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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. EWU can't even get 10,000 to their FB games. Sound familiar? Wasn't Portland State thinking of dropping FB a few years ago?
  2. Really - didn't the GF Herald run a couple of articles on it?
  3. LOL - which school made a big deal of going 6-0 last year against NDSU? Inferiority complex is all on your side. As I said before this year will go down as one of the worst sports years for UND ever... Bank on it.
  4. Win? 4 TB spread. MS is a good FB team this year. They played OSU very tough and gave them fits running the ball.
  5. Why wasn't it a good thing for UND?
  6. The world according to SV.... Answer me this why did UND not play NDSU in ANY sport after 2003? RT's only purpose was to try to derail NDSU's transition to DI. In 2004 the FB rule about playing DI-AA was changed and UND could have scheduled NDSU. Oh well ancient history and all when well with our transition.
  7. Darell I guess you're right we're on the same path. What was I thinking?
  8. Darell you have to stop comparing yourselves to NDSU. Doesn't work.....
  9. What was your score against Sac. State? You talk about new players on the SJS and nothing about the whole sale influx of new players for UND?
  10. "UND has a chance against SJS talent wise" Really you think UND has the same FB talent as SJS? In what world do you live in?
  11. BWW might be your best bet.
  12. Hell SV anything can happen but unless the NCAA starts to change the rules for conference and teams moving to FBS it would be a up hill battle for any FCS conference to move up. I can see FCS just going away with just one division as a solution to a lot of this mess.
  13. lol. Number 2 sport in ND? Did you see the 17,000 fans at the last NC? How about the 5,000 down at KS? What do you get for the hockey final 4 - 2,000?
  14. Muss didn't have an "oh shucks" attitude, he had what's called survival mode. He would have been fired years earlier. No way he ever wanted a game and he had FB on board with that.
  15. Oh great one please tell us how the felony for Beasley is going or is he still going around hitting women?
  16. And how is your fb team doing during the transition and now 2 years in? Happy?
  17. I was replying to siouxscore's post as to the strength of the Gophers program over the years. Maybe you should follow your own advice.
  18. Where are your wins? UND fans always make excuses for our wins over FBS teams. Fact is we were just a better team at the time.
  19. You're probably right about the money part. UND is paying for their past sins when RT held this famous press conference and announced to the world not only would have not schedule us in FB but all other sports. For a school just starting their transition this was a very big deal. (by the way the NCAA changed the FB rule that summer) UND can't stand the success NDSU has had that's what forced them to follow and now that UND's FB program is irreverent UND wants a game to kick start that.
  20. LOL.....worst school in the BSC standings. flagship that!
  21. Settle down and did you forget to take your meds again?
  22. No one ever said we'd be on top forever. But I doubt we'll ever be like you guys.......
  23. I'm sure you have your fingers crossed.
  24. Wow where to start? I think you have posted for the last 3 years how we were going to get killed by FBS teams. Let's see KU - win, CSU - win, Big 12 2012 champions KSU - win. Last year KSU beat ISU 47-7 so I like our chances this year. For you to even say "barely surpassed KU and KSU" only shows your ignorance in your knowledge of college FB.
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