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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. I'm impressed it knows to pick the Jews in New York. You'd think of all groups they'd get a pass with the whole "taking away of civil liberties" argument. Great quote professor Munski used all the time. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Not copyrighted to him, but out of my love for the guy I'll give him credit!
  2. Canucks fans going crazy with this, especially throwing a QO at Virtanen and not Stech. A lot of people think he will re-sign with the team regardless but if I'm him I play the market a bit. I'm a Northstars fan who watches the Wild, and would love to see the team trade Dumba and get a player who competes like Troy.
  3. The draft experts are talking about the Wild getting high compete guys. Give me a team full of Troy Stechers any day of the week.
  4. Pre-game meal during warmups....sigh... Red pepper Grinder and a Coors on tap after a quick walk from the Tabula (or whatever it is now) parking lot. The things we take for granted....
  5. They will likely take a center, but I'd love to see the Wild take Askarov. Give him the keys to Iowa next season and then go from there. Didn't have a great WJC, but look what he's doing so far in the KHL. Some would argue he's NHL ready right now.
  6. Same guy that talked about the racial jungle he didn't want his children growing up in. At some point I'd assume his advisors would encourage him to shy away from his shoot from the hip moments like the are you on cocaine moment or whatever it was to the CBS correspondent. Understand fully why he gets the lid so much. I'd be doing the same thing if I was working for him.
  7. #metoo died pretty quickly here didn't it.
  8. Great take. Goes back forever. Hitler was not a healthy guy. Huge checklist of possible things he could have had.
  9. I'm keeping my eye on the Radunz kid. That guy is a beast.
  10. I was wondering about Costello. Maybe an early peak for him? Hasn't performed like many of us expected in junior hockey. Still rooting for the kid as a local to have a good year in the NA.
  11. NTDP follows both the U18 and U17. @USAHockeyNTDP I believe.
  12. I'm scared for my neighbors. Nice people, vote the party line for their Democrats every election season as is their right. They are super nice to my kids and good neighbors but when it comes to any political talk about Trump or our ND delegation the f bombs start flying. Old guy snowblows every one's sidewalk when it snows accept the guy with the Trump bumper sticker a few houses down.
  13. Cole Spicer scores his first goal tonight and his center Snuggerud had a pair to go with it. That kid can flat out score. You can't teach finishing. Couple of youth coaches around the state I've talked to expect huge things from this kid. I honestly don't follow our recruits too much during the season, but this kid has such a high ceiling that the 17's will have me checking on them quite a bit.
  14. Interesting. @Dave Berger you know anything?
  15. Sigh.....the dream of Lawrence dies after a win that only hurts draft capital.
  16. My wife and I used to do foster care and could not believe the relief that those children got going to school and being around normal for at least some of their day. I haven't checked suicide rates amongst adolescents during this time period so I can't claim to know if the rate has increased or decreased. Thinking the worst on that one unfortunately.
  17. Took three years, but I think I finally found a team with an o-line worse than the Vikings.
  18. The Snuggerud kid had a goal last night in a 6-4 loss, from none other than Mr. Spicer. Highlights on Twitter. I'm excited for the season he will have with the talent he will practice against every day.
  19. This scares the heck out of me. When our school went distant last year we had computers assigned to our homes for the fourth quarter of the year and work was left outside the school for them to do. My wife (a teacher) was a warrior and made sure my kids got their work picked up and done, kudos to her. When it was my turn to pick up their work I noticed a few times there were two or three of my kids' pals that hadn't picked up any work whatsoever. The same kids would roll by our house at 2 pm and want my kids to go play and joke about how their parents said they didn't have to do anything when my wife said our kids had to finish their work. The kicker. Those kids all passed and moved up with my kid.
  20. His post got moved here from the other one. Not his fault. More my fault than anything.
  21. Cole Spicer lining up with a Snuggerud and the Lucias kid whose parents built him a school and a hockey rink. That U17 lineup is loaded. Wow. But then again they are the best 17 year olds in the USA.
  22. Yeah, I was hoping he would have a crazy good game and there wouldn't be a doubt this was his last game. Seems like this UCA team has some good athletes. Most of the time the talent of the teams NDSU plays isn't close.
  23. Call me a cultist (didn't vote for Trump or Hilary in 2016 so I'm not totally sure if I qualify), but it seems as though the numbers of those with Covid is grossly underestimated in my opinion (are we still allowed those in debate?) My kid has three buddies in quarantine who tested positive and they are all asymptomatic, yet following quarantine protocols as demanded by the state. And this is small town ND. How many kids raising themselves on the streets of (fill in your big city) have it and won't ever be tested because they don't see mom or dad more than 10 minutes a day? Those kids could have it, have transmitted it, but will never know based on symptoms they never felt. And Bob Gibson died, my grandpa's favorite player....2020....
  24. Just a quick question. Are all Republicans cultists or just the ones voting for Trump? Like would Romney be a cultist or the McCain family? Flake?
  25. My Grandma is in a nursing home in Minot and literally hasn't been let out of her room for 7 months. People with masks and gloves leave all their meals on a table by their door. Seven residents tested positive last week.
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