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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Do Sioux fans cheer for the Bison? I mean are Nancy and Donald having brunch tomorrow?
  2. I was told society as we knew it was over if ACB got confirmed?
  3. Good take. Berry is a tremendous person. Everyone who knows him will tell you the same thing. Former coaches and players rave about him.
  4. I'm a bit shocked that he's at UND after this happened. You would think the coaches would have all the background on the kid and that court ruling would have made them look a different direction. Now, should something a kid did when he was 14 years old dictate the rest of his life? I don't have that answer. And its not my job to decide whats best for this kid. I hope this wasn't racially motivated in any way, and I hope he is remorseful. I thought the Phoenix Coyotes put out a good statement, but you never end up on the right side of a grease fire situation.
  5. Flu deaths now down 98% world wide! Damnit we did something right in 2020!!!
  6. Coach: Todd, don't score okay. We can hold the ball until the end and kick a FG. Just don't score, and they won't get the ball back. Todd Gurley: You got it coach. I'll stop short and not give them the ball back. .............
  7. I'd love to see Minot State pursue D1 hockey at some point. They have the facility to make it work, and the proximity to Canadian and US junior leagues to get a decent look at recruits. Guessing the $$$$$ is where the issue is.
  8. The twitter feed for Minot State does a good job listing webcasts for their games. Believe they play Jamestown in Minot tonight. Gotta be a webcast.
  9. The games are always so close, they just battle. Jamestown's goaltender was excellent last night.
  10. The Feeney kid is just a winner. Like his dad. Just throwing it all over the place and putting up huge numbers.
  11. Friday night Minot State-Jamestown webcast filled my college hockey itch on a cold October night. Just nice to watch a hockey game and a pretty good one. 1-1 tie game that had some intensity. Amazing the amount of talking that goes on in a game between the benches. Camera guy got a lot of it.
  12. Big boy hockey for the 17s this weekend. Let's see how they handle the Gamblers.
  13. Having been a foster parent for 5 years I hope against all hope this isn't true of Hunter. The children we got that were sexually abused will never be the same. I still pray for these kids at church, and hope against all hope the next pedophile out there gets hit by a bus before they can cause any damage to an innocent child.
  14. Belfield......Dade County???? Whaaa???
  15. Biden had a good opportunity in front of everyone to say he retracts previous statements made on fossil fuels and fracking. I think that may have won some undecided voters over. Instead he challenged Trump on it and now the videos are rolling on Twitter. Where are Biden's campaign people prepping him on this? We know Joe slips a bit from time to time, but nobody that works for him has seen any of these clips of him saying what he's said?
  16. Thorne and Clement people......I love doc, but Eddie O just doesn't do it for me. John Davidson was always tremendous on the color for NHL on Fox games.
  17. So sorry. You will get through this! Lots of people have graduated from NDSU and come out okay! Seriously though, prayers to your family, hoping for healthy returns!
  18. Lose. Just lose. Hold out Hunter the rest of the season and give Dalvin a few more weeks to get healed and then have him split time with Mattison. Our defense needs to play a lot.
  19. That UFC fighter said it best when talking about Biden playing Despacito on his phone to pander to Latino voters. https://www.newsweek.com/cuban-american-ufc-fighter-jorge-masvidal-joe-biden-pandering-despacito-latinos-1539078
  20. Flu deaths are down like 95%. Cured!!!
  21. My son: Hey dad, fiddy cent just backed Trump. Me: What is that? My son: Fiddy dad!!!! Me: Gesundheit????
  22. Now wait a second, you mean its sketchy behavior to block the 4th largest circulated news provider in the U.S. all the while you've got death to America flowing freely through your airwaves? I actually quit Facebook the day a white cleary upset (triggered?) individual posted a video while driving on a freeway of all things telling me how horrible and stupid I and many other white people were for George Floyd happening, and that I needed to "wake the %%%% up".
  23. You lived 93 years...through the Depression, WWI, WWII, Korea, Civil rights-school desegregation, Kennedy (plural) assassination, Vietnam, Nixon-Watergate, the Cold War, 9/11, the first African American president in our nation's history, Covid...... And that makes it into your obit? To each their own i guess.
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