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Everything posted by BringDeanBack

  1. Think of how bad it would have been with unbiased officiating.
  2. Once again, your words hint at Bina not being there for his player. Bina not being a good enough friend or outlet for his player. If Bina is such as a harda** how come more players haven't quit? With the way their season is going this year, you would think that it would happen. Bina didn't get a whole lot of playing time going through high school because he was stuck behind Moreland, yet he did not quit, he stuck it out. Perhaps kids are just different these days as being a quitter doesn't seem to have the stigma that it once did.
  3. To quote UNDhockey22, "that is life". There will always be people expecting more and quitting is not always an option.
  4. Unless you know the situation, I'd avoid making subtle statements that indicate that Bina is somehow to blame for this. The kid quit, end of story. Are these same players told at every level of play that they are supposed to quit the first time they ever get a coach that they don't like?
  5. The kid obviously has talent and I probably am wrong about RR cutting players better than him, but... Tony Bina is also a very nice and decent person so why not play for him? I guess I'm from the school of thought where you either don't start the season with Central, or else you start and finish the season with Central. Don't quit halfway through. It is not like this is Bina's first year, so kids coming in know what to expect out of him. Hypothetically, what would you say to the last kid that got cut from Central who truly wanted to play but couldn't because someone beat him out only to quit a couple of games into the year? The only reason I label this as hypothetical, is because with Central's low numbers I don't know how many if any kids got cut.
  6. Is he seriously going to get to play for RR next year? Great message, when the going gets tough, just quit because the other high school coach in town will pick you up. Actually, RR probably cuts guys just as good as him every year. The only reason he looked pretty good is because he was on Central. Kind of like a decent looking girl hanging out with fat chicks to make her look even better than she is.
  7. They better get used to playing against older guys because once they come to UND they will be 19 and 20 year olds playing against 23 and 24 year old players. If these guys are drafted high they won't still be with the Sioux when they turn 23 or 24.
  8. Nothing the NCAA does surprises me anymore.
  9. Perhaps you are too blind to see that he might just be a jerk. Who are you to say that mental illness is clearly in play? Have you examined him? Have you talked wtih his mental health care provider, if there is one? You don't know. I don't know. However, if he truly did have a mental condition that would be expectected to hinder his hockey career, would Lucia have ever accepted him back? People make fun of Lucia but I don't think that he would let a player play if he expected that it would harm the player in the long run. Would his parents have allowed him to play again if he had a diagnosed condition that was serious enough where it would likely hinder his hockey career? Just questions. You may be right but there is an equal chance that you are wrong. Many people in this world do strange things and it can't always be blamed on mental illness.
  10. At least Blais won some of the big games (i.e Championships).
  11. To heck with Hirsch, he was probably given one more chance than he deserved and he proved that he is a waste of talent. I don't feel one bit bad for guys like Hirsch that don't appreciate what they have. Hats off to Lucia for dumping this guy.
  12. It doesn't help that they are playing on a team where no one besides Radke is willing to drop the gloves and defend them when they do get cheap shots. A team with a 6'7" 250 lb monster that is like an Italian World War II tank when it comes to fighting. One speed forward and five in reverse.
  13. I hope he stays where he is at. The Islanders were the first team to give him a true chance in the NHL. The Wild would just ruin his offensive game by making him play that boring defensive style of hockey.
  14. Getting swept at home by Michigan Tech is not a whole lot better than getting beat by Holy Cross.
  15. I think that we already have the goalie. Can anyone account for the whereabouts of Lamoureux when this video was shot?
  16. I get a kick out of the idiots that call this a rebuilding year. Hello!!!! The Sioux have 3 first round picks on this team and countless other draft picks. They have the guys they supposedly want. The true rebuilding will happen when guys like Oshie and Toews leave after this year and are replaced with guys like Moreland and Hamilton. If you can't win this year, you sure as heck aren't going to win next year. At least we will have a rock solid stable of defensemen anchored by Brian "Aren't we playing two hand touch" Lee and Joe "I'm the biggest guy on the ice but won't fight guys even when they run my goalie" Finley. If Chorney goes early, things could get real ugly.
  17. I think that Finley is lucky that Axtell didn't fight him. If Axtell is missing two front teeth it probably means that he has at least been in a fight before. Something we can't say for Finley yet. People rag on Lamoureux for letting in soft goals. But gee whiz, the guy was getting run all night, including the Axtell play. Did his UND teammates come to his aid? Not really. Finley danced with Axtell and that was about it. TJ Oshie was getting run and hacked all night. Did any of his teammates step up to defend him? Nope. This team is soft, soft, soft, with the exception of Radke and Oshie. Radke is one of the smaller guys on the team but he backs down from no one. Radke would fight any guy on the ice, including Axtell, if the situation called for it. Why, because he has heart. I feel bad for TJ Oshie. The guy is obviously playing hurt and his own teammates just stand by and watch his get cheap shotted all night long. Pathetic.
  18. One has to start wondering about Hak's recruiting. After all, most of the Blais recruits are gone, and Hak can't seem to win. Ok, Toews and Oshie are great players but this team is soft. Where is the new Mike Prpich/Rory McMahon type players? It seems that Hak and Blais could both get some blue chippers but perhaps Blais was better at selecting the role player type recruits.
  19. Good point. Fargo South's/Flyers success is also based on numbers and having what appears to be good coaching, at least at the youth levels. Most Flyers teams that I have seen never have that one standout kid that scores all of the goals. Rather, the teams are full of solid, above average players. They don't have that weak kid that you can count on to fall flat on his butt while defending the 2 on 1 that most teams seem to have.
  20. Did someone say something, my ears were ringing!
  21. I don't think missing a year of NCAA hockey is that big of a deal. Most of this years team doesn't seem to be playing NCAA hockey this season.
  22. He, like many of the fans, probably just got sick of watching the substandard product being put out on the ice so far this year. I am curious, why didn't he get to play more? My impression of him was a "high motor" type of guy that would hit anything that moves, a sparkplug of sorts.
  23. I am not saying that girls can't succeed at sports. They can succeed at anything that a man can succeed at. What I am saying is that a vast majority of people just aren't interested in watching girls that have succeeded and excelled at sports (see my WNBA example). Regarding your soccer example, you are right that many people watched that event. I will ask you this though, what is the single most famous women's soccer event that comes to most people's minds? How about the Brandi Chastain taking her shirt off after scoring? Most people remember that but many of them couldn't tell you during what game it happened. Once again, I am not saying that this is right or wrong, but it seems to be the way things are.
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