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Everything posted by choyt3

  1. Same here. I'd also push all 3 at RR at this point.
  2. I'm apparently a year late on this.
  3. my choice was already defeated... Twice.
  4. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A
  5. Love the screen name, Prison Mike. That the students, allegedly, are driving this support for Fighting Hawks isn't really a surprise. Especially after watching one of the between period contests Saturday night where the topic was state capitals. They were tasked to name as many capitals as they could in 30 seconds. The winner could name... five. The loser named four. College students are way closer to fifth grade, where we memorized state capitals, than I am and I can name more than five capitals of US states.
  6. a little Aerosmith crossed with the Partridge Family. Gross.
  7. I think he is attendance at the REA when this happens. There is a frequency inside the arena that you can tune your FM radio to, but I don't know what it is. I think it is in the media guide somewhere??
  8. a "Fighting" one is.
  9. the vast majority of them
  10. As long as it is a vote for Roughriders, right? So, just like politics, if you don't vote, then no complaining. Got it.
  11. I just don't understand "Fighting Hawks". Looking like that's where it will end up, and I suppose I will support it, just don't understand it. http://und.edu/news/2015/11/runoff-vote.cfm
  12. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3878522-fighting-hawks-roughriders-move-final-round-und-nickname-voting
  13. really? Don't feed the beast. This guy has shown time and time again that there's never any actual inside info. Sometimes things come true in fantasy land, but anyone can throw things against the wall sometimes and have some of them stick, especially after the fact. %gobc in the "suite level"
  14. Lower bowl preferred. Need not all be together. Pm me here.
  15. that's some quality acting. Robert Kelley plays the role of Regal in that scenario I'm assuming.
  16. "Enjoy the season." - Mike Tice
  17. http://youtu.be/t8do_wxlcq4
  18. Doesn't voting close at 11:59 pm?
  19. Noshit? Fine. ND east of 281 and northwest MN are in the same media market.
  20. I voted for Nodak a couple weeks ago. I was a Fighting Sioux supporter, but not a Fighting Sioux at all costs supporter.I was never a only "North Dakota" supporter.I do not want Nodaks only temporarily, only so that another name can be selected. I believe some who have stated this have said another, better, nickname will happen as opposed to be selected.
  21. Wow. You're an expert on many differing topics. Can you define "overrated"? For the first time in the HISTORY of Major League Baseball, a team blew 3 saves in a World Series. They had outstanding starting pitching throughout the World Series, and had the lead in those three games, but couldn't close it out, so that makes them overrated? Did you play baseball?
  22. All of North Dakota is in the same media market.
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