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Everything posted by OgieOgilthorpe

  1. The discipline of this team is equal to a poor attitude JV high school team in their first game of the season. No room for that in a below average skilled team...
  2. I'm not as confident or as excited about this game as I should be... I think there will be some fire in the guys this week after a horrible loss such as last week, but my overall view of the team is a lot lower than last week at this time.
  3. Were there any notable injuries last week? Will we get anyone back that was out last week? What does everyone think the coaching staff will do to correct some of these weak spots? How did ISU complete 15+yard passes so easily and consistently? Did that failure keep the D honest and open up the gates for their running game? It seemed like they were gaining yards at will. Thankfully the red zone D held up pretty well but something needs to change. Do they need to throttle back on the blitzing or ramp it up? Offenses are seeing weaknesses in the defense and are obviously successfully exploiting it. I think they need to disguise their overages more and need to get more creative with blitz packages. How can the offense mix it up a little? How can they give Kett more options to use all those weapons he has? Last week was very frustrating to watch. You see all those weapons UND has and you see how many plays they run, but by the end of the game it just seems like none of it got used! It's like their is a huge bottle neck in the play calling that keeps any explosive plays from happening. That play sheet and his mind act as a giant bottle neck... I think the offense needs to spread do quick slants for days. As soon as those are rolling start throwing in double moves, screens and draws. Get Johnny in the slot and use him on sweeps all game long, whether he's getting the ball or not. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT
  4. Which comes down to coaching decisions and preparation... If UND had a guy in there that they weren't fully confident in...then it sounds like a poor coaching decision. Either that, or they were confident in him, but started a guy at the position that doesn't fully understand how simple it is and was not ready. Great to see he understood the inside to outside responsibility...but you 100% can't just let a guy run freely past you. Wow You're sitting in that spot to cut off a potential threat's angle. You just standing in that spot is usually going to be enough to screw up his chances of blocking it just by being in the way for that long run and short time to make it there. If you lean in to block inside, you're screwed. If you have a guy to your inside and outside you just have to get a good piece of both of them with hard jabs to their shoulders to throw them off their angle even a tiny bit and slow them down a tiny bit. If you do that correctly, there shouldn't be enough time for the guy to still get to the ball before its off. If he still makes it, then you have a release time problem with your punter. If he didn't touch him at all and decided to double team a guy in the middle (stupid) then it's on him, and it's obvious he didn't get taught the simplicity of that position. With your tight stance spacing, you use your body and short arm to block inside and extended jab to the outside.
  5. Hopefully the boys don't care about it too much, but we all know they look at it and care about getting respect from the rest of the league. I honestly think that they'll crack the top 25, but would not be surprised if they just show up as "receiving votes". I actually hope they do not end up cracking the top 25, because that would definitely piss them off and the coaches would use that no-respect showing as fuel this week to kick ISU's ass even worse. I honestly think that fuel is needed, because this week scares me knowing how teams typically play after a big win like this. Reminds me of the ISU game 2 years ago at home that 100% kept UND out of the playoffs.
  6. Their first TD was complete BS. If you pause the replay from the least shotty camera angle you can clearly see a knee, if not both and an elbow down when his feet are still on the 2.5 yard line. Unless he has freakishly long arms (he doesn’t) there’s no way that ball was across the line. I think it would be debatable if it was even across the 1 yard line honestly. It’s not even close. Sure they won won but it still makes me mad. They never seem to get those calls
  7. 2 games in, he’s already on a lot of other guys highlight clips...Do those count? I feel confident in UNDs run game and their run defense but I think this will play out as a big shoot out and The Kats are far more experienced and skilled in that category. Kett will keep us in it but our DBs will have their hands full. 42-27 Kats (und missed PAT)
  8. He seems like he would be a good surfer
  9. Any updates on the injury list?
  10. Any rumors on what the new stores will be?
  11. I'm not being sarcastic when I ask you if you're being sarcastic or not because I have no idea what they're like.
  12. Absolutely. He got walked all over last week and has shown 0 signs of even being remotely close to doing his job, let alone making plays. Horrible foot work, horrible effort. He’s straight kneed and lazy. Even his stance before the snap shows he’s not into it right now. He’s overrated.
  13. Harris needs to be sat immediately. Should’ve been before that long one. Get blubaugh in there for him
  14. Probably no rain, but at least the wind might slow down their pass game a little?
  15. Trey Adams Joe Dirt This one feels like a diss to Joe...
  16. Holy cow, Beautiful stadium. Do they typically fill all 72,500 seats? If they normally do, will they on Saturday against UND? I have high hopes that K-Ham can keep the chains moving and produce a few TDs to keep the clock moving and keep things close. I hope it's enough of a game to keep everyone in their seats until the final play.
