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Everything posted by 77iceman

  1. Zeke...just sounds like a good UND player name.
  2. What does? oh...the hawk with head dress a couple of posts up. Got it.
  3. mine, too
  4. So hold your thumb over that part . . . my point was that with a black outline and some black accents for added depth, it starts to make more sense as a sports logo instead of a "bank logo". Not that it matters.
  5. Oh my god...what have i done!!!
  6. and i had to google that logo . . . i don't watch baseball . . . ever.
  7. i guess . . . if their logo was green, had the letters ND in the background, looked like a hawk, and faced the other direction they would be pretty much identical i was just trying to get across that with some bold accents and little more definition to the space it looks more like a sports logo.
  8. I just think the current version lacks some depth that most are used to seeing in a sports logo. Some black accents take it up a notch and help define the shapes. Bold instead of subtle.
  9. I said that that's how I would feel. How I would respond. That's my opinion . . . and i have the right to have that opinion. Then again, when I was 20 years old, I probably ran my mouth way more than I do now. As we get older, we learn that even though we have "freedom of speech", when your wife gains some weight you just don't say anything about it (freedom of speech vs love and respect). So UND, in some people's eyes, gained some weight and got a bad haircut. You still lover her, right?
  10. "leave no option" . . . if the interlocked ND was still valid, would any team use the hawk logo? forces the hand. well played, UND . . . well played.
  11. meh . . . i just deleted a two paragraph response. The new logo is average, but at least the school can use it without being sanctioned by the NCAA. And can we just all agree that the real injustice of it all shouldn't be set squarely on the University's shoulders.
  12. yep . . . because it's a business
  13. A college is business . . . a company of sorts. Being "alumni" is a great way of promoting their product. Sports teams are a way of promoting their product. YES . . . a product. It's sold just a like a jar of peanut butter. Honor and loyalty to a school is NOT the same as it was years ago. Student athletes don't play a sport for "their school" . . . they go to the school that is giving them the best offer, much like any adult working for a company, or like a pro athlete plays for whatever team gives them the best offer. I've never heard of an athlete turning down a pro contract because he didn't like the teams logo (although, i'm betting it probably happened somewhere) If an employee talks smack about the company logo and whines about having to wear it on their company polo shirt, that employee will probably be out of work soon after no matter who they think they are. The lesson of "shut up and get back to work" should sometimes be taught, as well. Maybe I'm just missing something? I'd expect fans to react however they may, but I'd expect the "employees" (student athletes) to just roll with it and be happy that they are getting the opportunities that they are getting.
  14. Mascots are like clowns to me...kinda funny, but creepy when you get up close.
  15. If i were a student athlete...i'd be happy with pretty much any name and logo, as long as i got to be a part of a team (and had my education paid for in a lot of cases) just sayin.
  16. i couldn't help but add my two cents
  17. It's not too interesting . . . it's pretty safe. But there's no bird teeth or muscle arms, so I'm satisfied
  18. Bubba . . . the more I hear him speak the more I like him.
  19. I can live with the new logo . . . now can we get back to talking sports?!
  20. . . . yet I have no problem with the fact that the Disney Character, Goofie, dresses like a person and can talk, but Pluto walks around on all four and barks like a normal dog.
  21. Good . . . because bird-teeth logos creep me out. And no muscle arms. No muscle arms on a bird!! It's just weird!!!
  22. If you use that whipped frosting . . . can i have a piece?
  23. I'm not setting myself up to be blown away . . . I just don't want a bird with teeth!!! Anything other than a bird with teeth!!!
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