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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I've given numerous other reasons why UND needs to select and begin to market a new moniker and logo. Another reason is at the 1:50 mark of this: Not exactly awe inspiring, and it doesn't roll off the tongue. Just add it to the list of reasons why this must be finalized.
  2. Bisonville is great. It gives me wonderful insights to how "Cpl. Joe Bauers" must've felt when he awoke. (Some of you will get the reference. )
  3. I've been told by more than one developer and more than one contractor that in Fargo-Moorhead you'll keep seeing apartment buildings go up until they hit a consistent ten (yes, 10) percent vacancy rate. At the the current construction costs and interest rates that's the economic viability point. The large complex going in at Demers and I-29 in Grand Forks, no company is going to undertake that level of investment unless they know they're going to make it. If Grand Forks is really at two percent vacancy, that company, they're laughing all the way to the bank.
  4. The series wasn't always a pure "toggle" back-and-forth city-to-city. Let them have the next two for their egos; however, after those two the next game will be at UND (or determined by the NCAA playoff committee). If NDSU needs the extra advantage of playing at home to feel comfortable returning to play UND, so be it. It'll make a loss sting all the more. UND's all-time record in FargoDome is: ______
  5. Dan: RT hasn't been at UND for what now, a decade? Time to move on. Zero and six last season against UND because they are playing again in other sports. Why not schedule FB and try to save some face?
  6. John: Watching a television show does not make you an expert in a subject. If it did, we'd have a plethora of female brain surgeons because they ogled "McDreamy" on "Grey's Anatomy". (Great thanks to a lovely lady who also reads here for that one.)
  7. Do you hear laughing? You're well within control; it's just a matter of when to execute it. Signed, The Management
  8. You might as well be asking a tiger to change its stripes.
  9. John, you're trolling for the sake of trolling. I advise you to take BadlandsBison's advice on your home board and start to use your head.
  10. Wow ... just, ... wow. < shaking head in disbelief >
  11. You feel free to be whatever you choose, but me, ... Nope. I can't be a Nazi. I won't deny my faith as many others did to get on the Nazi's "good" side. The Nazi "we hate them list": 1. Jews. 2. Communists (competition for power) 3. Catholics (again, competition for power) http://catholiceducation.org/articles/history/world/wh0033.html
  12. O'Bannon et al 1 NCAA 0 http://www.marketwatch.com/story/judge-rules-against-ncaa-in-ed-obannon-lawsuit-2014-08-08?link=MW_latest_news
  13. I think no one has any clear vision of where this is going or could end up. Now toss in the NCAA's loss in the O'Bannon lawsuit and things are really getting interesting for the future of "amateur" college sports. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/judge-rules-against-ncaa-in-ed-obannon-lawsuit-2014-08-08?link=MW_latest_news
  14. I always wondered how a guy born in 1930 could "be a Nazi". Did the Third Reich have middle-school youth branch in Thief River Falls for Scandinavian ancestry kids living in homes with dirt floors during WWII (1939-1945)?
  15. I'm surprised there's such concern over there about a sport, by their own statements, that "nobody cares about". And about a team that they claim is no longer a rival no less. Peculiar. Most peculiar. You'd think the discussion would center more around being in the Summit, where it's fairly safe to say that most Summit schools won't vote for "full cost scholarships" in basketball when that day comes (and it will come, trust me, the P5 will go there next to keep widening the gap) because they can't afford it.
  16. You mean we have to put up with another decade of this while you finish your BS in shoveling ... well, ... BS?
  17. If you do full cost for men's hockey and need to stay compliant you do full cost for ... (wait for it) ... women's hockey. <-- It kind of solved itself.
  18. 2017: NDSU loses at EWU; UND (one loss) defeats previously undefeated EWU in Grand Forks in de facto BSC title game.
  19. Sure seem to be a lot of BSC teams on the NDSU schedule here of late. I thought that the BSC was out of the footprint, too much travel, etc. Maybe SiouxVolley is onto something and NDSU is trying to cozy up to Fullerton's flock just in case.
  20. When the P5 start playing an insular schedule, there'll only be about 60 FBS schools left. Those won't have the resources of the P5 (obviously) and will need more opponents that are more regional (for travel and attendance). Take the P5 out of FBS and what's left? Stuff ranging from Boise State and BYU down to MAC and Sun Belt team down through recent move-ups Appalachian State and Georgia Southern.
  21. No, my question is not ridiculous. If UND was going to give in to the NCAA why didn't it close the deal right away, ala Arkansas State. This pussy-footing around and letting it fester for years, approaching a decade, is good for no one. To be clear, my view on the matter is: I don't have to agree with it; Hell, I don't even have to like it; but I have to deal with it because it is the reality. We are not dealing with reality. Kudos to Arkansas State for dealing with reality and moving on.
  22. Roosevelt had about as much to do with the founding of UND in 1883 as the Standing Rock and Spirit Lake Sioux Nations did.
  23. If you don't want to be bought out, don't agree to a contract with a buy-out clause.
  24. I get where you're going: shut them all down but the oldest, first University in the territory, the one started six years before statehood, 1883. Right?
  25. Depends on the who/when/where he was leading.
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