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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. The sanctions have already hurt the fb team by not being able to schedule the Gophers, Iowa, WI. The other 3 Dakota schools all had fb games with Big10 teams during their transition.
  2. He had me until he brought up Mussman. Mussman wants the name to go away if it means no BSC. Hakstol might be another story...
  3. You're probaby right - The only guage I can go by is the bridge building contest that the civil engineering schools compete in. NDSU has won is 3 or 4 times and no other school more than once. I forgot who won last year.
  4. Faison has already said they only want a every other year game.
  5. Seems like UND is paying more than it's fair share for the new turf. They must have dictated which turf to purchase. Anyone have any idea where the money is coming from? Alumni assoc.?
  6. All our home games were on TV last year but 1. Where do you get your info??? As far as exposure we have all we want. I think all but 1 or 2 games were on TV last year home and away...
  7. Then why are all you guys begging for a game? UND had their chance. I never said it was in the article but do you really think Duluth likes that kind of publicity. Schedule UND and this might happen. Never a good situation for a school to be in.
  8. The only incompetency is your athletic dept. Remember a couple of years ago Muss and Faison refusing the every other year contract that NDSU offered. That was when we had a open schedule which is pretty much filled now. That's right UND refused to play and now they're begging to play a every other year game? Your leadership in this whole DI transition is about as screwed up as it's gets. Only someone from UND would call our AD incompetent as the facts say other wise. Face it NDSU does not need or want you. Just look at the article from UMD now do you know why no one wants to schedule you?
  9. Ask any of the fb people that post here what playing MN 3 times did for the NDSU fb program.
  10. Your wishing doesn't make it so. You had fun wishing for our failure during our transition - how that work for you?
  11. Where were you guys during our transition - and don't give me that crap about DII rules as that was changed the first year of our transition. You guys purposely chose not to play us in any sports - so what goes around comes around.
  12. Now you're dating yourself..... 108498 won't know what you're talking about.
  13. WOW - I imagine you think that if you keep walking you'll fall off edge of the earth too!
  14. Oh I agree, I think most hockey people will now start thinking straight, it's the "others" UND has to worry about.
  15. I don't think it's the hockey crowd that you have to worry about but the uninformed voter that only see's the big bad NCAA trying to force it's will on UND.
  16. If you actually think that not playing MN and Wiskey in hockey doesn't hurt your program you're living under a tree. It has already hurt your football program as it's the only school in both Dakota's that hasn't played a couple of B10 teams during the transition. NDSU has sent over 80,000 fans to the Twin Cities for the Gopher games and most everyone thought it was a hoot and a big plus for the program. Playing all those D2 and D3 schools in hockey are not what the UND fans that pay the high price tickets are looking for. Without MN and WI a couple of bad years and you'll see.
  17. Apples and Oranges - Our student section is around 3,800 or 20% of the FargoDome. If yours is about the same that's 30%. of the Alerus. If attenance is counted as those sections as full then the numbers are wrong. Counting those seats as always full improves your season average more.
  18. Well now we know what the going price of a college president and AD are. Terry was a good administrator but I don't think he was prepared for the hockey crowd after he got rid of Gino. He was asked to leave, make no mistake - if not why would he go? I have a feeling he was "very well" compensated for it.
  19. Tim O’Keefe was on the radio and said that it was a big mistake for UND to quit playing NDSU and it's hurting UND through their transition. NDSU has sent over contracts for games and UND just keeps moving the goal line. Now we are out to 2015 or later. Another fact is we have the money to bring in a FSC team in to play and you guys can only bring in NAIA teams. Look at the arrogance of some of UND posters. You have lowering attendance, poor game atmosphere, and a mediocre team but we are suppose bend over backwards to schedule a game with you. Instead of worrying about playing NDSU get your own house in order. Win the BSC.
  20. Faison was on the radio last week and was asked about Hakstol's comment (email) and he said that issue was straightened out. Sounds like Faison reminded him who signes his pay checks.
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