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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Just barely. Born in 89, makes me feel old.... I have a hunch that her as a candidate would get all sorts of backlash from people like Jamele Hill, Rev Al, Whoopi, and Maxine assuring African American constituents that she's not really black.
  2. Fantastic work done in Florida. Maybe an example for other states, but not a normal election in any way gives the others a built in excuse.
  3. Nope, pretty sure he was too busy calling Trump a racist. Like his mind was really made up.
  4. News journalism is shot. MSNBC had a guy on a zoom call that was supposed to be a voting trends expert but instead proceeded to call Trump a racist for literally ten minutes. And they just let him do it, didn't get any trends expertise....
  5. Just read a PA County has 35,000 plus votes to process but they are taking a day off to do administrative work.
  6. Just feeling like I wasted the last two days of my life following this dumb election.
  7. I believe this the grasping at straws that is the end of the Trump presidency. I'm shocked they thought it was a good idea to all go on Twitter and declare they won PA? Not sure the angle being played there.
  8. Has anybody seen any vote totals out of Arizona today? All I see is both sides claiming they have the numbers.
  9. Why not just have everyone to work by 8 and finish the job this morning???
  10. No reason the United States election should go into day 2 of the unknown which could possibly be day 3 of the unknown. I don't think all the lawsuits in the world will save Trump. Count the votes and get it over with.
  11. So for some reason all the Trump people are claiming PA. His kids, press sec., etc. Not sure why when there is so much left to be voted.
  12. "So why did you leave California for Texas?" "Unbelievable taxation, and Maxine Walters". "Who did you vote for in this election?" "Beto"
  13. That Obama vaccine is huge right now if things stay on the same track. Like before January would be ideal.
  14. I was wrong about the Senate. Susan Collins keeping her seat by voting against ACB and keeping Black Bear fans happy. The rest is just so 2020....
  15. This is going to be a disaster. Back to 2000, and the courts.
  16. You think so? I have my doubts on Ohio going Trump and Arizona as well. One of those toss up states I think goes to Biden.
  17. And in other news the Packers always have great QB play....
  18. Okay. So.... Biden=VA, VT Trump=FLA, IN, KY Nothing exciting yet. Georgia should be fun. Giving him FLA based on the handle. Could be wrong there.
  19. I'm glad you are around for tonight! It wouldn't be right if you were blocked on election day!
  20. I think it depends on the rust belt group and North Carolina. Obviously Texas a big one as well.
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