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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. 5 -1 ND 5 -2 ND 5-3 ND 4-1 ND 4 -2 ND 4 -3 ND 3 -1 ND 6 -2 ND 6 -3 ND
  2. The only good thing about playing the Yankees (assuming Boston is in) is that it's a 1 game series. We could do it!
  3. Lots of tickets available at Aggie Stadium in Davis, CA http://www.ucdavisaggies.com/tickets/football-landing.html#game
  4. Yes, it be interesting to see how attendance is at next home game, a win against UC Davis is much needed.
  5. So there you have it. Are we going over board with these Look A Like threads? Could certain pics be used as motivation for opposing teams.
  6. There has to be some pretty nervous players and coaches on the practice courts.
  7. But how many are in stock to keep the counter full? With sufficient sales there could be more counters. Prediction: Student sections will have a majority of students in hawk gear before fans in opposite the ice sections do? How long that will take, tough one? Hawk on the MH Jersey is bound to have an effect.
  8. Got Ya! So going from press release a couple years ago to feels like. I get it! Kinda feels like we make a very deep run in the FB playoffs, alll home games?
  9. Koldpacker is really good at click bait articles. Usually has an edge to rub someone with.
  10. Finally, hope it moves through the process, this street has been bad for years. Kinda like driving over frozen Bizon manure.
  11. Stude?ts o? ca?pus @ ?DSU a?d stude?ts o? Laptop @ U?D , I ?ever heard that 1 B4. R U sure Laptop proble? the 2 letters after kl wo?'t type
  12. They have really had our # some years.
  13. 10,743-seat Aggie Stadium in Davis, California, home to the University of California, Davis Aggies 8:00 PM CT
  14. Last week bye against Montana State gets us 1-2 and we play them at the end of the season and win.
  15. I would love to sit in Memorial Stadium again!
  16. Green & White Account All registered and active UND students have a unique Green & White Account, located at UNDSports.com/students. This account is your one-stop shop for purchasing and managing your Hockey student tickets. Once logged in, you can buy, forward or sell student tickets. Students must use their @UND.edu e-mail address to login. Now, having read runaroundsioux's concern 3 posts back, about the validity of your student season tickets and considering this thread's name, and that you might be in the habit of buying counterfeit jerseys, I suggest if they are counterfeit student tickets, and to protect your possible MBA, skip the suggestion in the previous paragraph, and go directly to bisonville.com, then post in tickets for sale thread. You will have more responses than you could of ever imagined.
  17. UND's most potential season in Div I FB is suffering due to injuries. We just need to regroup and play respectable here on out.
  18. I'm going to copy UNDColorado here "I'm still here so hoping I don't get labeled a bandwagon fan." I was fishing Saturday without a working phone or radio. When I heard the final FB score that evening, my stomach dropped about 6" and my knees dam near gave out. This news, after the SD coaching mastery, puts us as a long shot for a team that could make a deep run in the playoffs. Now, opposing coaches and players are beating us at all aspects of the game. Our depth is not near as good as the preseason word on the street may have been. Injuries are our biggest part of the problem. And without the depth, the rest of the team also begins to struggle, the whole team becomes less efficient. Football is such a team sport, and when opposing teams have great success against your weaknesses, your mental part of the game can begin to deteriorate, including coaches. Then the possibility for every player not playing to their potential. After the players have felt last season's positives, we could more likely be at this sad point now. This is a real challenge for our coaches. The rest of the season will show us what kind of coach Bubba really is? What he can do with the rest of the staff? Need to get players fired up and play well. Need changes in games approach and play calling because opposing teams have figured us out?
  19. Unofficial, going by what ticketmaster is showing available. 930 Tickets remain, sold about 30 on Monday. Curious to see how student section goes, large area blanked out?
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