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Everything posted by The Sicatoka
I'm waiting for the NCAA to see through this "no moniker" obfuscation for what it is: it's a way to keep saying the old moniker. I'm waiting for the day the NCAA sends a letter that says, "By not selecting a new moniker you're facilitating and perpetuating use of the old moniker; thus, you are in reality allowing usage of the old moniker. A 'no moniker' solution is not acceptable to the NCAA and as of now you are under sanction until you define your new moniker." Wild? Crazy? Impossible? Uh, that's how we got here.
If you have Midcontinent Cable for your internet you're good for ESPN3.
The last numbers I saw (six months ago) said that only about 1/5 of the wells in the Bakken region (to get the Bakken and Three Forks oil) have been drilled. Yes, about 10000 of an expected 50000 wells are drilled.
They either need to put the ramps on the Merrifield overpass or to put in the proposed exchange at 47th Avenue. Honestly, I'd say "Merrifield" because they could put a bridge over the Red on that road. It would go past the GFCC and not through an existing neighborhood.
How's Mayville State's field?
Never, never, never, never be upset when developers are willing to build residences in a community.
The NCAA policy, as announced, declared the target monikers to be those based on: "race, ethnicity, or national origin" * Minnesota's policy is based on the NCAA policy. Actually, I'm pretty sure the NCAA declared Minnesota a "model institution" in the implementation of the (NCAA based) policy. Irish is a national origin. Troy (Trojans) and Sparta (Spartans) were city-states (nations). Vandals is an ethnicity. Seminoles and Chippewa and Utes are races (ethnicities?) of people ... like Sioux. Yet Minnesota has scheduled some of these teams. Can this inconsistency be explained? To be fair, I'll take care of one: The Spartans of Michigan State are in the Big Ten. But the rest should never be on the playing surface with Minnesota (save for the post season). *I remember it by RENO.
So "the U" does not have the ultimate, final decision of when and when to step onto the playing surface? Really? Really? Put the phrase "Minnesota Gophers cancels game" into Google: https://www.google.com/#q=Minnesota+Gophers+cancels+game&start=10 I see cancelations of football contracts, cancelations due to weather. I see "the U" exercising their ultimate, final decision of when and where, under what conditions, to step onto the playing surface.
Uh, no. Not one rationalization. No emotion; just facts, like: Fact: You handed your scheduling power over to the Big Ten but did not ensure they followed your scheduling policies. Fact: "The U" has the ultimate, final decision of where and when to step onto the playing surface.
De facto, yes, you did. You handed your scheduling power over to the Big Ten; thus, you scheduled it as the power, the choice, is yours. Saying "the Big Ten did it" is disingenuous as the ultimate, final power and decision is still held by "the U".
If "the U" had any true volition about this issue they would ask the Big Ten to not put them in the position; and, if the Big Ten wouldn't, "the U" would not step on the playing surface. Until then, talk is cheap. "The U" is an educational institution. Practicing what it preaches, not coming to the playing surface, would teach everyone watching. Instead, the lesson is the color of money.
The real world walks the talk, practices what it preaches. "The U" isn't there. I know the real world: UND is living in it right now because of policies like this. How about "the U" joining us by giving up something instead of just giving out empty policies and hollow platitudes.
There's always a choice: don't go on the playing surface; get the conference to agree to not align you with "those" teams in cross-overs There's always a choice. "The U" chooses money over the tough choice. And you know what's the most fun of this? Having dropped "that" moniker, I can now be as indignant and holier-than-thou as all the rubes and jamokes were toward UND when it still carried it.
So let me get this straight: Your priorities rank as (1) making the NCAAs, clearly for the money, then (2) worrying about disservice to "the U", then (3) the players, fans, and conference, and finally (4) your principles regarding this issue. I dare say this because what "the U" does, who they step onto the surface with, is fully and only in the control of "the U". Putting all this another way: Put your money where your mouth is. Disclaimer: Mariucci, understand I'm one of the guys who accepts that UND's moniker needed to be retired. What I don't like is the hypocrisy of "we can't forfeit because it'll cost us money". Yeah, your money; our 80 years of history, turmoil to our University and fan base, and State, plus the fiscal impacts of a change. Tell me again your woes about one game.
What is Cal-Poly thinking? Haven't these lads suffered enough already? Shouldn't Cal-Poly be letting the judicial system play out?
James Bond's nemesis organization.
Let's see, what's new in the last few days: EWU announces home and home with NDSU. (2015/2017) Cal Poly announces home and home with Northern Iowa. (2015/2017) [*]Cal Poly announces five players suspended including Ivory and Akins (oooops!). http://calcoastnews....rob-frat-house/
I've wondered if the "Lennon approach" (balanced, conservative offense; pressure, aggressive defense) works in the SIU recruiting areas. It seems the recruit base in the upper Midwest is better suited to it.
I'd truncate it to just Alias. (But you know opponents would only use the last syllable.) I threw "Specter" out there because we'll always be living under the specter of the old logo.
Moniker: noun Slang. a person's name, especially a nickname or alias. A person wearing a monocle wouldn't use slang.
Chewey: Only problem with your notion? Minnesota NHL franchise moniker is _______.
SDSU would never do that to their "rival".
I'm wondering if that came from Taylor or from his boss. I guess we'd know if Faison asked Acting AD Prakesh Mathew to go back the the home-and-home that nearly happened in April of 2011 (adjusting the date as 2017 has since been filled by a far away, out of footprint, Big Sky school).