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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. Our problem revolves around pressure to the quarterback and unfortunately it is in a lose lose situation at the moment. The LB's have shown that they don't have the ability to pressure the quarterback on a consisten basis, but unfortunately the team isn't very good at DE as well. Far to often yesterday we were blitzing and never getting to the quarterback, and that is trouble for any defense. I would be for switching to a 4-3 defense, but it will take a couple of years to get the talent needed to have a successful switch. I feel more of the main question should be, do we have capable defense coordinators running the show right now, or should we be looking for a replacement after the season? I know this won't be a popular question and I will probably get my butt chewed for asking it, but the defense as significantly fallen the last 2 years and its not just because of the going to D1. An NAIA school basically owned us yesterday on offense, now I realize they are a very good NAIA school, but our defense didn't even compete. IMHO we should look at a defensive coaching change instead of a defense scheme change.
  2. I guess it's from a crazy set of ideals that only I believe in todays' environment.
  3. There can't possibly be a way to manage a university with 3 nationally ranked programs as well as multiple d1 national championships for less money...........for fargo see 70 miles north
  4. Those are not honest answers to questions and I would like to hear the reasoning behind this and how you came to your conclusion. If all donors to the NDSU foundation are told that not a dollar is going to go towards scholarships, educational programs, or educators, then what is the point of donating? It is a University and the 1st point of a university is to educate students. I would like to see you tell the donors that to their face and expect them to ever donate again. Bottom line is he used NDSU for his own financial gain, end of story.
  5. I am not in the position to question someone elses Ethics and I don't believe anyone else is either. That being said, there is ramifications if a leaders' ethics differ from the majority and this may be one of those events. How many more scholarships could have been offered over the last 10 years if all of this money wasn't spent like this? How many educational programs could have been started with this money? How many top tier educators could have been saved by giving raises with this money? The point being is that I am sure many other programs around the University could have benefited more from this, than using it the way they did. The second a leader puts his personal success before that of his institution is the second he should be stepping down from that position, and I think thats the position it got to IMHO.
  6. Which goes back to the question of why do this? Someone within the foundation needs to be fired for releasing this. None of this would be happening if they would have just handled it internally. Something tells me within the coming weeks there is going to be much more information coming out from other people as I have a gut feeling that this is just getting started.
  7. To me this is the all important question that I have yet to see answered. They could have accompolished all of this internally with the foundation cutting off funding and putting limits in place with out going public with all of this information, was there a secondary intention due to the amount of money he was spending inappropriately? Furthermor the biggest scare NDSU should be thinking of right now. What do all of the donors that donated to the foundation think? As a donor of UND annually, I would be appauled if I saw this kind of disregard in spending. What kind of hit will the foundation take donation wise by making this public, as I guarantee you there are upset donors out there right now?
  8. Are they cutting away from the USD game at 6pm to show the sioux game or is it just going to be online?
  9. Good news, he's done a good job, with some impressive hires as well!
  10. LOL, so you were that guy during the week long party back in 03-04! They should do it that way every year! Nothin like camping outside for 5 days for season tickets!
  11. Watching it out here in minnesota right now on the NHL network. God I miss watching zajac and parise with the sioux jerseys' on, they are monsters out on the ice !
  12. Congrats to the bison, also on a side note, the sdsu women are #14 in the country and are also dancing. Both qualified in their first year of elgibility. congrats!
  13. 33 yarder for the win for UND, GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  14. I just have the feeling the trenbeth is gonna win this one for the sioux
  15. 34 yarder from USD NO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. If the kick has very low trajectory, then it would be the kickers fault. If the kicker is also 6-16 on the year, I usually dont give them as much of a break
  17. it doesn't matter how big of a leg you have if you can't put it through the posts
  18. is it possible to trade a field goal kicker! jesus! Was the kick just really low as usual or what?
  19. chugging a fresh beer for good luck!
  20. please dont screw it up again, please dont screw it up again!!!!!
  21. has the 2nd string QB played at all today for us?
  22. We need a touchdown, field goals ahve been a probelm all year long
  23. If you register on www.jumptv.com, they have a link there on problems and you can find one that shows you the recommended preferences for media player, once you do that it should work for ya
  24. when i click play nothing even loads, just sits there. Already turned off my firewall and adjusted media player on vista not sure what else to do
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