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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. Pretty tight leash around here. Can't talk about Dannys frostbite, complain about the mens hockey head coach, or talk about UND topics on another website.
  2. Oh I get it now: Expectations aren't met because people compare it to the Fargodome. The Fargodome gets more big name concerts more often. Go figure a city greater than what four times that of Grand Forks. There is a promise of concerts to compete with Fargo and that's exactly what it did and does. Sorry if you don't like those particular concerts especially when you compare them to ones going to Fargo or Minneapolis. How many of these/those concerts had come to GF before the Alerus (and I guess after the old civic)? Zero. Only had the under 3,000 seat Chester Fritz or Hyslop Arena. You might not have been one of them but people were happy to watch Britney Spears/Neil Diamond/Aerosmith/Kiss/Ozzy Osbourne/Black Eye Peas/Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (hosting 18,000 people not possible without the Alerus) in Grand Forks. Did you enjoy Jake Owen and Bullriding the Alerus gave the citizens of Grand Forks the opportunity to enjoy not even a month ago? Are you going to the Harlem Globetrotters? The Mens Show? Tim Mcgraw? Again Goal fulfilled. Sorry it doesn't meet your Fargodome expectations. Maybe you wanna have a list of what you consider "big name" concerts and what percent of them you think grand forks should be able to get on a three year rotating basis? PS. Who is Page and Plant?
  3. Incoherent ramblings: Was it a bar or restaurant? It seemed like two totally different restaurants/bars connected by a hallway. Should have put the Cool round "bar" in the "upper" bar. Nobody wants to sit in a booth in a hallway in the "downstairs" restaurant. Get rid of the "hallway" (no need for two entrances.) dividing the upper bar. Put High Top Bar Tables in the bar. Make it seem like a bar. Total overhaul: Its sad but if you want it to work you gotta total overhaul. Put tons of tvs in the Bar. Get cute girls preferable in Skirts (see the Tavern and Jakes) Make the menu simple with pictures. Get some signature food. Can I even get a Juicy Lucy in Grand Forks? (is a cheeseburger having the cheese inside the meat patty rather than on top) No one likes a copy cat but watch the Food Network (Diners, Drive-In, and Dives, etc) and copy some of those sweet ideas. Olive Garden and Hooters are looking where to go in Grand Forks, too bad they are looking to build new and on the South end.
  4. No one ever was told the Alerus Center would make money. That is not why it was built. No one said they would only bring in concerts if they made money. That is and never was the goal. Sioux basketball in the Alerus isn't be a bad idea. I enjoyed watching the Minnesota Timberwolves in the building. Except for the fact that UND doesn't want to have games off campus and have to rent the Alerus when it has a nice new on campus stadium. Police Patrol is a service to the community to protect from bad guys funded by the taxpayers. The Alerus is a service to the community to provide concerts and conventions to the community. Looks like its living up to expectations. No one ever promised "big name" concerts or a certain number of them. For a town of 60,000 with a competing venue for concerts in the same town: Grand Forks does quite well. How do we fix the problem for the Library to make money?
  5. Hopefully as UND gets better they will not agree to such stupid terms. The flagship U in the state and only some basketball games on the radio? Kidding right? Total disgrace and WDAY should be boycotted. What's next only some football games aired? All for a program replay.
  6. Did I miss something? What's the problem with the Alerus Center? It looses money?.....so. So does the Library, The Park Board, and other Government buildings/programs. Doesn't the Police and Fire department loose money too? I think peoples unreal expectations that it will makes money is the real problem.
  7. What? Its an awesome location. Main street through downtown. Let's see the neighbors are Blue Moose, Mikes Pizza, Applebees, Mamma Maria's, The Boardwalk. It wasn't location. It was everthing else. To say no one wants to travel downtown GF/EGF is just plain wrong. EGFers doesn't want to travel across town to eat at Jakes or BWW. The place will reopen there is no doubt. FYI, I don't buy into this "name recognition," for anyone under 35, the name means little (I have lived here forever). That 35 year old was "what" just turning twenty one when the flood hit? I heard Whitey's use to be "cool" 14-20 years ago? People voting with money would agree, Blue Moose is better.
  8. Considering we split with the number 14,18,21, (swept by) 22 in the current pairwise ranking, I wouldn't be suprised to see us split with the 25th ranked team (already tied them earlier this season).
