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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Defense could be as good as the last few years, the offense will depend on QB play. If QB plays well then we'll be in good shape. Injuries are always a concern, and that's something you guys should worry about as thin as your team will be.
  2. Easy to see that you don't do a lot of negotiating. See post on BV by Hammersmith - it pretty much sums it up: http://www.bisonville.com/forum/showthread.php?32573-Future-schedules/page29
  3. If you want to play that bad just take the 2015 deal. Simple right?
  4. Phone calls aren't. I doubt Gene will be emailing Faison anymore, might just as well email Schlossman.
  5. Nice post - both are great universities. I might also add Steel Bridge Champions 2002 2006 2007 2010 and WEFTEC Student Design Competition Champions (Civil/Environmental Engineering) - 2007 (it was actually a tie with University of Florida) The steel bridge contest is against all the engineering schools in the country. No other school has won it more than twice.
  6. No what the transition taught everyone is UND did no real planning for the move. NDSU having all their success was killing them. Their arrogance told them that if NDSU can do it we'll have no problems. How did that work out? Went cheap on coaches and you can see the results. The only reason I'm following T&F is that will tell if you're in last place in BSC or second to last. Did you see our girls take down Auburn?
  7. Just have to keep all the arrogance here in check. Face it your sports teams are going to be in the bottom of the BSC again. And everyone loves BF. Just like everyone loved Muss a few years ago.
  8. You are pretty simple - that was my point. By the way your track teams are scoreless after the first day. Last place in the conference standings again.
  9. Where's your SB team playing? Your track teams score any points yet?
  10. Let's put it this way - we'll have no trouble beating you in attendance every year.
  11. Weber State was a big help during the transition. We have a great relationship with them. And by the way Gene Taylor is one of the most respected & successful AD's in FCS.
  12. We'll lets see what this year brings. They sure didn't make any money from fb ticket sales......
  13. This is just a the thing that the UND media relations (GF sports writers) have on the shelf when everything go to sh*t at UND. EERC losing money, Racist T- Shirts, near last place finish in the conference by both men & women. Is there anything actually new in the articles? Nothing. It's been on the shelf. Bank on it.
  14. UND lost money last year and it will be interesting what they show this year. Money talks and BS walks. So far this is all BS.
  15. Exactly right, not only a F**K you but holding a press conference to boot. The game does little for NDSU and a lot for UND. UND needs something to jump start their program. That's not an opinion but a fact.
  16. You mean Shepherd who signed a contract with the Redskins?
  17. Good story - now those teachers would have kicked you and your friend out of school.
  18. What national recognition? GameDay, 3rd NC in FB, WTrack 4x400 in top 10, MBB winning in the biggest tournament in the world. Tell me about your first big win in any sport? How's it feel to be the bottom of the BSC in both women's and men's sports? Oh almost forgot - the only national recognition UND is getting is from a T-shirt.
  19. Enjoy your men's & women's low to last place finish in the BSC again this year.
  20. I see another Bison team is going the NCAA playoffs. How the Track team doing I see they schedule mostly DII teams now. Last place in the BSC again. Must suck to be so bad as a athletic dept.
  21. I think the phrase "All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing" applies. You have to wonder why in some school districts you never hear a word about bullying and in others it's a problem....
  22. ACA was suppose to cure the problem of people being uninsured, right. Out of the 40M or so what we are down to 38-39M. Wow great job. Now people have policies covering things they don't want and high deductibles and co-pays. (12,300.00) out of pocket. How many families can afford that? Plus who's paying for it? Taxpayers! It's a joke and you now it. SS going broke, MC almost broke, and now we have another entitlement that's underfunded.
  23. With 92 million Americans not working homeownership would be a dream - 1 out of 5 Americans on food stamps. Cost of hiring workers cost prohibitive. European style economics.
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