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Everything posted by BringDeanBack

  1. In addition to Danny Irmen, Nick Krebsbach transferred to Red River from Minot. Those two played on the RR team that won state in 5 OTs 2-1.
  2. Dean Blais 2, Dave Hakstol 0 But short of bringing Dean back, I am happy with Hakstol.
  3. One thing is for sure, the East is a lot better than the West again.
  4. While Scheels usually has pretty nice stuff, it definitely is not always the cheapest. I wish that they would have more sales.
  5. Massen and Moreland's end of season stats were pretty similiar that year.
  6. I am referring to how good they would be at UND, not the NHL. Was Jordy even draft eligible this year? (not to say that he would have gone in front of Marvin). So does the fact that Brad Defauw was a high draft pick and Jason Blake wasn't picked at all mean the NHL scouts knew something we didn't? NHL scouts are wrong sometimes because they are just going for the biggest strongest guy, not necessarily the guy that can get it done. UND has made a living of bringing in small speedy guys with little chance at the NHL (Hoogsteens, Brady Murray, Jeff Panzer (who should have got a chance), B. Lundbohm, etc. Some of the high ranking big recruits have been mediocre at best (Defauw, Massen, etc). These are generalizations, but it goes to show that the NHL scouts and other experts aren't always right.
  7. Not meant as a slam, but how much better is Aaron Marvin at this stage of his career than Lee Marvin was? It would be nice to get local guys but it is not good to pick someone solely because they are local. If he is better than I think, then hats off to St Cloud as they have stole two recruits that many thought were coming to UND (Christian and Marvin). I think that two or three years down the line, Jordy is the one that UND will wish that they got not Aaron Marvin.
  8. Maybe Minot State or U of Mary should go play Indiana and Purdue in Men's basketball. After all, don't North Dakotans want their best non DI school to represent the state?
  9. What happens when two cupcakes collide?
  10. I would not put money on Minnesota beating NDSU for the next few years. It definitely won't be a cake walk. Minnesota lost alot of players this year (top 2 o-lineman, top 2 running backs). Plus, Minnesota never has a defense, quarterback, and they have a tendency to choke if their opponent can keep it close.
  11. Sooooo, now what is UND's excuse going to be for not playing NDSU in football anymore? Isn't a game against UNI as "damaging" to playoff seeding criteria as a game against NDSU?
  12. And that justifies threats of violence against supporters of the nickname? I see where you stand.
  13. Hopefully none. On my way to the game (sat night), I did see one of the protestors (the one holding the feather staff) try to pick a fight with a passing fan that was wearing a white fighting sioux jersey. The Sioux fan was with a group of three others. The Sioux fan was already approx 20 yards past the protester when the protester came charging after the fan, stuck his feather staff in a snowbank, and challenged him to a fight. The Sioux fan just kept on walking ignoring the inappropriate behavior. Now granted, I did not hear if the Sioux fan had said anything to the protester, but the Sioux fan definitely did not make any threatening moves towards the protestor. Of course you will never see any kind of write up on this in the Herald. They were anything but peaceful protestors. Dare I say, the protestors on Sat night were the hostile and abusive ones.
  14. The best part of the whole night was when HC scored the game winner with R Potulny and Irmen on the ice. What a great way to end your college careers. Where is your jersey pop now Irmen?
  15. This could be a long off-season if Zajac goes. Add him to the already likely Smaby defection. And I think out of Oshie, Towes, Stafford, at least one of them will go early.
  16. Anyone hear how ticket sales have been? It would be too bad if it was cancelled. However, at their age, it is amazing that Aerosmith is still as active as they are.
  17. Okay, here is my prediction for next year's state tourney. It will be different. For this year's NCAA hockey final.....it will be different, for NCAA basketball...it will be different, anyone know a good phone number for Vegas? Between Michelson and myself, we will make a boatload of money with our Nostradamus like prediction skills. As far as concrete predictions, 2007 State high school finals = Red River 2 South 1.
  18. I guess you never have to be wrong on predictions if you don't have the balls to make them in the first place.
  19. Many of the students that found $65 for the ticket package "too expensive" will spend more than that at the bar that weekend. It is all about priorities.
  20. Do we really want Glas in this position?
  21. I agree, if UMD isn't playing and beating the Gophs, who cares?
  22. While I'm ranting, Finley will see the NHL long, long before Lee ever will.
  23. Maybe next year, the Sioux can play all of their conference games against UMD and Mich Tech. It seems that those are the only two teams that they can beat at home. Sioux better learn to win as a young team because next year won't be much better. I see Stafford, Smaby, and either Towes or Oshie leaving (Sioux are not lucky enough to have both Towes and Oshie stay).
  24. Good game, South deserved to win, end of story for this year. I would hold off on the dynasty thoughts for awhile. In addition to Red River's success, Central also has won three titles since 1995. In a state where only 4 teams have a legit shot at the title year in and year out (sorry Wilbur, Minot ain't one of them) 3 titles in a 12 year span is about what a team should average. I am definitely not a South fan, but I am glad that the goalie did well after what he had to go through this year.
  25. Can Minot please win a first round game next year so we don't have to listen to Wilbur complain about the Red River fans? Red River fans throw stuff, the goal was no good, geez get over it. Everytime a #1 seed Minot team loses to the #4 East seed, it sets back west hockey even more than it aleady is.
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