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Everything posted by The Sicatoka
No self-respecting "good ol' boy" would use that stuff. "Good ol' boys" operate by looking a man in the eye and shaking his hand. And the last thing a "good ol' boy" would be is an internet poseur.
a) Dinkytown b) Bisonville c) Greeley d) all of the above (via gene splicing technology developed at UND)
Gee, Mister "Hickman" doesn't have the same KIRO Seattle graphics displaying his name as the rest of the "story". How ever could have "KIRO" missed that one? So I'm wondering who got a video camera for their birthday and had to try their hand at "video production".
The first whispers of this came from Jamal Spencer (KX4 sports) in Fargo. (I believe that's accurate. Correct me if needed on that.) Mr. Spencer has much stronger ties to NDSU than UND. If there's a "leak" and Spencer got the scoop wouldn't Occam's Razor dictate that it came from where Jamal has the best contacts?
Jim Rockford. Firebird. For the win.
Orion is "The Hunter". (You know opponents would call us the Onions.)
Agree: Quote on iPad-Safari is goofy now. Better on Win7 (Chrome and MIE).
Same here: Only iPad-Safari. Not on Win7 with either Chrome or MIE.
A wise man once told me: The greatest victory is when you defeat your opponent at their game, on their field, by their rules. In. Bubba. We. Trust.* *Because this would not be happening without Bubba's blesssing and sign-off.
C'mon folks (and "good ol boys"): In Bubba We Trust ... right?
Last year?
http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2014/08/ncaa_study_finds_all_but_20_fb.html So all but 20 FBS schools lose money on athletics. And they want to take on more costs via "full cost" scholarships and stipends? Clearly academics, and not real-world business people, are running those places.
Oh yeah !?!?! OH YEAH !?!?! Well in Fargo they never have to worry about what's sneaking up on them from behind that hill ... except for maybe the city dump ...
A self-serving minority point of view dictating the outcome ... where've I heard that before ...
I know people who know people. I could arrange that those folks have no power lines of any kind running on their property. And I know a couple places that make and sell candles to help them out after.
If you're inside the Grand Forks flood protection area you should expect to be "in Grand Forks" (meaning more city than country setting) at some point. The spot I recommended for a Red River crossing (Merrifield Road near the GF Country Club) is in the protection zone*. *Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I was told that Merrifield Road is the south protection line and the GF airport road extended south to Merrifield Road is the west border of the flood protection plan.
I never got a good vibe from Mussman when he'd speak publicly in place of Lennon. He didn't carry himself as "head coach material". Honestly, I had my doubts about Bubba as a head coach too until I saw that he could do it (UMD). The guy who carried himself like a head coach to my eyes was Mike Mannasau.
The metro with a shot at surpassing Fargo is Bismarck-Mandan
Sonny Milano has told the BC folks he's going to sign with the Columbus Blue Jackets organization. So, so sorry for Jerry York ... not.
Choosing a new moniker finally kicks the soapbox out from under Leigh Jeanotte et al. They can't allow that as complaining about UND's moniker is the only trick their pony knows. Until a new moniker is chosen events like t-shirts at the recent Springfest are the gift that keeps on giving to the (as Scott calls them) bedwetters. As far as respecting the indigenous peoples, UND had more indigenous students than any other university in the region, yet, they didn't come to UND's rescue in a time of need. That tells me all I need to know: We had a good run; thanks, but see ya later.
Did he just basically state by not adopting a new name UND is fostering an environment that perpetuates the old name?
When has the NCAA ever worried about negative publicity much less looking thuggish and exploitative? The NCAA could claim "no moniker" is de facto allowing the old moniker to stand. The "wink and nod" here is UND claiming, "Oh no, we don't have a moniker."
We had a name that was “powerful,” “inspiring” and “recognizable”. But no matter, now we can get by with nothing. Does that make sense?
So they went bowling? SO WHAT!!! Apologies to Hanson; someone had to do the lane-bounce in this tale.