  17. My take on the game yesterday in person without reading any other comments on here first-- Crowd/Gameday experience: Granted it was a Thursday and a poor unfamiliar opponent, but wow was I disappointed. This was the first game of the season and I was jacked to be there! That feeling left as soon as I stepped into the parking lot. The additions to tailgating were nice, but there's nothing you can do to attract crowds to games other than winning, so I'm hoping this season brings some of that back. In the Alerus, the lackadaisical and unenthusiastic crowd quickly rubbed off on me as I actually felt awkward clapping or saying anything loud during the game, especially from the 3rd quarter and on. The 1st and 2nd quarter showed a little bit of hope but overall I couldn't believe how empty it was and how few fans actually seemed to care. Finally, get someone else to control the music/audio/volume...WTF. I've never heard so much up and down in the volume before, it drove me crazy. Also, that microphone popping noise needs to be fixed. I'm pretty sure it was just the ref's mic but holy crap it sounded like the speakers were going to blow when it popped. In the 2nd half it seemed like it happened every 2 mintues. Offense: All 3 running backs did pretty decent for what they were given. Johnny didn't seem 100% but made some ridiculous cuts like we all know he can. Brady is a decent mix of power and agility and is an all around good RB at this level. He'll fix his fumbling issue because he's never really had that problem before and one of them (if not both) was a perfect helmet to the nose of the ball fluke. James was pretty underwhelming to me. It sure seemed like he lost his speed and agility with all those L.B.s he stacked on. I'm not sure he'll crush too many defenders this season...only because he'll never be running fast enough to do so. Without that speed or burst, he may not even be a good goal line RB...but definitely a good blocker. Oline looked good on pass protect but have some bugs to work out on the running scheme. Overall I was pleasantly surprised that they LOOK like an oline and seem to have the capabilities to do good things. How great is it to see a guy like Ketteringham with a UND jersey on? He looks, plays and acts like a legit D1 QB. Great pocket presence, great mobility, can throw on the run and has an accurate arm. His arm strength isn't top tier, but he has enough to get the job done. He made 2-3 VERY questionable throws that should've turned into at least 1 pick but I expect him to clean that up as the season unfolds. For the most part he made the right throws and wasn't scared to take a shot, and usually he error-ed on the correct side. He's already a stud, but shows obvious signs of even more potential. An even better feeling than having him on the team?...knowing Zim is there to back him up and 1-2 pretty capable guys behind them. WRs had a bad game but you can tell they posses the skill set, so I won't judge them on what I saw yesterday. Plenty of skill stacked up in that position group but I'd like to see some more of the speedsters in the slot with short quick routes. The mid ball was working so no need to change, but I think using Izzy and company on quick short curls and slants could do some damage with their ability to make guys miss. TEs looked solid and fit the body type of legit TEs. They caught the ball and made blocks all game long. They won't win any games for UND but they definitely won't be a weak spot. Defense: DBs were very poor, particularly CBs. I will give credit to that QB and those quick little receivers, but wow did Holm and Harris look like fools...over, and over and over and over. It looked like both of them were drunk and were wearing bowling shoes. Washington is going to be giggling in film, and their QB is going to be drooling. I'd start Blubaugh over either one of them as an eye opener next week, take your pick. He was a baller out there. Similar plays where Harris was straight legged and tripping over himself Blubaugh was cutting and jumping balls all over the place. Safeties weren't horrendous and didn't blow any coverage, but they were hesitant and always 1 second late to the ball. They need to get back to the basics and get their read off the tackles and trust it. Understandable of the first game to get back in the feel Dline seemed much beefier than last year which was nice to see. They'll be no problem for Wash, but they'll at-least be respectable. LBs seemed to be MUCH beefier and stout. They held their own and tossed people around. Noah Larson is a scary dude. He was filling gaps like a juggernaut. The 2nd and maybe 3rd string guys filling in seemed to be very capable as well, so I was glad to see some depth there. As long as they don't end up on the 5th and 6th stringers like last year, I think the LBs will hold their own. Special teams: The kicker now has a mental battle on his hands but he has the form and skill to overcome it. He'll nail a couple easy ones and snap out of it. The punter will be fine as well. He had a couple bad bounces but has decent air time and gets it off pretty quickly. Kickoff coverage actually looked okay to me other than 2 guys crossing lanes causing the long return. Shore that up and make sure idiots know how to take the guy to the ground rather than go for a highlight hit, then they'll be fine. Coaching/Play calling: Offensive play calling seemed good to me. They mixed it up, got a lot of different guys the ball and got yardage and scores in many different ways. I think last season lit a fire under their ass, but more importantly having a QB like this can make anyone look smart. They seemed to shore things up defensively and on special teams, but I don't understand why it had to wait until after halftime. It was very obvious in the 1st quarter that something needed to change on defense and the long kick return was followed up by a squib instead of a correction. There is plenty of time on the sidelines to fix things...especially when you're properly prepared with adjustments in case you're original plans...don't go as planned....Those adjustments should be chalked up and practiced out already so you can simply yell out the adjustment and it's already done.
  18. I still must rather would've had his talent out there over Johnson. He looks like an unskilled defense-man playing forward...wait
  19. Poolman captain with Jones as the A Wolanin gone but with a big drop in production I wouldn't be surprised to see Gersich back. Thome will be solid. Surprised Adams and Hoff got so little of ice time when we had guys like Mishmash out there playing half assed.
  20. Yeah that was depressing. I’m ready for pogo to be gone. Hard to rally behind a guy with absolutely zero emotion. We need some caggs and stech type of energy players. Jones seems to show it and I also see it in Rieger
  21. Any streaming options? I don't get that channel and don't want to watch it at a bar again.
  22. He’s gotten beat high twice. First one may have been screened but he absolutely should’ve had the 2nd. Made up for it with a couple hasek saves...and a little puck luck. He’s decent but never a game changer.
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