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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. I don't think there's a need to feel superior - it's more of all the BS we went through when we went DI. UND administrators, Herald Sports writers, fans (posters) all very publicly ridiculed the move and all said what a failure it would be. The failure has mostly been on your side as your transition wasn't the best, no big wins, FB and MBB very average or poor. Most of all the games with UND next year will be home games for us. In looking at your teams next year maybe VB will standout but I'd look for a very tough year. Oh there's always hockey.
  2. Well here's one thing for certain no Fargo sports writer would have written an article about NDSU on beating UND if the outcomes was different.
  3. We're your gold standard and our gold standard is making the NCAA's and NC's. See the difference?
  4. How many of them have ever won a NC. Most are never in the top 25.
  5. Non- Scholarship DIII team won - WOW it must be tough to compete with them. Yale the year before.
  6. Why don't you worry about all the FB players jumping ship over in Bubba Land? I thought they were solid commits? Did you see the 6-9 kid Richman signed the other day?
  7. It was a beat down - period. But if you like to think it was close because of the score go for it.
  8. Yeah felony assault is no big deal. You going to pick up his many child support payments?
  9. So tell oh wise one how many years in jail is your great Beasley going to get? Who's going to pay all that child support? Maybe you should start a benefit for him!
  10. Again it takes a minimum of 4-5 million to jump to FBS per year - I doubt what you have posted makes that up. But keep trying.
  11. Family ties to the Breckenridge (Minn.) area which had players on the FB team.
  12. How bad is Minot State (Minot and the university as a whole) that he'd want to go back to Mankato with what they put him through? He better win or he'll get fired again.
  13. Businesses (colleges) always pay for good talent. Face it, Faison is trying to do coaches on the cheap. A asst. coach goes from 38k at UND to 60K at USD. (the arm pit of the region) Look at the results he got from the VB coach (past one) He was only one of the few well paid at UND.
  14. This would make a nice recruiting letter as to why not to attend UND.
  15. Kind of like your FB program, right? Track programs? Softball, Baseball, and soccer. Maybe you should be looking closer to home?
  16. So Bubba gets 150k for a program with a whopping 2500 for their last game? Taylor is the boss, period. If he doesn't agree it doesn't happen. Face it hockey takes all the money so the rest of the athletic dept. gets the crumbs, as seen by the salaries that Faison pays.
  17. No way in hell would he do it. First of all where is the money going to come from? Probably 4-5 million more per year. 22 more scholarships plus more travel. Would the state kick in the difference? No way. Go to some !@#!$ bowl game that will cost you money.
  18. The only hammering next year will be on you guys. Should be funny as hell......
  19. This is why I believe so much in all the climate models for global warming.
  20. You sure you're not looking in the mirror when posting this?
  21. http://www.payscale.com/college-education-value-2013 Pretty much says it all..
  22. You apparently don't comprehend well do you. THey both said that BOR didn't influence their decision one way or the other. You've been wrong on this point for years. The bigger point is no one wanted UND but BSC and that is only because the Montana's where looking at the WAC. There's alot of buyers remorse among the coaches in the BSC for having to travel to Fargo (drive to gf) for 1 game.
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