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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Did or didn't Gene give Faison a every other year contract 2 years ago. Remember? Both him and Muss said every year or nothing. You know the rest of the story. Why do you guys care you have the BSC now. (Maybe)
  2. So? The few hundred more fans for that game vs losing a home game every other year. Not hard to figure out. Best thing RT ever did was to stop playing NDSU is all sports. Made us stronger through our transition.
  3. WOW if you hockey (pro Sioux name) people can't see that losing MN and WI in hockey is a big deal then you're blind. Your hockey program will start a down hill slide, mark it down. Sioux hockey fans pay the big money to see WI and MN. and with them not on the schedule you're screwed. I posted it a month ago or so that Hakstol and all the big shots need to hold a press conference and tell all the people of ND to not vote for this.
  4. Hard to doubt the results!! (ie all GWC team as an example)
  5. http://espn.go.com/college-sports/football/recruiting/conference/_/class/2012/id/43 Good look at different conferences.
  6. I doubt there is many NDSU fans running to sign this thing. If this thing goes through the minimum that would happen is: UND will stay on the !@#$ list at the NCAA. Regional schools will refuse to schedule you. No home playoff games in all sports. That's the least that will happen and if you can live with that so be it. Just remember those home fb games this year helped a lot to get us into the NC.
  7. No way 1 million - I think they did get over 400,000 which is the most I've heard of for a FCS team.
  8. You have some very winable FBS teams coming up. They tend to over look FCS teams. Play good defense, don't give them any easy points and be better or the same in special teams and a lot of FBS are within reach. It's when they score easy points on you that hurt the most and once they get ahead - well it can get ugly. Good defense with real good CS and Safety's is the key which are in short supply on most FCS teams.
  9. Idaho won 2 games last year, one the of worst teams in the FBS. Hard to argue with the success NDSU has had but you continue to try and put the square peg in the round hole. MN beat Iowa and ILL this year but don't let facts get into the way. NDSU will continue to schedule regional FBS games as you can tell by their future schedules so fans can come to the games. We play KSU in 2013 and have Iowa coming up in 2015. You're obvious jealousy is clouding your thinking.
  10. As usual you're full of it. You just can't stand it that UND gets taken to the so called woodshed by poor FSC teams (ie Idaho) and NDSU beats them. Who said 800,000.00? Bohl and Taylor have been here for over 10 years and compared to UND that's a life time! These games are scheduled years in advance so who knows what there record will be like when you finally play.
  11. Not to start a fight but "you have the running part down"? I picked 2 games from last year Sioux Falls 50 attempts 2.2 av. USD 29 attempts 1.4 av. I don't see how you can say you have a good running team? I like your enthusiasm as a fan but sometime realism has to over rule it. Playoffs? Hell we have most of our team back and with what I know of the MVC teams next year (which will all be better-except USD) I wouldn't say NDSU has a lock on the playoffs.
  12. Just goes to show you BSC is usually a 2 team race and now with the new additional teams, the teams that don't have the Montana's on the schedule have the under hand for the (maybe) third spot. This year Montana was the only real good team in the BSC.
  13. Yeah you got Molberg over us - seems like a good get.
  14. Montana state got killed in the playoffs too.....
  15. Really? After your close games with UNC and Sioux Falls last year? Maybe you should move North?
  16. About as much risk as you losing to Mines!
  17. Kill and the Gophers have done a great job of getting the local talent on scholarships and walk on's. Also the MAC have come in strong in MN.
  18. Yeah losing to SDSU by 38 was a high water mark. If you played on a neutral court SDSU would beat you 9 out of 10. Count on it.
  19. Maybe we have over sensitive AD's. I think Gene and Mr. Faison are trying to put an end to the bad blood as it really helps no one. Each school has it's own strenghts and weaknesses but over all each school promotes excellence in everything they do. In the 6-7 state area their are only a couple of schools that can compare (UM & UW) and never two within 70 miles of each other or in the same state.
  20. Not my opinion as I hope he stays forever.
  21. Must be pretty vulgar for Mr. Faison to call up Gene and apologize for it. One thing for a player caught up in the moment to say something stupid but for a coach, but that's Roebuck. By the way I hear that Faison can't wait for him to retire so he can get his own coach in there. So guys what did he say? And the big question of the day will the gf media take him to task? I'm sure the media was there. I'm betting we'll hear nothing about it from the gf media. Top secret you know......
  22. I think our FB team was on TV every game this year but 1. Getting your ass handed to you when you're on TV really isn't a good thing is it?
  23. Sounds like either a walk-on or partial ride for UND/UNI and a full from BSU/UMC - Either that or someone is misreading the talent.
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