven they don't need to play UND - The same can't be said for UND yet. With only 4 home games last year and only 3 scheduled this year it looks like your having a lot harder time of it. By the way where is all that political clout that some of the previous posters were talking about? Talked with a friend in the legislature and he said that everyone he talked to in the legislature that wasn't a NDSU or UND fan told him that they were proud of the way NDSU has handled the transition and especially beating MN in football. They weren't about to interfere with the scheduling. They would like to see the game but understood the complexity of the issue and why now it would cost NDSU money to start a home and home. They're hoping that UND can get into the MVC.
  9. Untrue about the bb tournament. You always had the Hyslop which holds as many as the BSA - attendance was the problem.
  10. I agree I hope they stay a long time and so does everyone else. You & everyone else seem to forget about Title 9 for adding sports.
  11. Neither the Dome or NDSU has the EXTRA cash it would take for hockey..... It's not going to happen..
  12. Man you sure like to propose preposterous scenarios. If I was you I'd worry (create scenairos) more about how the REA will look when they replace all the logo's and how the REA foundation will view the new nickname and not whether NDSU will add hockey. (which will never happen)
  13. Why would you be talking about something that will never happen?
  14. A little history lesson. The only reason "pipes" were added to the FD was as a backup in case the predicted event days didn't pan out. Then hockey could be added. Since the FD has never had a problem with event days and is highly sucessful hockey was never added. The FD is now all paid off and more than paying it's way. It's doing exactly what it was designed for. Adding hockey would be a money loser for the FD because of all the event days taken away, it will never happen - ever.
  15. Your right the name has nothing to do with it - IMO
  16. Foss is a die hard UND hockey fan and sees the move as a financial threath to the hockey program. His article is the worst kind of journalism, big time bias..
  17. Yea he so ignorant he he's got us through our transition with flying colors, into two conferences (real ones), great schedules, sold out fb games, 3 games with MN, and has increase funding greatly. If that's ignorant so be it but I'll take Gene over your disfunctional AD any day of the week. USD is way ahead of you in their transition and all you can do is bitch about playing NDSU. Think about it, do you hear USD bitching about not playing SDSU? No all their doing is coming up with great schedules and are knocking on the door for joining a conference. If your administration doesn't get their act together soon you're going to be an independent along time.
  18. You guys are all too funny - with the nickname issue and no conference in site, you're all worried about playing NDSU. Did you see USD got a 2010 game with MN? We have verbals for those dates and Gene is just waiting for the contracts to come back before their announced. It's called putting together a good schedule something maybe your administration should try to do. By the way Gene still hasn't recieved a phone call from Faison about a game. Must be high on his list of things not to do. I noticed that no one on this board is bitching about your 09 schedule and taking Faison to task. You're all good little soldiers.....
  19. Your post was good for a laugh! I didn't see you so worried about not playing us in 04-08? What happened? Now the shoes on the other foot and you don't like it. Too bad! I wouldn't worry about our attendence I'd worry about a 3 game home schedule with SFU as one of them and SFU again in 2011. Faison panicked, face it. The BIG picture is your transition isn't going so well and to deflect attention away from it your administration is crying it's not FAIR that we can't play NDSU. Sad....
  20. Now more SLOWLY you know this for a fact HOW?? Face it you're just using that as a excuse for Faison saying he wants to play NDSU but not talking with Gene Taylor. Looks like to me you guys got another AD that is proving to be incompetent. You seem to forget that we're doing just fine and their is no reason or upside for NDSU to play UND.
  21. How do you think the churches will like "Ghost Riders"?
  22. Faison wants to play NDSU but won't talk or call Gene Taylor??? How does that work?
  23. Another classy statement by someone without a clue.
  24. Boy you can really tell that your transition is going shi$$y with all the "it's NDSU and Gene's fault" posts. Laughable - Lack of leadership has brought you to this point and nothing else. Where's the big DI plan for moving up? I'll tell you, there isn't one - the leadership had the attitude if NDSU can do we sure as hell had do it. The only one making any sense is dakotadan with his post. Keep blaming other people for your troubles and see where that gets you. I don't know how much more plain it can be said, we aren't going to play you until you're done with your transition. We went through our without playing you and came out okay, are you saying that UND can't do the same?
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