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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Another poster (they can "out" themselves if they so choose) pointed this out to me: We're running with an unofficial statement (unvetted by UND attorneys) from a UND official from an unnamed NCAA source. Presumably that unnamed NCAA source wasn't reading an official statement or else that official statement would've been turned over by UND (as they should have a copy from the NCAA). Do we really have anything more than we did two weeks ago?
  2. The Pirates hang 9 on LAD in the bottom of the 7th last night. It was a beautiful thing.
  3. It's August. Someone needs to water the Twins, because they're wilting.
  4. Per the NCAA DI manual (disclaimer: my copy may be a year or two out of date): - FBS must average 15000 in "actual attendance" (gate or tickets sold) once every rolling two year cycle (the "two year" thing is to allow for teams that have a big arch-rival home game every other year) - for a ticket to count as "sold" it must be sold for no less than 1/3 the highest priced regular game ticket
  5. Not that hard to find: http://www.emich.edu/univcomm/releases_archived/103006divisionone.html
  6. Enjoy immortality.
  7. Texts and he resigns? I'd think "sensitivity training" and apologies and public shaming and such, but then I find ... Physical nature? Yup. See ya. Buh-bye. Gone.
  8. OK, so my basis assumption is blown to smithereens.
  9. Under the assumption (big assumption) that my notes are correct: The pipeline has nine forwards in it (Yon, Bowen, Keane, Cakebread, Mattson, Senden, Gerlach, Adams, Mismash). That replaces the nine seniors, juniors, and sophomores listed on today's released roster (Caggiula, St. Clair, Sanderson, Chyzyk, Johnson, Simonson, Olson, Schmaltz, Poganski). The pipeliine has four defensemen in it (Bast, Peski, Evers, Kiersted). There are five seniors, juniors, and sophomores listed on today's released roster (Ladue, Thompson, Ausmus, Stecher, Poolman). Given that, I'll guess Brad Berry's first announced recruit will be a defenseman.
  10. So he's looking to build the Colorado answer to Shattuck - St. Mary's.
  11. Not going to say they are set in stone; however, going after all "human" nicknames, after they couldn't get all the Native American nicknames, is something I don't expect them to try for a couple reasons: - They couldn't get all the "race, ethnicity, or national origin" names because of a few power players, so why do they think they can get "all humans" done? - Going after "all humans" brings in even more power players to the fight against them (and the NCAA hates losing) It comes down to this: the NCAA was tired of hearing the haranguing by a few dedicated career protesters over a couple nicknames so they ham-handedly tried something that partially worked. It hit the little guys. As long as they don't hear those nicknames, and don't hear the associated haranguing, they'll ignore the nickname issue. But as they said, as soon as they start hearing the noise again, they bring the sanctions out again (most likely by some new ham-handed policy).
  12. An arrest yesterday of a UND faculty member. If he's guilty I hope he gets everything coming his way. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/crime-and-courts/3812542-updated-und-department-chairman-arrested-allegedly-possessing-child
  13. I didn't say UND folks weren't in Bismarck, GF, Minot, etc, etc, in the same roles, did I? Fargo has need just as the rest.
  14. So Fargo has doctors, lawyers, judges, pilots, ... < You made it so easy it had to be said. >
  15. Main problem with "Sundogs" (besides the cutesy sUNDogs aspect) ... The first to put the name out there was BRIDGES, the UND group that was the main force behind losing the old name and putting all of us through this. Nope, can't support it for that reason alone.
  16. A donation to upgrade the Winter Sport Building was leveraged by Gino. The donation included putting the man's name on the building. The guy ran a casino in Las Vegas. Some folks had problems with this man. This was circa 1987. You can do the math from there.
  17. That was more early 1990s, wasn't it? (Baker was UND president from 1992-1999.) How about the late 1980's when a donation was made to do renovations to the Winter Sports Building (aka REA 1.0). Tom Clifford had to deal with a firestorm then.
  18. The NCAA has already once listened to and supported the folks who didn't like hearing "Sioux". If those folks call again, and complain again, the NCAA will blow them off this time? In a word, no, they can't, otherwise they'd be two-faced against their own PC backers and positions. The NCAA has already all but said (via UND's Peter Johnson's statement) they're waiting by the phone for the next complaint call so they can drop the hammer.
  19. The NCAA policy is framed around "race, ethnicity, or national origin" and they couldn't even enforce that one fully. See: Fighting Irish, Seminoles, Vandals, Utes, Spartans*, Trojans*. If they try again, Roughriders would be in category with Minutemen, Mountaineers, Volunteers, and (gulp) Cowboys. Sooners, Hoosiers, Cornhuskers, and Boilermakers probably fall in the category also. I'm not sweating Roughriders in light of those. * Sparta and Troy were city-states, or "nations of origin" by today's standards.
  20. Knowing they changed the bylaws to allow ExecComm such powers, that's the approach they'd take, and I think you just wrote the update to their policy. I'd bill them.
  21. That's printed on their business cards. It's their motto. (Yeah, that's a flip response, but if you look at their track record of policies and investigations it's their pattern all too often.)
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