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Everything posted by BringDeanBack
That could be true. But if that is the case, don't look for much change. He is a good old boy.
If memory serves me correctly, Hakstol only played half of his senior year due to having used up his eligibility for some reason. Even so, I have something to add to your Hakstol record at UND of 69-51-7. His record during his three years playing at Indy Ice of IHL were 28-46, 34-39, and 28-46. During his two years playing with the Moose of the IHL his record was 34-35 and 30-45. Add this to his coaching record at Sioux City of 101-109-13 and you do not have an impressive record. Overall, since first playing for the Sioux, Hak is 324-371-20 overall. I realize that this could fluctuate "slightly" one way or another but for the most part is accurate. I also left out his assistant coaching record because I think the Asst coaches impact on a game as minimal. Head coaches and players have the direct impact. Maybe it shouldn't be a surprise that this season is tanking.
There are some similarities between Tice and Hakstol. They both win about half of the games that they should win. They both occasionally win big games. Neither one will ever criticize a player even if it is deserved. Both keep sticking with players that obviously don't produce (Tice=Larry Ned, Steve Martin, Brian Russell, Aaron Elling, Hakstol= Canady, Massen, Smaby, Fylling). Both have underperforming defenses. Neither won a ton of games as a player, in fact, I do not believe that either one ever won a title.
Dave Hakstol is the college hockey version of Mike Tice. Given way too much responsiblity much too quickly. I say fill the team with guys like Prpich. I would be willing to accept the increase in penalties to get a team full of guys that give it their all. Is it just me or is James Masses the softest playing 220 lb forward in the game of hockey. A guy that big otta be crunching people left and right, but for some reason he is always avoiding contact.
You don't have to qualify it. His benching did it for you. Also, the penalty at the end of Friday's game could have cost them big time. I think Smaby will be good but right now Bina is the better player.
Unfortunately, Smaby and Radke are higher profile recruits than Bina is so they will continue to take time away from Bina, regardless of how poorly they play.
Amen, and add Massen to that list. Why do some of these guys continue to get playing time?
Don't forget, South has also lost to Bismarck if I am not mistaken. And you fail to mention that during Central's dry spell, Red River was racking up titles left and right. Hasn't minot just won the one title in 93? with Philion. And also keep in mind, that with no early grand forks departures for the USHL, Fargo schools would never even get a sniff of the state title.
It has been my experience that the Canadians that visit Grand Forks are rude and obnoxious. The only World Junior game that I went to had me sitting next to some overweight Canadian fellow who apparently thought that he had paid for two seats rather than one since one of his roles was pilling over into my seat. Thank god the person on the other side of me was skinny and I could cheat over that way. And yes, he felt it necessary to sit there with his arms crossed the entire game like he was protectiing his territory or something. The worst part was that this guy would stand up and leave while play was going on. Of course, it took him five minutes for his orbit to get him to the aisle. I think I only ended up seeing 20 minutes of a 60 minute game. Just today, I was in the Perkins parking lot trying to get inside as quick as I could. An old Ontario couple practically ran me over to get a good parking spot. Heaven forbid, let the guy standing in -20 degree weather cross the road instead of zipping right in front of him. Put me in the group that is glad that the tourney is over so we can have our town back.
This team is the exact same team that started the season. there has been no improvement. Our big, rugged, experienced defensman looked like swiss cheese last night. And, there are high school power play units that I would take in front of the Sioux powerplay. We bitch and complain about the Sioux never getting any 5x3 chances. Would they actually score? BDB
I thought Smaby was really good last year, and can be really good again. I just have not seen it this year. It seems like every game THIS YEAR he has been putting forth his best Aaron Schneekloth impersonation and getting passed like an orange pylon on rushes by opposing forwards. Two years from now, Smaby will almost certainly be the better player (and I realize that many will argue that he already is) but as of right now, I think Bina gives them a better chance to win. And in case Sid Hartman is roaming around this board here is my disclaimer, I never played hockey past termites, never coached hockey, but I am in the Sega Genesis NHL 97 Hall of Fame.
It is a crime every night that Radke or Smaby gets to dress rather than Bina. Bina had a huge night on Friday against AA and then he's sitting the next night. Radke is obviously not ready yet and I don't know what happened to Smaby between the end of last season and this season. It looks like he has taken a step back. In myu opinion, Smaby and Radke should be the ones rotating with each other for the last spot.
I think ripping off the pull tabs is the whole story. No excuse, no mitigating circumstances, cut and dry, he did it. There may be lots of politics in hockey but Lamourex starting over Brandt is solely due to a big talent gap.
Just curious, who are some current or former Sioux players who either exceeded expectations or did not meet the expectations they had when they were recruited. My list of underachievers in no particular order 1) James Massen - Thought that he would be able to score like a Lee Goren 2) Wes Dorey - Develped into a solid second line player but I think that most people expected more when he was recruited 3) Trevor Hammer - Seemed to disappear after a good start at UND Overachievers 1) Brad Williamson 2) Jeff Panzer 3) Jason Noterman
I agree that it is early in the year, but people, wake up, we just tied Northeastern. Not a tie with a legitimate team like BU, BC, or even a Umass.
Hakstol is pulling his Denny Green impersonation. Take a team loaded with talent and get it to perform at a mediocre level.
After the way the Sioux have started this season, I think Hawaii should be offended with the comparison. Both Hawaii and UND have no defense this year, but at least Hawaii usually puts alot of points on the board.