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Everything posted by 77iceman

  1. I'm totally on board with this!!! what better way to mess with the other team's head.
  2. I don't see it as Root slighting UND . . . they just don't carry any UND football on their schedule this year. And that makes total sense.
  3. Root Sports "north west" didn't include a UND player . . . does Root NW even cover the UND games? It would be sort of false advertising to include UND and then not cover their games, right?
  4. I didn't read this as a negative post . . . i pretty much agree. "those fans" he's referring to would be cross-over fans, and I doubt there are that many, and of those, probably not too many of them really go to games in person, anyway.
  5. Great job, Portland! I like the rebrand . . . and the video showing the excitement of everyone involved just pushes the acceptance of it. (slow hand clap and slight head nod here)
  6. I actually like the concept of new logo . . . but i messed around with adding the black tips to the feathers and a black outline. I felt it added just a little depth, made that black on the hawk's neck a little more valid, and kept the hawk from looking so much like a bald eagle. I can't see the logo changing at all any time soon. I know that "not liking it" is the cool thing to do, but for me, I'm a newbie fan of UND . . . not exactly "Sioux Forever".
  7. Not trying to pick a fight . . . but that's a funny post considering your avatar is a modified version of the new logo.
  8. That actually made me LOL.
  9. And if your a Vikings fan, you'll catch on quick to UND. I swear, they totally mimic each other. outstanding running back young qb with tons of potential rebuilding the defense backs new'ish coach etc....
  10. Go because it makes for a good reason to have a beer before noon. It's the same reason i golf.
  11. Just in general, I didn't really see any "oh hell yeah!" ideas. The one I liked best was probably that tribal thunderbird image that was put out there a long time ago, but with the style of imagery, it wouldn't "fly" with the NCAA anyway.
  12. Design is always subject to opinions. Most people don't build cars, but they all have opinions as to what car looks good and what doesn't. To put together a full branding guideline takes a lot of time and effort, and the average person would never think about it. UND knew what they were asking for in their bid request, and if some of the local companies or artists did not comply, then that's on them. SME complied with all requests, and is a known entity with a portfolio of existing work and clients. If UND had just gone with a local artist and people didn't like the outcome, then UND would have caught hell for not spending the money to do it right and being unprofessional. I haven't seen any "non commissioned" logos that really caught my attention, anyway . . . so the SME logo wins out and I'll pick up some gear the next time I'm in GF. Is this discussion over yet, or should we drag this out for 10 years, too?
  13. I don't think having a name on the back means or doesn't mean your a team player . . . I just see the "no name" as a gesture. Once you're pro, you deserve the name on the jersey. But that's just me.
  14. quit posting bird teeth!!! ya'll are freakin me out.
  15. Just sharing my take on it. I've been in the design field for 20 years, and this looks like a pretty common tactic. And it's not "improvements", so much as it is just getting to see the full library of uses. Again...just my opinion. I have no insider knowledge.
  16. It's like he's invisible. Nobody blocks him and qb's just toss the ball right to him. Crazy
  17. Show the people the sterile version...they'll hate it. Then show the jazzed up versions and they'll start to accept it. Show the jazzed up version from the start, knowing people are going to probably hate anything that's shown, and you leave yourself nowhere to go. It's a sales strategy. And it's actually a pretty smart one to use in this instance. Just a guess as to how this was planned out.
  18. Nothing says "unity" like people wearing THREE different logos to a game (new hawk, faux hawk, sioux) and yelling out two different names (hawks, sioux). I like the color blue, and i think they should be called the stars. Maybe I'll make my own logo and march and chant "stars" at the games. It's just as valid as anything else, right?
  19. No thanks . . . that's just totally NOT supporting your team. Wearing old Sioux gear at least makes sense, but buying new product that has a made up logo that only represents the "i want my own way" attitude of a four year old just seams lame. My opinion. That said, it's a cool logo. It just holds zero meaning.
  20. 77iceman

    2016 Season

    Will R. played like an animal and made up for some shortcomings in the defense. I think this year the defense as a whole should be more solid across the board and should make up for Will's absence. Offense is still a wild card . . . two key players get hurt and the O will certainly have issues. 2016 season . . . where are you!!! i can't wait!!
  21. Maybe the ND behind the hawk actually stands for "Not Done" . . . i kid, i kid
  22. yeh . . . i've been to a Gaga concert. And this month I will see Chris Cornell, Kiss, Dolly Parton, and Sons Of Texas. I'm an equal opportunity music listener Back on track, though, I'm kind of excited to see the implementation of the new logo. I think (hope) a lot of people are going to be pleasantly surprised . . . but few will ever admit it.
  23. muscle arms . . . teeth . . . and pupil-less eyes! I'll have nightmares, for sure.
  24. Like a wardrobe change at a Lady Gaga show? (doing my best Charlie Brown impression . . . "good grief")
  25. 77iceman

    2016 Season

    The secondary is still a work in progress as I can see . . . much improved from the "defensive escorts" that they were. (escorts, as in they would run down the field with the receiver and escort him to the end zone). Maybe they are the top of the heap this year but that certainly isn't proven, and I wouldn't stand in front of a camera and tell everyone that I thought that. Can we hurry up and start the season already!!! I'm tired of talking about recruits and logos
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