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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. We were told: "Go Sioux!" = "Sitting Bull sucks" by the anti crowd. So "Go Cavalry!" must mean "Custer sucks" ... right? Dead gun-totin' white-guy sucks. Nobody can be against that. <Anybody know how to get that much sarcasm off a keyboard?>
  2. That's why it's so perfect: We're told that "Sioux" is hostile and abusive to Native Americans. So why not go the total opposite direction from Sioux. That has to be the opposite of "hostile and abusive", right?
  3. Anyone have lines on those? If Montana is getting points I'd take them. I'd take Poly and any points I could get also. I'd give all the points and take Utah and Arizona State.
  4. I'd take Cavalry in a heartbeat (because of what it would *not* be). Aero School? Air Cav! And we'd all get cool Stetsons! https://www.google.com/search?q=cavalry+stetson&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hFX_U5CRPNCnggTo6oLIDA&ved=0CB0QsAQ&biw=1442&bih=747
  5. I have no recollections of any such events. Today's word of the day is ... After thought: UND hit a bottom about that time. And NDSU went on a DII roll (1985, 86, 88, 90). I recall something similar of late ...
  6. 3? Almost 3? 5th grade? 4th grade? Walsh Hall, ... boys.
  7. I do not believe "has a chance" and "has the same" carry quite the same meaning. Game Thoughts: If someone's giving 24.5 points, I'm taking the points.
  8. Mentioning "UND Sports Extra": http://www.midcosn.com/schedule/originalprogramming/undsportsextra/
  9. I'm struggling ... but I'm going against the grain: UNDER. I can see NDSU 10-2 and one playoff win: 11 (maybe just 10 if it's 9-3). But now I need UND at 4 or 5 wins. OK. Reasonable. Really easy in that to say "over". But then I start to see, new coaching staffs, new personnel, and think about how one slip-up or key injury (UND or NDSU) and it's back "under" that fast.
  10. Read my signature. Remember who said it. I suspect your concern will not be an issue.
  11. The Sicatoka


    I've already asked a few folks this simple question; so, for the rest (and I know the NDSU lurkers are still here): What will the total number of regular season plus playoff wins be for the *combination* of UND and NDSU this season? More specifically, will it be OVER or UNDER 14.5? If you reply, please start the reply with "OVER" or "UNDER" and then give your reasoning from there.
  12. Oh my ... dare I say (and the football guys will be hatin' on me in a second) that Bubba has brought out the Dean Blais philosophy? "Skate or sit." In Bubba's case: "Work or watch."
  13. Agree, but the earth did not tip off its axis and roll into the Sun and burst into flames after two-in-a-row in one city either.
  14. I don't want to call Bohl's offense conservative, but I think ball-control mindset first applies. I've long believed with the college 40 second play clock too many teams are trying to "track meet" it. They should be looking to pound it. Why? Say you get the ball on the minus 20: 80 yards to a TD. If you get 3.33 yards every 40 seconds* you'll have chewed through 24 plays at 40 seconds per: 960 seconds. That's over a quarter, and a TD. And the other team's defense got hit 24 times. If your defense can get a three-and-out after that, look out. *A first down every three plays.
  15. No, *this* post was glossed over:
  16. I can't believe no one is talking about the major GF economy impact today: Burger King and Tim Horton's merge!
  17. Our membership is upright; reference to yours seems ... limp. (You really aren't good with double entendre, are you? I've been chuckling since your first reference to "membership" and you've been missing it. Heck, Goon figured it out.)
  18. At risk of repeating myself, you started the "membership" measuring contest.
  19. Your response regarding your "membership" is limp.
  20. Your "membership" is never that hard: Bisonville Forums Statistics Threads 32,328 Posts 895,538 Members 5,637 This forum, with a much larger and upright "membership": 656,061 Total Posts 6,724 Total Members All that matters because?
  21. That's so obvious I assume that it's rhetorical. Mr. Taylor put out a terrible offer knowing it wouldn't be taken and his legacy would be, "But I left with an offer on the table." Instead Faison and Schweigert took the offer and called the bluff knowing what the game and it's impacts could bring out. Taylor and Faison and Schweigert have all made calculated risks. Taylor's legacy now is as the guy who (effectively) scheduled UND again. I guess that makes him accursed in some quarters. I say he made an offer, took a risk, and left it for Interim AD Matthew et al to deal with. Most importantly, all the history won't be written on this one until September 2015, if not 2019. We'll see then how all the calculated risks turned out.
  22. It always turns into a "membership" measuring contest with you guys.
  23. Since this "two in Fargo" is armageddon, dogs and cat living together, MASS HYSTERIA! ... let's see who figures out the significance of: 1901, 1902 1904, 1905 1905, 1906 1910, 1912 1925, 1926, 1927 1992, 1993 1994, 1995 Here's your hint: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel_Trophy
  24. Let's go "apples to apples" since Jamal at KX4 leaked late Thursday: This board -- roughly 20 new pages (on existing thread) with 20 posts per -- about 400 posts That other board -- new thread, 97 pages with 10 posts per -- about 970 posts
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