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Everything posted by BringDeanBack

  1. Does UND still have a Men's basketball team? All I hear are crickets at the Betty if the women are not playing there.
  2. He was clearly nudged in by the Grafton Dman. And as usual, Kringstad was flailing around on the ground. If you watch closely, Kringstad's legs are outside of the crease and make first contact with Meland. Sore Loser.
  3. I referred to him as a Fargo South player in my post. I did not make any reference to where the guy was born. Looks like your post backfired on you. Get the facts straight next time.
  4. there must be some mistake, just ask DaveK. The offender could not have been a Fargo South Player. Fargo South never does anything classless. They are the shining beacon of sportsmanship in the state of North Dakota. It must have been a Red River or Central player disguised as a Fargo South player that did the slash. After all, Grand Forks is the worst when it comes to sportsmanship, just ask DaveK.
  5. On the flip side, if Minot can actually win a first round game, then they have more time to rest before Fri nights games.
  6. I wonder what it is like to have a head coach that other schools try to steal away from you. It is not a problem that UND has right now. If anything, the opposite is true. The opposition is begging for Glas to stick around. Glas is kind of like that fat kid that everyone had in gym class. As long as he was there, you did not have to worry about coming in last during the mile run.
  7. They should play the state tournament without keeping score, that way everyone can be a winner.
  8. I think that you need to read my post again as you obviously do not get it. Where do I say that it would not be good for Dickinson, Williston, Minot, or Bismarck to do well? Where do I say that competitive balance is bad? Nowhere, so I don't know exactly what you are talking about. What my post did say is that the west is weaker than the east and they are more than likely headed for four first round losses. Yes the west was successful one year back in 1992 but they have done nothing since then to narrow the gap, which is wider than ever.
  9. That's kind of my thought but I hate saying it until we know for sure. But I think that you are right.
  10. West Region Tournament = Early glimpse at 5th through 8th place finishers at state tourney.
  11. It really is sad that area college kids die like this (first the MSU-M student and now this). I do have a serious question though. How intoxicated does one have to be to wonder blocks out of their way and into a river? Even the few times that I have drank until I was sick, I still never blacked out or forgot where I was at. I am not trying to be a jerk but it just doesn't seem to make sense.
  12. If those prices are correct, I guess that is one restaurant I will not be frequenting. I am glad that some people in GF must be making some good money, but part of me wonders where they are making that good money. There are only so many doctors and professors, where are the rest of these high paying jobs?
  13. It was quite comical after the women's game last night. A considerable amount of people were leaving before the Men's game! Back in the day, more people would arrive before the men's game, not vice versa. I hope that Bunning realizes that the state of UND men's basketball is the biggest problem, not hockey student seating.
  14. If Phil truly wanted to come back, he could make it happen. For the last 10+ years (since he has been in the big time) he obviously hasn't wanted to come back.
  15. Another Fargo South choke come tournament time.
  16. Unacceptable is the word that comes to my mind.
  17. You know, I like how the Fabian, Prpich, Kaip line will bang people around. However, when they are on the ice I get the feeling that there is almost no chance that they will score. Even checking lines should be able to chip in with a goal now and then. Goaltending has not been the problem. This team has two very good goalies that both deserve to play.
  18. 6. A magic eight ball 7. An orange construction cone
  19. I think you misread my post, I am not necessarily saying that UND recruited the wrong guys. What I am saying is that with those players, expectations should be high. Is it the coaching or is it the players? All I know is that Hak is 23-22-3 in the WCHA the last two years, not very impressive. Regarding Blais, yes that Freshman loaded season was rough, but he had no way of knowing that Kollar would disappear that year.
  20. No, we don't have to sit back and wait for these guys to mature. We should expect instant results with the caliber of recruits that we get. Do you seriously think that Stafford will be back next year? Do you think that Toews and Oshie will be around more than another year? Think about it, when you recruit like Hak has been recruiting, you can't wait for development. If you want guys to develop, then you better recruit alot of Ryan Duncan type players that have no real shot at leaving early.
  21. Sioux had very few quality chances. If they would score more than one goal a game they wouldn't have to worry about bad bounces beating them.
  22. Maybe next year I should drop my season tickets and go buy tickets to all of the away games. I would probably see more wins for the Sioux going that route.
  23. How can you not love a team that used to have Mike Pudlick playing for them?
  24. Does anyone know what type of talent that GF Central has in their "farm system"? It seems that GF Central has a limited amount of talent this year. They are good enough to knock of anyone but it would take a perfect game, which is unlikely to happen. They seem to be undisciplined and every mistake they make turns into a goal for the other team.
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