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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. Can we get Bruce Smith to replace Kupchella?
  2. UND: Holding NDSU back from the Big Sky since 2005.
  3. The MidCon is desperate right now. Anyone could get into that conference. But like I said earlier, I'd rather be NCC D2.
  4. Come October with a DI UND, both NDSU and SDSU could be in the MidCon therefore you essentially only have UND and three other school considered for expansion in the Big Sky. AFF, The last Big Sky meeting this May, Fullerton was interested in moving the conference to 12 teams. That is a fact try not to argue with it (I know it will be hard for you). Just because some members want to see what a report with ten members looks like doesn't mean they are definately NOT going to add 12 members. Its not like the Argus Leader has any inside info the rest of us don't.
  5. Apparently your selective because the title of the article as I stated was "Big Sky looking at adding 10th member."
  6. I am not the one who said UND is in consideration for the Big Sky. The commissioner of the conference did, so yes I believe he is serious. Those are facts my friend. You can not deny those. Why do you get so upset? Odds might be slim, but he said they were interested in UND, a Division II school. Wonder why?
  7. from the Argus Leader: Big Sky looking at adding 10th member All of those are Division I, except for one.
  8. Big Sky meets in October. They recently said they were going to consider expansion of 1-3 teams. UND has just completed their evaluation for Divisions. They have until July 1. What perfect timing Kupchella!! Do not miss the boat. Could this be one of the most critical aspects for UND in some time.
  9. Show me an exact quote in a reputable source where this has been said. You won't, because no one at UND said it. It has been stated that having a conference lined up would HELP. It would not be required. Remember that game you use to play in elementary school, the telephone game, pass the saying down the line and see how it gets messed up by the end. Bison Fans keep messing up the sayings.
  10. However, I can't help pointing out that "North Dakota" is what gets written in articles on the sports page, not "University of North Dakota." The way I have it set up is the way to go if you want a true comparison. Searching "North Dakota State" gets you many things that aren't related to the university. North Dakota State College of Science, North Dakota State Parks, North Dakota State Symbols, North Dakota State Library.... The top two Google news stories (by relevance at the present time) about "North Dakota State" are about "North Dakota State Track." North Dakota State
  11. Thank you for adding intellectually to the conversation.
  12. and if you do it the most fair way "University of North Dakota" vs "North Dakota State University" UND wins throughout the region except for the Fargo area, of which it is (not so surprisingly) close. Google Comparison
  13. That's what my doctor who is leaving Altru told me. I'm sure its just part of the reason.
  14. Because Altru wants them to go back "on call." Of which many don't want to do.
  15. Ditto. Thank god the lonely shiny NC banner is gone!
  16. Because it is. That picture is over a year old.
  17. I'm with ya fightingbooya.
  18. Exactly. Kupchella (and co.) already have their game plan laid out.
  20. I'd rather be an NCC Division 2 Member.
  21. If I were NDSU, I'd do everything and try NOT to get into the MidCon. You'd be essentially letting your basketball program direct all your other sports because it doesn't offer football. NDSU football, your pride and joy, would be stuck in the Great West Football Conference, which has already lost members and is in dier need of more. Not to mention the MidCon has far less "Name Schools" as its members compared to the Big Sky.
  22. Ditto. http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?s=...ndpost&p=168038
  23. McFeely would be my favorite writer ever if he did an opinion piece and just ripped on the committee etc of this traveshamockery.
  24. Cratter

    Northern Iowa?

    Not really. 1) One school will have a scholarship advantage and be at home. 2) It'll only be one game. 3) UNI isn't an "average" IAA program.
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