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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. That "hawk in a headdress" logo going around has already been litigated in court. It belongs to someone (not of UND) and they've already gone to court to protect their ownership rights once. (Someone had linked to the news reports here once already.)
  2. You are wise, Grasshopper.
  3. WPG v. MIN would sell. MAN v. IOWA ... not so much. There may be a better game on that same ice the next night ...
  4. So they've moved up from gas stations to liquor stores.
  5. Be happy. Maybe this is the "flip" from the by-gone days. The Montanas went FCS (DI-AA) and the Dakotas stayed DII. Now the Dakotas appear to be the ones making the forward move this time around. But there are a lot of other shoes to drop I suspect before all this sorts out.
  6. Oh, I'm well aware of the benefits of Coaches Club level. And no, I'm not selling you the parking pass for 1/3 of face.
  7. Mr. Cerrantino gets the special teams gold star for his chase down and forced fumble. That really turned momentum. The "11th" guy (late to the field) who ruined UCD's fake field goal attempt gets the goat horns. They would've had success on that play; and worse yet, now everyone has it on tape. Lose. Lose. But the most impressive thing on the day to me: the last drive. How many times have we seen UND give up a two score lead with about 5-7 minutes to play and then promptly go three-and-out, thus giving the opposing team hope, the ball, and about four minutes to try to score? But this week, instead, UND lets UCD to within seven and then ... slams the door. UND gets the ball with 6:07 to play at their 29. Instead of giving the ball right back they actually do what winners and champions do in that situation: control the ball and run the clock out by grinding out first downs. That to me was impressive. That to me is a step in a maturation process that I was happy to see.
  8. Is that an original plains Roughrider on a Nokota horse?
  9. Sundogs was terrible long before BRIDGES. They just sealed the coffin.
  10. So ... you're thinking someone's going to make a Coaches Club level donation ($1350) and then sell the prime perk of that club level (parking) to you for less than 1/3 the price they paid.
  11. Who you kidding? That could be a defensive barn-burner!
  12. Uh ... new here? Sundogs was first rolled out by the most PC group on campus, BRIDGES, i.e. the group that drove the name change in the first place.
  13. Hockey's Cap still lists Kristo as a non-roster player.
  14. Holy random speculation ...
  15. About a week to the exhibition opener. Somebody go and ring the bell.
  16. They are breaking the law ...
  17. I happened across the mother of a new Force player recently. (The HoneyBaked jacket gave her away.) She said her son had been on a line with Cakebread during camp and was pretty surprised Cakebread was cut loose. She said her son figured it was part of a "new sheriff in town" movement.
  18. I see "cease and desist" in someone's future.
  19. AE2S EAPC Alerus
  20. I have no problem with The Forum putting how UND Football handles shoplifters at the top of their sports page for everyone to see.
  21. Do they sell bicep bands at Best Buy?
  22. I think that's been part of the UND implementation of the 3-4 scheme from the beginning, whether it was Lennon under RT, or Bubba under Lennon, or Schmidt under Bubba.
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