  9. Makes a guy wanna bombard them with nasty emails.
  10. I am still waiting to go back three more years to make it ten!! I am just beginning! My topics never get old.
  11. Just to add to my very old topic (cause its the bye week ): Most Hated Minnesota Rival: It's not even close: UND: 66% Wisconsin: 23% (sadly probably changing when Minnesota leaves our conference) And for our newer fans a little trip down memory lane: From USCHO: "Top 10 List of Favorite College Hockey Places"
  12. Just because new libraries are being built doesn't mean they are not dying. Its all about egos and trying to keep up with the Joneses. That's why Grand Forks wants a new library . No one will admit it but they want to keep up with Fargo just like building the Alerus Center. Here is another statistic for you: The California Library System saw a 54% decline in circulation between 1991 to 2001! What started to gain worldwide use during that time? The World Wide Web. Those 800 people are 1-2% of the Grand Forks population! And almost all are the same people everyday. Pretty small percent of people using the library. Really? I don't see a lot of that. The majority of "research" is still school related.. Every book now published will be online. Numerous organizations are working on that as we speak. So yes all research "can be done on the Internet." Actually the Internet adds more to research material than books thanks to what is called "lead time." Let's try and keep this Grand Forks related since that is the topic....and yes the Chester Fritz Library, the largest in North Dakota, does allow someone to walk in off the street to use the library as much as the GF Public LIbrary does. (ID required to get a Library card). Again another reason why Grand Forks doesn't need another library. I also don't see children saying "I wish the library had more (children's) books at the GFPL. As I stated before, when a kid can read he or she will be in elementary school and can check out any number of books in their library at their elementary school in Grand Forks. Another reason not to build a new library in Grand Forks. And I can't afford to buy a new movie all the time and I would rather not spend twenty dollars to buy one. I wish Grand Forks would make a "library" of new movies I could rent for free. They can call it Blockbuster! The real question is, is it the role of the government to make sure people can read certain books (cause they only have a small percent of all books available at any library) for "free"? ( I only use books in this case cause most people would agree renting noneducation movies for free shouldn't be, which I can do right now at the GF library, renting any number of fictional movies like BeerFest.) All while costing the people of Grand Forks $2,000,000 a year!?! Isn't it funny that every person in Grand Forks would have to pay for a new library even though over half the people in Grand Forks won't use it on a regular basis? Shouldn't the people that use the library the most pay for a new one??? Makes sense to me? Charge money to rent movies/books. Charge more for a library card etc. Why stop at books and movies? What about video games? Shouldn't the library have those too? I would like to use a gym for "free" , is there an option for me too? Actually its apart of about 20 countries heritage and makes them "special" too. In reality the modern public use library was copied from the United Kingdom. The main reason I hear GF wants to expand their library is room for more books? If they remove the consistently empty "study and napping" areas they instantly have room for 15% more books..... BOOM I just saved the people of Grand Forks Millions!!
  13. And I get a direct flight to Vegas from Grand Forks.
  14. A new library? What is this the 70's? They are dying like newspapers. Why would anyone ever need a library? To use a computer thats about all I can think of. To do research? Every school in Grand Forks has a library: Lewis and Clark elementary to Central High School. Anyone can use the UND library student or not. You wanna read a book, go guy it. It losses $2,000,000 of taxpayer money every year and we complain about the Alerus Center?! Raise everyones taxes for a small amount of people that will use it? No thanks! The Grand Forks Wellness Center is going to be free to use like the library right?
  15. What I am excited about is watching a blurry Super Bowl on KBRR (Fox) in Grand Forks. Reading the graphics is almost impossible. Only city in the state baby!
  16. There is a topic on jetsowner.com about the game in Winnipeg with UND. One person wondered if Sioux hockey games were still on WDAZ in winnipeg cause the Sioux were his favorite hockey team outside of the NHL cause he always watch the Sioux as a kid. Two others were critical. One said Winnipegers don't care about the NCAA and it won't sell. The other stated:
  17. There will always be excuses not to do something if that's your style. Money could always be spent it other ways. Its about priorities. UND getting HD cameras should be near the top and is inexpensive. They are one part of the partnership that broadcasts the games. And they are the part that is the reason for not having it in HD. Midcontinent is ready and willing. They broadcast other regional games in HD already on the same channel in Grand Forks. Ten year old equipment means nothing, besides the fact that it is increasing in age and is depreciating more by the day and the resale value is decreasing. The fans are demanding it. UND hockey in HD is inevitable. The longer they wait the longer they look second rate.
  18. Just like it costs money to have a power play clock on the tv?? UND athetic department spends millions. They have money for High Definition. Bemidji State broadcasts in high definition and so do small town (U of Sioux Falls) womens basketball games in South Dakota on the Midcontinent Sports Channel. It really is a disgrace. Especially not having a Power Play Clock.
  19. This is the longest championship drought in Sioux hockey in over thirty years!
  20. Thanks. You would think they would have listed it on the website schedule. Only the home game with Montana, which will probably switch, is listed. 2013 UND Football Schedule
  21. When does SDSU come to Grand Forks to repay us for this year?
  22. Yeah but one of those three loses is likely to a FBS program, so you should also be mad as hell at the AD for scheduling that game too!!
  23. The Road to Redemption
  24. Will the band be there again?
  25. I stand corrected.
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