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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Fox is in trouble. They'd better keep Tucker happy or their ratings truly will go to hell.
  2. Walked out of the store this morning when it was 6 degrees here in beautiful western NoDak and the exhaust was pouring out of people's masks walking to their vehicles from the store, mine too. Maybe we were wearing them the wrong way, but not sure that they were very effective. All the workers in my grandmother's nursing home are required to wear gloves and masks 100 percent of the time, and some even mask up and use the plastic shield. So....how in the hell did she get Covid?
  3. ^^^^^^^ My wife was flat out ridiculous with her loans, and she was at Mayville State for only 3 years. The day before we got married her dad joked at the rehearsal dinner that he was happy his daughter found someone to take on her student loans. Just finished paying them off last year....we've been married 10 years.
  4. In hockey whenever we played in Grand Forks or were driving through Grand Forks on our way back to Minot we always ordered Pizzas from the moon for the whole bus. Ken would meet us in the parking lot of Purpur with a van full of pizzas and was always greatful to our coaches for the business.
  5. Looks as though some eastern schools may be shut down for the winter season. Other schools in league that play hockey include Clarkson, Union, RPI, and St. Lawrence.
  6. Rioting vs. Protesting is a matter of context don't ya know!
  7. True Sioux fans want kids to kill themselves???
  8. If you would have bet me 10-15 years ago that Bush went from being the devil to a respected individual by the left I'd owe you a lot of money. Trump may have lost this election to Khan, Stalin, Pot, Tojo, Leopold II, etc.
  9. Where is ANTIFA to peacefully stop the violence???? Ohh did their mom not get them up before lunch again?
  10. Wilbur


    A bear walks into a bar and the bartender asks, "what can I get for you". The bear looks at the menu and thinks a while.......finally says, "I'll have a Miller Light". The bartender asks "Why the long pause"? The bear says, "I dunno, I was born this way."
  11. So your whole no freedom thing has me confused? I'm not following where at any point people weren't free and in shackles due to his policies? I didn't vote for Trump, and wish Mr. Biden well, but what you said sounds like we were Cuba or Soviet Russia the last four years.
  12. He got anything for the non Trump or Biden voting moderates like myself that don't like getting called a racist every ten minutes?
  13. So for the first time ever a VP accused the president they're serving under of sexual misconduct? 2020
  14. Did Kamala ever take back the whole "She believes Joe Biden sexual harassment/inappropriate touching accusers"? I watched the video of her saying she believed them way back when. Did she ever rescind that statement?
  15. Is it safe for businesses to take the plywood down now??
  16. Are we allowed to still call them that? I've been told it hurts feelings.
  17. 2000: Count every legal vote to save the democracy! 2020: Count every legal vote to save the democracy!
  18. Only took until Saturday!!! Okay, time to keep cleaning the garage.
  19. Still not getting clear answers from the nursing home as to how she got it being locked up though. Her absentee vote for Biden was counted though! So at least she isn't a cult member.
  20. Best joke I've heard today. "Aren't you supposed to call your doctor if you have an election for four days?"
  21. My Grandma and her husband beat Covid! Now those poor people that work at her nursing home are going to have to wall off her door with cement to keep her in her room. The next person that tries to test her better bring a crucifix.
  22. When I was teaching and would hold debates in the classroom during election season or etc, I tried to convey to both sides of an issue or candidates that as soon as either side gets to name calling you've lost the debate, discussion is lost, accountabity is lost. I had a student in 08, who was a huge Obama fan. She couldn't tell you why, but bless her heart she stuck to her laurels. In her election assignment on why she was voting for Obama she received an F, and was furious. Why? Because she called McCain a f## (yes wrote the word out) five times in her paragraph. Her parents were upset with me until they got the copy of her literature. She rewrote, and I bumped her grade up a bit. Ps: I'd love to have a beer with ya sometime! My brother went to NDSU so I'm used to the UND jokes.
  23. Looks like two runoffs in GA. By then the Senate will be 50-48 red so the Republicans will just have to win 1 of those 2. Anxious to see the military votes in GA, and if they have any effect on things, my guess is runoff.
  24. You'd have to get me really.....really.....like college sorority girl 21st birthday party bus drunk to believe our positive tests per capita are worse than Chicago or Minneapolis. How many kids on Chicago's Southside or kids in North Minneapolis even have adequate access to testing?
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