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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Listening to Joe Glenn's comments I think UMary and Minot State should be upset. He's probably losing recruits to them.
  2. Maddon + Twins = 1987 + 1991
  3. We lose a starting QB and the top hockey scorer in an 18 hour span. Halloween early.
  4. I hate to say it, but I was kind of expecting this game. Every work in progress has set-backs along the way. This was one of them. So, the team can curl up in the corner with a nookie-blankie and feel sorry for itself or it can learn from the mistakes of this week and move forward. Day by day.
  5. Lose the top scorer from mens hockey and the starting QB from FB in about an 18 hour span. Get well boys.
  6. Meant to give ... http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=1479727
  7. There's a link in here: http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=775987 You can join online.
  8. With the dawn of Big Ten Network, Fox Sports North (formerly known as the "All Goldie, All The Time" Channel) is probably looking for more local/regional content.
  9. http://www.egriz.com/grizboard/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=67186 Starts about middle of page 2.
  10. Measure 5 would commit at least $300 million per biennium (aka $150 million per year). Let's say ND land is an average of $2350/acre in North Dakota (maybe high for SW ND ranch-only land, low for beet dirt in the RRV). At $2350/acre a section is about $1.5 million. That's 100 sections of land a year ==> a 10 mile by 10 mile square every year. That's crazy. Another way to look at it: Both the ND Farmers Union (very Democrat) and ND Farm Bureau (very Republican) oppose it. If you can make those two groups agree on something, you're messed up.
  11. The %GOBC is angry with us! THE %GOBC IS ANGRY WITH US! THEY ARE MAKING THE SUN DISAPPEAR! Oh please, please %GOBC don't take the sun away. Oh. Wait. http://www.space.com/19195-night-sky-planets-asteroids-webcasts.html Nevermind.
  12. I thought teams, not conferences, were selected for playoffs. Is it Week 10 already?
  13. The voice of Carl Gerbschmidt is actually performed by former Wild coach Jacques Lemaire!
  14. I think your answer resides in traffic flows.
  15. Undeniably that's where this thread went off the rails. The mods can't be everywhere. I'll let you lead us back to the path.
  16. When I read posts by 'gfhockey' I hear Carl Gerbschmidt's voice.
  17. I see your concern and issue ("under existing rules"), but I believe Volley's theory addresses that, namely, Why might the P5 schools support such a notion? Cheaper FBS games (more FBS teams). Keep the anti-trust wolves at bay. Have a greater swirl (more in-fighting for position within the G5) so there's less chance of a G5 team rising up to the top of "Olympus" with the P5*. *"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Top G5 schools are the 'enemy' of P5s, so, why not bring in some more FCS schools ('enemies' of the G5) to the G5?
  18. Allow me to be the Devil's Advocate: Where is Mario Lucia playing right now? That said, I don't see Sandy's kid at UND (or anywhere in the NCHC) or at UMinn. And now I pick up the Tabasco in case I have to eat those words later.
  19. You may have a point. I may be numb to the ongoing drone of some NDSU fans; however, that's when I call in < dramatic intro music here > ... The Administrator.
  20. He's not? Yeah right. Next you'll be trying to tell us that Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't real either. What-evah.
  21. If I started "pressing the button" on all the namecalling/flaming/bickering/trolling here I'm afraid I'd lose a lot of UND fans at times. I have no issue with NDSU fans if they keep it civil, on point, and remember that they are guests in another's house and are expected to follow the rules of that house.
  22. '27, '23: Settle down boys or I'll start using some of the other buttons on my screen.
  23. ... and WiFi connectivity in western ND. Don't forget that.
  24. Dang. I should've put the little "circle C" or "circle R" or a "TM" by that.
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