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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Oh, I see differences. I see a big question mark in the blue paint. That's a massive difference. I see lots of freshman forwards who've played one, no pressure game together versus a team full of experienced upperclassmen who knew how to get to the post-season. That's a difference. I see a team willing to put up 56 shots ... in an exhibition. (Note: Hak's team put up 51 in the Oct 2008 exhibition and 49 in the Oct 2005 exhibition.) The same would be a mobile, jump into the offense, yet responsible in their own end defensive group. I guess I'd like a little more run time on this group before anointing them. Their first test is Maine in Alfond. That's not a nice place to play if you're not wearing Black Bear blue.
  2. #DayByDay
  3. For the first five to ten years will ASU help or hurt your team's and your conference's RPI and PWR?
  4. And Keystone XL, and Sandpiper for that matter, are stalled by folks with a myopic view.
  5. I liked what I saw, but it was one game against a slower, less talented opponent. So, as happy as I am, I guess I have to say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFsa62d5Ri4
  6. Ah yes, "Brent Bobyck Syndrome". Not to be confused with: Jason Notermann Disorder - the inability to hit anything but pipe with a shot Andrew Kozek Complex - the insatiable need to shoot everything over the top and off the glass
  7. That would almost align to this past story: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/188905#.VhUah_lVhBd If that past story is true, the Russians and Iranians would want to fight back with what means they have (short of an all out shooting war). Summary of the two concepts: - Saudis open the spigot to drop world oil prices thus hurting Iran's economy (and ability to build a nuclear weapon). Collateral damage is Russia (need oil at $70 for Siberian shale to be of value), but Saudi is OK with that because Russia is giving Iran nuclear tech. Additional collateral damage is US, but Saudi is OK with that too because Saudi expects the US to deal with such matters and the US isn't doing it this time. - If the first bullet is accurate, Volley's report of Russia supporting Iran (and what Iran may do to jack oil prices) makes sense as a counter move against the Saudis (as Saudi oil needs the Straits of Hormuz open). The Russians and Iranians need oil at $70+.
  8. Guys. Seriously? Quit invoking that name. It's like saying "Biggie Smalls" three times into a mirror.
  9. That %$^& freshman Janatuinen tipped Stecher's goal! Just for that he owes me a goal every game for the rest of the season.
  10. Crazy as this sounds, could Bubba and his staff have a long-range plan to rebuild the program? 1. Rebuild defense. 2. Establish offensive identity (run) and build to that goal by re-establishing an offensive line. 3. Add some skill players (with big play potential) around the core offense after it's established to keep opponents "honest" (not selling out to stop the run). To the casual, untrained eye, it would seem that's the "big picture" that Bubba sees. I know, I know, crazy talk.
  11. SDSU has a defense? Where was it?
  12. Honestly, the result in Brookings. I thought SDSU would make a run at knocking NDSU off. Silly me. Normally home field advantage is worth about 3.5 points. Toss that in and SDSU and UND played about the same against NDSU. That surprises me. The Jacks were top ten ranked going in and were a no-show.
  13. They did their best to get that crippling early season non-conf loss on Friday (going down 2-0 early).
  14. (DISCLAIMER: Score comparisons are terrible. Too many "other" factors involved. I get that.) I guess I'm surprised that SDSU lost at home by 21 to NDSU when NDSU (at home) beat UND by 25.
  15. UNDoubtedly, this group meets at GroUND RoUND. I find their belief unfoUNDed as well.
  16. Why do people think I threw ScoUNDrels in there? Just cause I'm dirty and rotten?
  17. And now we go live to the former mayor of Bismarck's home:
  18. With all the turnover I just realized I'm going to have to buy a game program ...
  19. ESPN math. (I wondered the same. My guess: NYY hadn't secured first WC yet so they were part of it, then TEX, CLE et al.)
  20. Chance of winning second wild card (per ESPN this morning): HOU 53% ANA 35% MIN 6%
  21. Robbing banks is dumb unless you really know you can get away with it. It's not the locals but the Feds who come after you.
  22. We're all expecting the defense to tend to the business at hand until the forwards acclimate and the goaltending establishes itself (see: 43:19). This means we'll have freshman scoring in droves, lights-out goaltending, and shaky defense, to start the season.
  23. Wow ... The Forum has created an interactive map to keep track of all the activity. Interactive map: Rash of robberies not unusual, Fargo police say http://www.inforum.com/news/3850122-interactive-map-rash-robberies-not-unusual-fargo-police-say
  24. Connectivity improvements. Cell phone charging. And beer. http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=100867
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